Yumin darlin' how are you?
Ali darlin darlin darlin wud yeh try to cheer up …at leat just for me…. remember when you told me to just smell some flowers and look at tem and admire them just for you…
do this just for me because i care abt you and i want you to look at any fresh rose and stare at it with gleaming eyes and observe its beauty and smell the air and be thankful for it
thoughts being centered on career is an alright thing didi you are a working woman!!! you mean power..power i say!!!
love, being true to yourelf requires you yourself to think about lots of things
As for my feelings – well im trying to just make my self really happy —- just trying trying trying —- hey got to fake it until yah make it right ?! And besides, we cant cry every day … forever – right?
How do you think it feels to know that your parents really dont care or they dont show anything towards you … really it was worst on me before but now
i've realized that I should give apart of my heart to the one who finds some nicely thing within me
only a part of my heart though, most definitely not much – protection i say protection from pain – someting i can not bear
And i shalt say that althought i have forever been sinking in a huge and deep river i am resting somewhat comfortably on a piece of board and although i am freezing and its mad cold i am laughing hard
although i scorn myself at my reflection my imagination has been bursting lately with hopes of a change
i am drowning in big gobules of fear like particles yet there's some space in between of that that says they will increase in time and fear shall be decreased thereafter
ah this is what i am saying this is what it is
Senor Jalapeno Sir Jalapeno Sir! Wow your talent of speaking… god where did you learn to talk in this style? I too want to learn it! Haha
Oh I know why you would feel all jumbled with all of my questions : See I didnt visit my sweet BWL in quite a lil while soo here I am reading everyone's quotes and replying to em ; Oh ji how old are you certainly you cannot be a fossil… certainly you are not extinct..esle you would be a haunting ghost or something of that sort
Hm snogster is what what what…? Not sure I got that meaning …? Its a lucky guy who is in a relationship with someone beautiful but dont have any responsibilties for the relationship? Hmm I think that must be it….. Lower lip … under the stars???
oye ji !! Who are you talking about surely not alie didi sounds like she was ready to bite your head off !
Oh god you finally said it..'seduced' alright….guys i think its time to TAKE COVER!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice meeting you ji
Yes! God give me patience and give it to me now. If possible give me also other things under thine stars Lol. As for snogging others…why would I want to?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is it just me
or am i seein stuff about senor jalapeno sir jalapeno sir and alie didi talkin; bout snoggin and warnin abt snoggin others n sayin that they WONT snog others
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dum dee dumm dee dumm … arf?
Make the most of your time ma…great friends are such a big part of our lives. Be it online or in person!And on that happy note, Nessa ji, I shall leave…
Must go now.. and the movie is in about three hours!
Take care guys… it's been fun!
Booo have funnn darlin' tell us how that movie went!
Alright dudes ….whats a SNOGSTER????????????
Mad? The most sane of people have moments of alarming insanity and the most insane of people have moments of extraordinary clarity. I am neither. I just seek to rendezvous with a stolen moment beneath the stars.
Whoaaa…what exactly does this mean senor jalapeno sir jalapeno sir!
Random thought – I like the way Senor writes. Although it seems a little formal, I guess.
I know Its like…awesomely interesting! Sounds like one of them big newspaper articles which explains important and complicated subjects !
Im old enough to blow a hole in my roof and stand underneath it with you. Definitely not 16. I am the president of the local chapter of Geriatrics Anonymous. Does that answer your question. Oh, all the teeth in my mouth are mine.
Oh didi you are really treating this Senor Jalapeno like a Serio kinda dude
But geesh, Senor Jalapeno Sir Jalapeno Sir! Your style of writing is extremley impressive
But still tell na, how old are thou?
Have fun Tayba!!
Nosyira Heyyyyy how are youuuu? Hope your summer has been going alright? what books are you reading now?
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
I’m off on holiday for I don’t know how long! Lol, I’m going abroad and plans are being made from there. If I don’t get the chance to pop in here that often, do not forget me!!! Hehe, I will come back and haunt you guys!
Love you all
oye hoye…tussi jaa rahe ho? Tussi na jao.
oye rani jaan yr pic of rani hehe..is soooooo cuteeeee awwwwww man yeh just feel like huggin her till she smiles aww
Unique_princess :
HEY! Im going Canada tomorrow0 so I won't be on the forum for some time too! so a bigggggggg BYEEEEEEEEE to everyone and have a great summer and take care of yourselves and keep smiling!!!!!!!! and Khushi, if you're going tomorrow too, then, we may even walk past each other at the airport LOL. Don't worry I'll keep a look out for a girl singing bollywood songs I remember you once told me that if I was ever in Oxford St and saw a girl singing bollywood songs, it is probably u! lol! Now whenever I go shopping there I think of you
Take care hun have a great summer! and take care the rest of you lovely people!!!! will miss you all!!! xxxxxx
Have fun tayabaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell me how it went!! and tell me abt yr meeting with shereeenaaa
watch out for them canadian boys now you know how hawwt you are
Scar face:
ali didi hiii? how are you ??? tellt ell tell miss youuuu i hope everything is okay but am a bit confused i thought you said a good thing about loving someone..and hearing wedding bells…and now…. scared…and protecting? oh wait…and john legend?!!! hehehe oh gawd dont fall in love with a singer now didi
Firstly …get yr darn fone sorted… I wanna talk to u …u hear..soooon Didi I will get the phone thing sorted out promise you I want to talk to you too
2ndly Mara is okies, just have the flu, my lil angel hahaha…told her i wud send her medication shud she not visit the docs …
sooo am sure that scared her a lil Awwwwwww our poor marine love … I know she really needs to get lots of rest and all
and wat wedding??? I am getting married – will faint in a few seconds… hahaha and may I ask who the unlucky chap is??
the only ppl getting married here is Shakzeee and Ness as far as I know hun ..Meeeeee
NEVA…..am not the marriagable type… Aw man you are a wonderful woman! I remember you telling us about WEDDING BELLS and im quoting here! Soooooooo assumed wedding bells hinted …. a wedding……? your wedding……? aww man what happ?!
I thought Ness said she called her whole engagement thing off [?]
Am busy as hell here …explains my silence… Aww man ……. take it easy pleaseeeee we dont need you to getttt over stresseddd that is SO thumbs down!
as for being scared..well Kavs, yeah am scared to love, fear of rejection an all of dat..not in the mood to talk about it at the moment
sooo if I were not afraid, I would allow myself that pleasure ..to open my heart to love… Oh love I know you always talk of these fears and I know sometimes we try to protect our selves and I really cant blame you becase sometimes we know if we get hurt we'd can TAKE IT
john Legend concert, it was on Sunday …he is simply gorgeous
seriously gorgeous hey..
as for loving a singer…wats wrong with that?? Ohhhh you saw him in real life?!!!!! Cool! I thought you were just dreamin about him out of the blues! Nawwwwwwww its alright loving a singer nothing wrong with that
except as much as I am a dreamer, am also a realist so no worries on dat k
now to much important matters…
hope u well?? no – HOPE YOU ARE WELL! Since I know you were really having some hard hard times……… was wondering lots
hows the long long holiday going Ack dont askkk…Im just home cleaning cooking everyday and picking my sister up from school
hws da dude The dude? Well, I suppose he is okay??? We went to watch Rise of the Silver sufer it was soooo good i like ittttt
hws the family I dont know how the family is but I guess they are okay… reallly im sure they dont care about me one bit but….. anyway
u ???
miss u tooo sweety sooo get yr fone sorted Miss you bin wondering how you were and how yr sis and parentsw were .. will get the phone thing done soon dont worry will talk to you soon
love u lotz my darling
mmmuwaaahz Right back at you diiiiiiii
~~ didi~
A big shout out to all my lovely buddies on my lovely BWL forum! I haven’t been very active on the forum recently and I apologise for it! I really have been busy! But today I feel very much in BWL mood, so….
From all the wish-wash and the zing-zong of our lives, I love the fact that somehow in sometime we make time to come here, us – silly mad strangers, and manage to share a part of our life, a part of our heart with this forum and its beautiful members (Oooo, including our very own Oreo ji, we lub u! (Im sure he’s gone and thrown up in a bucket by now with all the love…))
Going down memory lane, I last fondly remember Rani and Marine hanging off a tree apparently so, running away from the now mr-gayab Baqz sahib! Remember those days? *Chuckles with laughter*
Myself, Rani and Boo and their silly shenanigans with broken tables, splashing water, running around with a belan/danda and teasing the hell out of me! The swirling and swinging to song… Maahi Ve, Ab Toh Forever…
Our Londoners accent, people in general and madness with Tabz and Myself… and whether the weather is any good in the different parts of London that we live in! Boo obiviously questioning us to work out whether we live near eachother with the weather conditions, which we obiviously didn’t. I had the rain, she had the sunshine… and then she the sunshine and I had the rain! Bleh! Lolololol… And Ooo ofourse, the possibility of me and Tabz possibly walking past eachother without even knowing!
Me and Rani debating whether Abhishek is any good or not…we all know the answer…
The interesting and stimulating debate about religion, God, people, race, relationships, the hard sides to life. Beautiful wallpapers by all of your guys. The various songs Alie keeps singing, and Nessa’s wonderful ways with humour! Kavita’s sweet comments and Nosyira’s silent and sweet existence on this forum…
<span style="color:r
Most of the non-Indian friends that frequent my place for a 'Spicy Bite' seem to prefer Shahrukh Khan over Abishek, and so do I. But, enough about men. Lol. Priety is good though she over-accentuates her english and makes it sound like she is speaking from the bottom of a well. Kajol, I've only seen in one movie and I was impressed. But, Rani Mukerji…entirely another story. (Deep sigh). Oh, Kavita, I saw Rise of the Silver Surfer and was thrilled. I have an issue with critics who obviously have never read the comics questioning Lawrence Fishburne's voice-over for the Surfer saying it lacked bite. As for me sounding intelligent- I am just that. Intelligent sounding! Lol. I love this forum. All of you have such eclectic lives and seem to care for each other more deeply than in the average forum. Glad to be a part of all this.
Senor Jalapeno Sir How art thou? This Intelligent talk of yours is quite impressive, is it the same as when you speak in real life? Well Shahrukh Khan is always my favorite he is awesome! kajol is very good too I love Rani Mukherjeee She is my favorite. I love Rise of THe Silver surfer it was So so so so GOOD! I loved it so much – I actually did not like the first one but I love this one – the silver surfer was good!!!!! Aww! Poor thing!
Well, we do love each other alot. You say we care about each other more than in average forum – seems like you have visited many forums before?
We are glad to have you apart of this too – anyone is welcomed and who is welcomed is loved!
Nice to meet you
Awwwwww Boo
Its okay
dont worry like this it will be alright
Have some faith and remember alot of this lies within yourself
You can only be strong and fight bad emotions off if you make yourself strong
Hello Everyone! How are you all doinggggg? Missed you all tons
Ohhhh Yesterday I went with … HIM to see Rise of the Silver Surfer it was soooooooooooooooo goood I liked it aloottt…
Senor Jalapeno you're new here?? Welcome but oh … your sentences are soooo … intelligent sounding I mean… you must be some pro at writing??
Whats this thing about Abhishek I m hearing? I saw some new movie preview with him … he's good but shahrukh is like the best like..always!!!!!!
tabz – oh geez you must show me a pic of your bro – the guy rani has the hots for
marineee hey how is your brotherrrr
ali didi hiii? how are you ??? tellt ell tell miss youuuu i hope everything is okay but am a bit confused i thought you said a good thing about loving someone..and hearing wedding bells…and now…. scared…and protecting?
oh wait…and john legend?!!! hehehe oh gawd dont fall in love with a singer now didi
xox kavita xox
who's this?
he's a soccer player!
Ohh geez Im really not a sports person
Im not sure how I interpret that yumin that is why I asked you
It makes me confused
What do you mean 'hating on the self' mood? Ha
Let me allow you guys to ponder something
Let me ask opinions here :
Do you think people are treated differently depending on how they look ( ex. dressed up / plain) ?
Let me allow you guys to ponder something
Let me ask opinions here :
Do you think people are treated differently depending on how they look ( ex. dressed up / plain) ?
Have you seen anything of the sort or have you experienced it?
Yumin what doad duas mean? is it prayers? just wnated to make sure