Hey sugaR …man oh man..seems like you got yrself into something…bad..
You can talk abt it anytiem alright??? m sure alie and me wud reply
oo and mara is Marine .. – alie calls her mara !
i wish to god that i cud comethere with u guys but.. i know i cant
hehe as for the tadpole thing..we use to catch them in the watery craters on the roads and put them in buckets and watch them transform to lil frogs
geesh …
Hey alie tell yr childhood stories! dont even hesitate…. !
Senor J – i agree..you tell us about these little nice times of your life which is like an extremely small part of yr life… magnified and extended by yr words
you can tell us more stuff…i mean..of course..if it doesnt hurt you too much [?]
how is your dog?
When I was in Uni, I went to sleep with Emily Dickinson and walked around with Browning. One of my favorite lines is from 'Andrea Del Sarto:'
'My face, my moon, my everybody's moon,
Which everybody looks on and calls his,
And, I suppose, is looked on by in turn…'It does not describe anyone I know but for some reason, time seems to stand still when I read these lines. Awful and awesome all at once.
Interesting but…can you explain to me what it means?
Scar face:
Soul meets soul on lover's lips.
~ by Percy Bysshe Shelly
sounds beautiful…**thinking of spice man waitin in sum foreign park..*** cemetary** Hmmmmmmm lol
yet dnt agree that a mere kiss would actually bond souls I was kinda thinking of two people who knew each other for like a really long time … i guess married..and sort of old ..[?] So that kiss would be bonding them … their souls… or something
but jus my random thought for the moment
You two put a smile on my face
So Alie, its off from work and on to shopping huh ! Have fun
Oh geez, I wont read that ……….
Ohh gosh – listen – I saw what you saw about 5 months back when we had winter here
The whole beach water was FROZEN …white and the sun was shining down on it
looked SO BEAUTIFUL never saw ANYTHING like that in my life !
I really want to see those pics though !!! Put them here or ..ask boo to put them
Hey you two whats going on here Alie's gone for lunch, Senor J has gone for dinner and its time for Breakfast here for me !
2. too too hot sun
Love gummy bears ! The white one is the best ! haha
I want a broom that flies !!!!!!! Do you have 'em in stock Senor J..
Bridges –
No dark places ! Such as tunnels !
Tea or coffee?
Scar face:
well lets see '
i have this nasty habit of smelling/sniffing everything I am about to eat / drink or am curious about..we r talking food here
lol well it better be FOOD you are talking about … didnt want to end up thinking of you in a store sniffing a nice blue top that caught your attention >> before I read the last part of yr sentence
eg at the dinner party the other night, on reflex i picked up the cup of tea ( i dnt drink tea ) So why did you smell it ?! curious…to know what scent tea gives off hmmmmmmmmm lol i mean was it someone else's tea?? lol..btw how can you not like tea! I LOVE TEA ! TEA IS LIKE..MY LIFE !
and sniffed only to be hit by gosamz, then forgetting her lil warning I did the same with just about every dish that was brought to the table …
..am working on this…errr habit…hahaha. Aw man, seriously ? Geesh…so you sniff it and if you dont like it.. or something..you send it away? or chose another dish ? hehe
okay maybe this isnt THAT bad but..i mean if the pple around you are like totally important pple then you dont wanna end up be seen..sniffing all the dishes…and even some … beverages..like poor lil tea ..which you dont even drink
Sheesh! Some women will go to great lengths to avoid inviting others over for dinner. Cooks are dangerous. If you exasperate them they may end up spitting in your food. Wives could do that too but that would not concern me since its part of their job (we call it kissing but erm its actually spitting in each others' mouth albeit with sweet nothings and tender small-talk). However, Houston erm Rani ji and Boo ji, we have a itsy bitsy teeny weeny problem. I would like to erm acquire a wife on a 90-day return guaranteed basis, to see if she would make a suitable life-long companion. But no one is volunteering. There are many who are eagerly volunteering for the part-time and short-time erm wife for a price but I'm afraid I may learn the alphabet anew (AIDS, VD, STD). Not interested in that sort of learning Lol. Don't want certain appendages to 'fall off.'
Who ever said that you have to learn the alphabet anew ! You wont have to learn no anew alphabet if you just STICK to the one you know RIGHT NOW haha
90-day return guaranteed basis wife? Hm do you think to-be-wives are house appliances ? Oh ji, if you want a wife you must learn women and you can think in your mind that they are appliances in the sense that if they are not working for you .. like a broken dishwasher ha or being really mean to you… like a washing machine spitting out tons of highly soaped water in your face lol, surely you must return them so they can stay elsewhere haha
Scar face:
Shame dude…learn to cook..its not that difficult..ur just damn lazy
Ouch. That sounded harsh.
Yes it did ! Alie!
Sigh … things sound tough *hugs*
*approaches boldly*
because you're the focus of our loving teases as of this moment …………….BBQ hot guy………………. cant decide between charming smile or sparkling eyes……………….
aw man…it really sucks that he has to go away though
Oh wow you are planning for alot um! I'd wish anything on my life if I coulda come there with marine to meet you guys and even see sugaR and all ! That w
would be sooo awesome but i see that its not possible .. ACK ! i dont even want to say it ! but i think there's much truth to it !
bungee jumping oh geez aint that dangerous! sounds like so much fun though ! sighs……….
******* dreaming of coming to africa to spend time with you gals! ************
just always in my thoughts
btw – what is 'lekker' ?
When you say scared…what exactly doyou mean? You mean like..BLOOD scared…MURDER SCARED…
or like..ghost scared? Because then I'd stay FAR away !
Im scared to be in my basement alone for heaven's sake!
Well im done reading As It Is by Mr.Shakespeare… and I just got A MIdsummer Night's Dream -Shakespeare
Had started this some time back but somehow never got passed the 1st quarter..but it was really good..so will catch up on that
Its kinda hard to understand with all the shakespearian thing going on but… his stories/PLOTS are like..the Best i dont know how he does it
Whats with this Spice Dude thing? Senor Jalapeno … are they trying to rename you
Im really really terribly sorry to hear about your sweet dog. I really dont understand the story but I really feel sad for what has happened to him. I didnt know heartworm could have led to such extremes. We recently bought a puppy about 5 months back and I've never known how a puppy/dog could be such of a company and make you smile… just to see him/her.
I really really wish in my heart that your dog would get better but Im not sure if he will ? According to the doctor? Then again I dont know all of the story. Just please dont… let them just..take him; I mean do you want to do this?