Oh mi goodness child! The song!! Yes! The one that you posted very beautifully with translation
Its such a fun song!! hehehe … girls … ganing up on … guy(s), whats not fun about that!
LOL We're all ganging up on him with Lyn! It reminds me of the song Yeh gore gore se chorre from hum tum. LMAO but then again, that song has ALWAYS reminded me of him LMAO LMAO LMAO I could always imagine me singing that to him LMAO LMAO
Oo – la – la ! This sounds like fun!
Hey Rani, I wrote my bit on what you had said earlier. But I didnt realize that it would be sooo-sooo long! Sorry I think I over did it and now you have to read loads … (well of course if you chose to read it).
Its really long and I've decided to send it in through pms … so you can read it there.
I had posted it up, and I tried to delete it but I realized that there is no 'delete' option in the 'edit' tab … sooo, that would explain me posting a dot
Anyway – It was fun reading the translation of that song! I alwys like it hehehehe, now I know why Rani was acting so mean to him. Well, he deserved it!! hehe!
Oreo, this behavior is absolutely unacceptable!
If you want to post up pictures of yourself, for the sake of heaven, get groomed beforehand !
I never see Rani, Tayaba and Ninja on MSN anymore
I know the timing is all messed up.
Hey Boo, do you mind sharing your msn id, maybe i'll have some luck with you?
Oh hunny! I knoww I haven't seen you on MSN in forever too!!! I don't come on too much, maybe every other day. But when I do come on, I never see you there! I think it's the time difference! Ninja is away for the summer so that's why she hasn't been on MSN! Hopefully talk to you soon sweetie! mwaaah! x
Yeahhh I know right geeesh. We dont come on as much as before. And the time is the thing that totally messes it up! Anyway, I still have you in my list sooo, maybe one day we'll both be online at the same time, and we'll chat!
Oooo-oooh Ninja is away for the summer! Whew, I was wondering where she was all this time. Well, I hope she's alright and enjoying her time.
I feel awful for saying this Kavita, but I deleted you off my msn.
It was a long time ago and it was a really awful time for me and I was having family issues about speaking to people I met online and so I deleted everyone besides Tayba.
I went back and re-added everyone else once I could and I could have sworn I re-added you as well, but I'm guessing I didn't? I'm rarely ever online anymore though. I only get online when a friend asks me to get online. I'm so sorry.
Will you forgive me? I'm going right now to re-add you. Will you give me your msn id? And I've actually been looking for you on Facebook as well, do you still have Facebook?
I feel so awful…
Hey my babbby, no need to feel so awful! Now cheer up. I'd hate to see you waste your energies on something so unnecessary! I understand … I understand how familes can get sometimes. And i understand how sometimes, when you're going through things, you just feel the need to avoid people, trust me I know that feeling. I hope your family has eased up on you now though ? … with chatting with people you met online … It sounds really scary but, surely this forum isnt! And sometimes, family dont get it. Its okay though. They just want to protect us.
My mom recently asked me again about Alishia. She sent me mails before. So, back then, my mom and me were alone in the room and my mom looks at me and she was like … did you meet a guy? Like from online? From a different country? Im like whaaaaa? Then she goes, (its okay) you can tell me (the truth). And she was serious. Im like .. (kinda speechless from the thought she had!) whatt?! No … its a girl mom! Why would i chat with any guy online and tell them my address and phone number and stuff, like i'd never do that! And she's like … are you sure? Its a girl who's sending you all these gifts and stuff? (Alishia had sent me a Harry Potter book) .. Im like 🙁 Its just a book mom … and its a girl that sent it
. She gave up asking but Im not exactly sure if she's convinced lol. Thats okay though. This was back then. But then, recently, she asked me if I was sure its a girl
Cos my brother was teasing me that I like some guy from South Africa
and my mom was around. Anyway, thats pretty cleared up. My mom's great. She was just asking. Our families… they just want to protect us. Its their natural job
So no feeling awful hun! Por favor! Now sure i'll send you back my id. And hopefully we'll be able to chat whenever you come online…and I know that may be unlikely since you come less and plus the time is all different, but thats okay! Once we're in each other's lists, its all possible
Love you babe Hugss
I Hate You, Don't Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality (Mass Market Paperback)
by Jerold J. Kreisman & Hal Straus
Hm, I think I should get this
Love in The Time of Cholera. I think I heard of this.
Isnt this a Shakespeare type book … ? If Im right ..? I mean, the setting time … ?
Anyone read 'The Reader' ? Im not sure who its by but Kate Winslet just made a movie based on the book. I heard its really good.
Im about to bug someone to take me to the mall where the bookstore is. I need a book to read, I need some characters to keep me company for this summer! Lol. I was telling my sister that and she stared at me and called me weird haha.
But no, I do need some characters to keep me company! Im basically relaxing and um, yeah I that'll do me well. Im not much of a big novel reader, but the few books I read … geesh, they were such great experiences … sooo,
anyone read 'The Reader?'
I was t hinking of getting 'Twilight'. My brother said once you start reading it, you get extremely hooked on it. Aint that supposed to be a good thing? … the way he said it … he was like, I know some people … they couldnt/didnt study well for their finals cos they were all into reading Twilight. Im there thinking … then it must be darn good!
Lol. I'll get 'Twilight' later on though.
Tayaba, I didnt get a proper chance to reply to this. First of all, I read Boo's advice and I think its so damn true. It just is. It is a very true thing that, it's YOU, it is YOU who can truely change things and make it better. Besides actually changing situations, have you realized how powerful perception is? Your view of something could be the thing that is eating you apart, viewing it in a different light, can drastically change things (even thought the actual situation may not change). But the thing is, often, it is only after situations actually change, then we see things differently. Because then, its easy to do that. No work to do that. The hardest things to do require so much work :
It is true that only YOU can change things (whether it be your perception or actual situations) to make them work for you/in your favor. Very often, this is extremely hard to realize. I find myself making SO many excuse about the simplest things, then one day I asked myself, if you had really wanted to do it – do you think it would have matter if it was rainy, sunny or snowy outside? Do you think it would have mattered if you felt sleepy or hesitant? Compare this situation with something you REALLY want to do. You'll see that, no matter what, whatever the conditions are, the circumstances, you'll find a way, some way, to get it done. Likewise, we have to try our best to realize that we should ease up on excuses, and make things work (accepting things is included in here).
Us, Your friends and everyone else … ; you tell us your problems, you vent your feelings, what can we really do? We talk. We comfort. We hug. We listen. We will never mind listening to you, for hours even. Because, that is all we can do (the majority of times). We can only walk with you through this. But ultimately, its is only the person, YOU, who can truely change things, who can truely change situations and perceptions to make things work and seem or be better.
I learned .. or I should say, in the process of learning, a key lesson in life so far : accepting things play a huge part in ridding yourself of much of suffering. If you dont accept that 'thing' that gnaws at you everyday, it is highly likely that you'll never be without the uncomfortable anxiety that you despise. I am not saying that accepting things is easy. Not in a million years. It may take a long time … many months …. more often – many years. And I am not saying that all the different things that differnt people have to accept will bring about the same level of comfort. Some things are MUCH MUCH harder to accept than others. Some things take so much more time, than others. We just have to try our best to accept our 'thing/s', let be be done well and let it leave us without that anxiety and sadness.
Boo, last night I dreamt that I was talking to you ! Geesh. I only remember dreaming forummers once … and we were all there! Oreo had on this really tight shirt and I think we were trying to tell him to lay off the 'cool' look or something lol. I remember clearly that Rani and Ninja were wearing two of my scarfs (purple), and we were all laughing and having a great time!
Now, last night, I dreamt I called you (or you called me, cant remember). And from the time you spoke your first words, I was like – Ah ha! you're an American! I can tell from the way you're talking! I was like, Aaahhh, so thats the beautiful country you are all elated about! You didnt really say anything to back yourself up, so I figured, it is America!
Anyway, as I was talking to you, I was roaming around in a house thats supposed to be yours (soooo weird ), and I saw this book shelf and it had a Psychology book on it (I think it was Psychology of Adolescence or Children). Then I went out back, and there was a big pool … there I saw my little sister in the pool, eating, apparently she was really hungry.
Well I continue talking to you and you tell me that you love yourself. And Im like um okay thats great, and I was thinking …. (conceited? ) lol. Then you started telling me that one should never say 'love you' to another person. They should always say 'love me- as in to love thyself' cos you really should love yourself. And Im like oh okay, but wouldnt other people take that wrong way? I mean life if your bf is trying to tell you that he loves you, and all you're saying back is 'i love myself' … then?
Then I think I woke up.
Lol. That was such a strange dream. Maybe I can see some of the links to why I would dream such a thing … but its all so confusing!! Dreams are usually confusing and all mixed up anywayy..
But, Boo, just … tell me that you dont have a Child/Adolescence text book lying on a bookshelf somewhere…
Cos, otherwise, I'd think Im psychic or something
Hey di, its okay its okay … dont worry about it. Its fine… I guess I just changed my mind from posting it.
Got your email, check your reply. Love you lots. Make sure you take your rest, and stay warm! I shud be there making you some tea right now … nice and warm to put you to sleep.
Rani, I stil have my bit to share (about what you wrote to me)
I was going to do it right now, but I have to go ugh!
Until then, stay safe hun.
Love you
Gosh, the memories that Im having at this moment!!!
When I was younger, I was WAY, and I mean WAY more obsessed with Shahrukh.
I used to tell my mom that I'll marry him. I used to tell her about the dreams I used to have about him (with me and him chilling at my house lol). And I used to explain to my friends that, see, Shahrukh really wants to be with me, like to marry me, but he's with that Gauri,see she's a mistake that he made, and he'd need some time to figure it all out.
Dangg… to think of it, that was a bit extreme. My friends used to laugh at me lolz. And my mom had a real joke out of the things I used to do/say regarding Shahrukh. She used to tell me ….. child, these things can happen when you're at this age …. and she used to laugh/smile about how silly I was being.
So, Shahrukh Khan was deceiving you …
but Hrithik is not ?
How did you manage that ?
When did the switch from Shahrukh to Hrithik happen?
For me, there's no one in Bollywood that can replace my Shahrukh
Practice makes perfect.
I know what you mean.
He use to talk to me too. Alot. And with each time he talked to me, he captured my heart a little more.
We used to spend alot of time together.
We talked about marriage, but that Gawri he's married to , she became too big of a problem.
Whats a bholi si surat? The only bit I know about Bholi Si Surat would be emm that song from Dil To Pagal Hai.
Mariah Carey has a sweet voice. Yeah, im guessing alot of pple would like looking at her > she's revealing
Joselyn!!! Are you serious?
Shahrukh Khan was (was, I swear!) my first love!!!! It took me a very long time to get over him
Are you obsessed with Hrithik the same way I was obsessed with Shahrukh Khan?
Because sometimes, we can go too far. And then other people start thinking that we're crazy
Dont worry, Hrithik wont know a thing!