yumin ali
aint no body old here!
pshtt we young flowers with young spirits
“you gals”
arf? ! aint me child
i just came back after a while n saw kissing and snoggin or what ever it is under some startlight star bright ..n u and senor Jalapeno postings lol
n then i think yumin n rani said something with boo ji n im like..huh? lol
aint me
you ask the other girls! lol
Hey, yep i am new around here and am quite unsure about the type of service this provides/is.
well if u don't mind explaining, i would apreciate it.
Hey its really good to see a new member here with us Ah its okay … about SerioComic – he is like that to everyone but we love him… just dont let what he says upsets you in anyway – just thikn of it as a joke a very mean joke argh
Well BWL is just a nice forum place where members like you and me and the others come and we post messages.. and we reply to other people messages .. just look at the thread's Say somthing totally can say anything lyou like ; there is one called Introduce yourself – you should definitely go there and tell us all about your self
But you can defintely tell us about yoursel fin this thread
Nice meeting you!!
Take care … if you have any more questions..ask away… anyone who logs on im sure will be glad to answer
Oreo stop scaring them away!! You are always successful at doing that
hey not really, I'm HERE!
I wasn't scared away, was I? Oreo just gave me a reason to stay and reply.
him nd nitza and their “scaring away techniques”.
Loll actually we were kinda relating what we said to the movie Rise of the Silver surfer.. obviously boo watched it coz… she replied and stuff int hat same way
You guys have winter in… June July ?
Whoa… thats like so interesting
Dotn freeeeezee… wear tons a clothes
welll… if u reali thnk that he is not intrestd in her, then rather tel her b4 she dcides she reali dus like ths guy. spare her the pain…
Yes definitely……..
hey sugaR what up!
First let me say – esp. to Senor Jalapeno – Im NOT the one to be 'waiting' for to give advice! Please share!
Scar face:
okies my friend likes this dude..both are independant This is GREAT – makes it easier for them to know themselves and what really they want
have good jobs, cars bla bla bla
however my dear friend here wants a brother with $$ coz she doesnt want to have a kept man ( her words )
anyways, she met this guy thru mutual friends and have indicated to him that she is
this guy, also seemed interested in her, well from my observation, however
she seems to be doing all the work whilst he on the other hand chillz
meaning…she asks him to the movies, dinner etc… By “work” you mean asking him out because she notices he has money ? Do you think he sorta figured her out and is sorta 'not doing anything / chilling' on purpose to see if she will keep going on with him ?
they've been at it for errrrhmmm 3 months I think and she's been complaining that he hasnt even kissed her yet ( hahahaha) Time darling time – patience is a virtue … you know in time we can accomplish so many things and build as a person … let her give its some time… and whilst this 'time' is being waited upon, let her read him like a book and keep an eye out – he might be reading HER like a book – as to where her financial ideas are concerned
soo my dear fwend Gossamzzz and I have realised that he may not actually be interested in her but one of us ( errrr I am excluded ) in the group coz he seems more intent on luking elsewhere ( literally ) ( caught his eye a few times ) instead of at my dear friend oh no you serious? geeez…. didi, is it you??? but anyway…. its alright if he looks elsewhere..i mean come on…eyes wonder sometimes i guess? unless there is OBVIOUS reason t believe his eyes are drifting off to soem other person…and he's looking at her in ..some sorta …. ' i like you' way. … then maybe she shouldnt worry about the eye thing too much
sigh..Men..I think it may be gosamz he is actually interested or he is simply be a reaaalllly slow coach with woman… Hey some guys can be 'slow' with woman..and come on 3 months is a short period of time..maybe he had some bad experience in the past and he just needs the time and perhaps he just wanna get to know yr friend better….. well if you guys think its gosammer then..whoo… u shud set her up when the other girl is there n lets see who is catching his attention more
anyways, wat worries me is dat missy friend seems more interested in the perks , like the fact that he has lotza $$..and not really in the guy, who btw is a really kewl dude and he may have sensed it coz she is very verbal about her desire to be extra rich… This is a thumbs down didi! IF he's a nice dude …and smart enough to SENSE it… and plus she's making it obvious..then it could be reallllllly possible that HE IS reading her like a book and HE IS doing everything on purpose ex. not asking her out alot, not kissing her as yet ; to see if she … kinda like him for who he is adn if she can give the relationship more shots even though he didnt kiss her and proclaim that he is 100% hers
now wat if she actually falls in love with him??
wat if he doesnt feel the same for her??
wat if he is only going out with her coz he knows she is surrounded by whomever the person ( gosamz and I had dreamed up ) he actually likes??? Oh gawwwwwwd…. i seriusly think you pple shud set up somthing… have gosam
Senor Jalapeno Sir Jalapeno Sir !
Howdy – Actually Im not much of a coffee drinker – but lets wait for Yummin's reply to your post…. she loves coffee aloottt
Well……. but surely i've never heard of coffee that gave insomnia for two days Sorry to hear that ; drink lots of water to flush the system and do some relaxation techniques ; warm milk helps too.
hey yummin darling , how are you doing? I am ..okay i suppose [?] How are classes?!
I am not scared of Spiders for as long as they are scared of me. If I ever find out that they are not, then I definitely would get scared. I remember as a child, I was not scared of small Spiders, that was until I read about the Black Widow and promptly acquired a new fear Lol. I know of a person who has a Tarantula for a pet and I seriously am beginning to think that this person has overcooked fettuccine for brains. Yuck! and Oh No!lol! ewww! i fear NOTHING but spiders…oh man :p
Aww you poor thing
Aw man…
*Looks around*
I was not intending to have any one killed.
And – Gold Member does not mean
Old [ in age ]
Your status as a member is given from the number of posts you contribute to the forum
sugaR how art thou?! Hope you're okay ? Just remember to take it easy and dont go too hard on yourself!
By the way, I thought your summer break has started? I guess not… If you're that busy and hectice
Take care
Boss – in – crime who is from OUTTER SPACE
Its time to blow him up so you can be free from the bondage of scaring off new members from the forum !
Lol – Dont go so hard on yourself for my crazed reply!
No need to forgive ….pshhht aint no forgiving when nothing was done wrong
Ooo I dont know where sugaR went..she emailed me a few times I think she is okay and going on summer break soon [?]
BTW – its alright – venting gives us gals PURPOSE of existance!
Lol. OOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo Yes – how is yr studying???// Tellllllllllll
Well me myself havent read in a long time…summer break is here sooooo I figured hey …. time to read … just dont know which book to get
Lol No Harry Pottering Haha
I didnt even read the 5th book But I soooooo cant wait for the movie yuppers!!!
See Im not THAT much of a FAN where's i've read all and every page in each book
Right now Im reading As You Like It – By Shakespeare He's awesome!
Alright Didi Will read this later & tell my thoughts ! But first I have to type up some stuff for my dad asap !
Oreo stop scaring them away!! You are always successful at doing that
i have no choice. im instructed to do that
Rotflmao hahahahaaaa fallin' outta my chair
You're crazed
No seriously.
Lol – EAT!! and RELAX… I hope you aint be stressing yourself out TOO much
Will check facebook later
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
and oye hoye, do I sense some chemistry between Boo ji and Senor ji?
lmao. boo, will u ever get tired of me teasing you? It started off with Mr. Desi hunk, then to Baqtiar saab, then Oreo ji, and now Senor…
*sigh* How I love this.
Lol Ranz…Boo is awesome ~~
But about the 'sensing something' What about scar face and senor J ~~ I dont knw..I came back after a long time n saw stuff about …snogster ..snog [KISS] under stars and stuff
Didi will KILL me
*HIDES ASAP!!!!!!*
Alright Alilisha No lectures abt drinking *zips mouth but KEEPS the key in pocket INCASE things get outta hand* 🙂
We will talk soon on the phone Will make sure for that; just got to wait a lil till school closes
'course she has FRIENDS silly … hope you're not jealous you're not one of them?