Hahaha you crack me up but geesh …. didnt know such guys existed thatNess would think they're perfect
oo whats canada like ! i've been hearing pple going there forsummer and all ! is it true that it snowws there like..all the time ?
'course she is a wonderful student – Tabz! send that paper over a.s.a.p !
oooh hehe..um..he's indian right?
oh heck that dont matter .. if he is or if he ever saw a bollywood movie before
so which do you like better his smile or his eyes or something else
like CHARM ofcourse
Just want to tell you thanks..I read all of this the same day..and felt it so much better to calm myself !
But for right now i'll stay away from this thread!
So..what you're saying is…
The person will die because you'll harm them.. with um… something kind that ended up looking like love at its extreme?
I know! It's like she has a vendetta against hungry people. I don't get women sometimes. I have this colleague who constantly complains about how no one talks to her and no one asks her out and how lonely she is each weekend… Funny thing is, she is drop-dead gorgeous with desirable dimensions north and south of the erm equator, but it is not always that easy to approach a beautiful woman and say 'Hi' without feeling like your tongue and your tonsils are doing the Tango. Sheesh! Be merciful.
So, what you're trying to say is that..its hard and UNlikely that people would approach beautiful women? Which would make beautiful women equal to unattractive women ? Wow what a thoughtful thought of mine , derived from yr words ! If only that were true!
BTW whats this with beauty, everyone was made with beauty. Why single out and call these set beautiful and these set not! [Im not saying that you said this Senor J ]
Boo !!!! o my gawd – this means you need to go to more BBQ's ..aw man … whats he like ? Besides being hot lol
As for you ms. alisha..lol… you guys are funnyy… hehe you like his smell and hair aye..i hope you dont get caught up in the moment and the next thing the dude feels is yr fingers gliding through his strands hehe
you read it?!
I want to read it Tayaba!!!!
BTW..how was CANADA!!!!!!!!!! i hope you remember me telling you to watch out for them canadian boys ahemm hotness comes with a price most times
how did it go..? meeting shereena in real life?! wish i cud meet some of ya'll in real l ife myself
I'd like to run away
From you,
But if you come
And find me…
You would die.
~ by Senor Jalapeno ~Sorry, I just had to do that. I wish a certain someone from my past would read that. Sigh!
Whoa there… art thou alright? …. why would……….. such and such die if they found you…… hmm..
okay no need to answer that!
Haha Senor J…funny!
Geez I actually have a few gray hairs … does that mean im old? Obviously not..because Im not old…
Alie… i dont know i am guessing sometimes hereditary has something to do with the uprising of gray hair..i mean this early [?]
But god… i hope its not coming from all that stress on yr shoulders! Take it light
Hey oh you're online God I dont know what to say I feel really screwed up Like really I dont know whats happening here its just crazy That guy I told you of I just got into a quarrel with him today and he was at work And I called him nothing but scum ..something i would NEVER call anyone (but myself – indirectly ) Its just I asked him about his past and I know it dont matter but I cant believe I believed he had no dealings with no one
cont'd from top : I know i cant give him nothing alisha but that doestn mean i dont love him alisha i dont do anything wrong nothing wrong i dont even go out with friends i dont even have none for god's sake and you know what
Tomorrow he's going to an oooh so nice wedding and I just wanted to take this time to call up a friend and lets go to the movies or something just so I CAN SAY I HAD FUN TOO when you were … Its fine with me I mean I am trying to be an understanding person to him .. and not yelling and screaming and venting everything inside of myself and him im TRYING to be more understanding and i am being successful bc im trying to make my mind calm
but its this stupid thing.. he goes out with his friend's sister to do grocery shopping and shopping for the wedding ( the wedding tomorrow is his friend's relative 's wedding ) and all that .. and anyway i know you'll say so friends are friends..well i dont want to know if he's going by their home and she's crying to him and telling him about how much she wants some guy to make time for her but it doesnt seem as if he wants to
and then he's going to tell me that he wishes i was like her .. i hate comparisons if you want to tell me i suck or i stink or im not pretty or whatever say it dont compare like that
anyway forget this part with girl crying and all that .. that was like 1 week back..and then my dad saw him and some girl walking and talking argh this is the GREAT moment for this to happen when everyone is THROWING everything at me right .. ok this was 1 week back too
look enough ENOUGH DAMN IT
Hi alisha how are you? First of all I want to tell you thank you I received the package and I was so so glad – you are soo kind… now I get to boast to the air that I got chocolate all the way from Durban! You are too kind
As for replies – aww my I know you were not so cold as to laughat yr loving mom because she was sad her sofa got burnt ..ah my..well she need to def get another one to replace this one or is it irreplaceable?
Ohh so its a specific GUY hmm that makes everything more……better! hmm u seem like u kinda like him but geez he kinda seem to have a whole load of diff emotions flying round the place … n this whole thing abt him lying to u..are we talkin' lil petty lie here or like..BIG lie to make you really hurt ..?
love you tons alie i do
Senor Jalapeno – i didnt get the chance to reply to yr home post bc i had to go off suddenly..
sorry to hear that you're in such a fix with moving and all but I sure do hope that you find a good place
to live in … you can always tell us more if you want to let anything out we're here to listen … there may not be much that we can do but..we do listen … how about your parents ji? do you keep into contact with them? if you dont want to answer its okay…
As for learning spanish … there must be other means to learn it unless you had wanted to learn it from that one particular person [?]
Take care Ji
Scar face:
You guys have winter in… June July ?
lol, yup…
Whoa… thats like so interesting
watye mean…u always make it sound like we r a different species fo sorts hahaha
Dotn freeeeezee… wear tons a clothes
doing jus dat, but its stilll soooo darn cold
lol sorry i didnt mean to
we're just in different parts of the world thats all and we have different stuff to us lol…………. gawd i'd REALLY be glad if i had some COLLLLLLD here right now in this hot hot hot hot summer !
oh yeah i heard from you that you saw snow ! yayyaaa………… aint it beautiful alie? It truely is !
Hey girls..whats happening?
Do you know why the Procrastination Club still has no members?
If you apply for an admission, you don't qualify!
I dont get it
Maybe bc Im sloowww
Ranz… obviously someone did something that needs to be forgiven so who's the culprit pshhht i have faith that both of you gals wont do something as bad that would need a great deal of forgiving anyway
Gawd people..how many times do i have to tell everyone that we aint old
we're young spirits
Scar face:
oye, on da defensive huh **winks** WHY YES OF COURSE
mmmwaaaahhhhh…canye feeel dat sloppy kiss luw hahaha oo i can feel it..i can feel the power! lol
me misses u sooo much
heck I misss Mara tooo…dat chicky chopped off her hair, she luks sooo darn cute she cut her hair AGAIN?! n she told me she wanted it to grow back!
today, am feelin:
much more relaxed, coz I am almost done with mah work haha
happy coz I spoke to mum and she just make me laffff…..
she burned her lounge suite hahaha, dat cracked me up ..coz she treasures it sooo much geez you crack up when someone loses something they treasure? uhhhh uh hmm
loved coz well I just feel it haha
admired, coz dis dude said I luk errr sexi hahaha ioooooooooooo ali didi you gettin' eye up by guysssss who's the sexy mama in da house!
in da mood to dance ..coz coz coz
and irritated all at once, coz my urk headaches are back
content, for sum odd reason, i feel like this is hw things were meant to be..
hopeful, that a certain fwend finds the courage to express his love to another fwend
enriched, by the lil blessingz called family and friends
hm and its really interesting how this 'content, hopeful enriched' talk can be changed over night just because..MEN screwed it up… whew…. poor didi whats it with you and this….thing you call…MEN
Hey Senor J … by the way… you're not spanish are you..? either that or you like jalapeno peppers // ?
Aww mannnnnnnn no brain exploding.. pleaseeeeee is soo know how that feeling feelssss … studying could crack you
and you study AND work ….sighhhhhh —- just remember to RELAX and go out for walks and SLEEP and eat alright ….
hahaha how art thou ? that prob does explain that
gossamer is reading harry potter and the order of the phoneix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its the new HP movie coming out soon ..i didnt even read it lol but i want to before the movie comes out at least will get it from the library asap !
Koontz author sounds interestinggg will try soem of these books soon
this was nice
Scar face:
Thought u were more the **stay at home and cook a meal **type of guy..?? Ohh hmmmmmmmmm is this from his style of talking alie
How long have u been away from yr home?? It looks like it may hurt you but…. you can share it with us anytime..
Kavs, all that household chores getting to u huh hahahaha Ahh no ofcourse NOT! I have to go clean riht now before my dad comes home
Eish mums, they are the bestestsesss in the world I tell u This feels strange im glad you feel like that toward your mom i dont know what to say i dont think my parents like me i know they kind of dont although i try to do everything right
My poor sis will think I have psychic powers ..how is yoru sister?
Have you ever seen a man cook? I don't know about other men, but good grief it takes a while to clean up after I'm done. Besides, its not that fun cooking for yourself not to mention cheap either. I eat out most nights and almost all afternoons. What I enjoy is breakfast at home. But, it does not take much to blanche asparagus, melt emmenthal or scramble eggs even if it were with cream. Now, if it was for the right person, cooking would be a delight. Its because someone else besides you gets to enjoy the cooking. Also, I suck at Indian dishes. Shameful, but true. I'm better off with Pasta and Mediterraenan stuff.
As for being away from home (except for the odd one week visits that never satisfy one's yearning) approximately fifteen years. Too dang long.
Oh no…. why dont you share with us about your home… or what you know of it …. if it doesnt hurt you too much to do so
By the way , pasta is always a good meal to eat … I know…i make a mess too when i cook haha… im not a pro but still learning..what i have to learn to do now is kinda bake some nice cakes and stuff yeah like thats going to happen?
oh and eating out…. i hope you eat healthy foods …. all day fast foods are really not good for your body
Senor & Alie – I didnt get what was meant by 'handles' but im supposing its something to laugh over?
as for the dishwasher aha… i dnt even have a dishwasher its all manual labor here i say ! but the icon is nice.. btw i have to go wash dishes right now and cleannnnnn before my parents come home ..the cooking is done…just gotta clean up the mess that i made to get there !
And got to exercise this evening pshhhhhhht havent done that in quite a while and my bones are all tight… lol…lets see if i'll manage to even get my boots on aha