Hallelujah !!
Boo –
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening – Robert Frost reminded me of that time we went over it in 12th grade English class
As I was reading John Agard's Half Caste I couldnt help but notice … its written with the dialect spoken in the west indies – just knew he had to be Jamaican or something… then searched him him and he's from my country
It's cloudy outside =(
But it's not cloudy on the other side of the house =
heylow =)
Hey there new comer ! How are you ? Welcome !
Yum although very sour
Steamed spinach
Nectarines are awesommmee love 'em
Cucumbers or tomatoes
“would you care for a bite and an extended bout of caffeine intoxication? “
Very interesting way to ask one out for a snack and for some coffee.
About your little notes, ji , I find them very interesting… in fact I find you to be an interesting person … mysterious but in a good way …
“Since life is given to inexplicable moments of insanity, the only way to combat insanity is to give yourself to a bit of craziness here and there.”
Does thou mean that we should make ourself 'feel' this craziness when … its going on so much we cant evade it or ignore it? But ji, how do you yourself…give in to craziness ? Explain to me.
The inside of your fridge reminded me of a delightful fairy tale land
Yummin “i'm just not good at letting my feelings out…and when they pile up, im all suffocated. sigh… “
Whats wrong?Whats been happening? I dont know.. but take it easy and try to channel any anger , hurt , pain unto inanimate things
*tons of hugs* Take breaks from studying ; and get your rest – coffee does its purpose but your body needs the natural rejuvenation
yumz my darlin' how you been ? how are those classes you're taking? all going good? study hard child … you're brillant…and all that studying will have much purpose
alie… ahh yeah I sort of thought Senor J was really old… i mean..he sounds sooo like..old..and intelligent… sort of always pictured him wearning glasses with a newspaper or something
but then again..he said he's in 30's sooooooooo if he is… propS to him !
Well yeah you're right I havent seen you – I mean yr full body
Yeah im soo short everyone's so taller than me im like 5 feet and they all call me ShortS
even the dude that i told you bout..he's like 6 feet tall [dont try imagining us together ha ]
i always use to wish to be taller but noww i guess i am gettin to have to accept myself
coz c'mon..aint no way i cud just get taller !
have fun shopping
watch out for hotties
Heyy sugaR what up ?
As for the gift…the same asylum as the one you are currently being held in…just walk past Ninja and turn left…I'm the pot-bellied, pock-marked, bow-legged, hairy-backed, buck-toothed, cross-eyed, dog-eared, chicken-legged, inmate staring at the wall.
i didnt even get to watch Devdas
oh well
Shahrukh khan rocks!!
Yay! congrats – you deserved it !!! Esp. after that crazed customer !! … and all
Aww man … I dont knw some customers get soo cranked up its crazy ! You just got to deal with them properly and use the right choice of words…and dont let them get to you up to you
BTW… did i tell you CONGRATS! For doing such a good jobbb !!! Aww… me so happy what you mean ..u feel underserving..oych ! stop it and smile and accept it..hang it up on yr wall b/c it was issued to YOU
BTW… you're short?? you dont look any of a bit short ! im the Short one.. Do you believe it peope dont even call me my name anymore they just shout short ! sighh..everyone's taller than me… and yeah…such superiority they have when little ones like I must peer up to them
congrats ! mwah!
“Feelings are not supposed to be logical. Dangerous is the man who has rationalized his emotions.”I love this…describes me!
I really like this quote too
Along with this one : “Eyes that do not cry, do not see”
Late 20's is not old
Senor…. I would have guessed that you were much older than that what yummin said you were… such wisdom and style ini speaking… must have come from long yrs of experience
But you dont carry the age of how…you write and speak your words…
Come on now ji… 30's.. ! You are a young flower
Hirohito kind of sounds japanese
Aw didi ***hugs**** [:'(]yr story is soo sad..why do these things all happen …why did she had to go THAT way ?!! god..thats the thing that REALLY gets to you..to know that all of this could have been prevented..but it just happened anyway and left you with a broken heart
but what can we do….this life treats us and our pets so unfair sometimes
im sure our dogs all go to heaven …for being mans best friend… they deserve no more than to be in heaven
Heyy..i've never travelled anywhere by myself..i'll prob get lost by the time i reach you guys ha..
naah on the more serious note…yes finances of course and plus my parents would never let me go all the way to another country
man if there's anytime you're coming here though — you better come visit me and we'll go all round NY
sniffsss man WISH i cud come there to meet you n every1 else !
this screws..to the bone darn it !
Professor Ji along with Really really Smart along with Really Intelligent Sounding
suits him just fine ! I'd say !
So sorry to hear about your sweet dog [ to Ness and SenorJ ]
If you feel it in yr heart that this is the right thing… I suppose it is the righ thing. … And he will be going to a way better place..without no pain and hurt