Person above me is a smartie ap student *whispers* : Dont worry, thats a good thing !
I love this thread so much….
but every time i come to let something out…
I never can…ugh
oh well…
Trying to say what you feel is soo Hard… I'd know … Because sometimes even YOU dont know exactly how you feel.. [which spells confusion ] and then its even harder to ..say what you feel … out into words ..and since what you feel has a lil confusion mixed in… when you try to say it in words…sometimes you frown at how much its NOT what you really feel….
I know i know i know… just say IT ..just TRY TO SAY IT..let it NOT keep things inside of your because then……. look just DONT..okay..we're here for you we are and you're such a wonderful girl..and very very determined and intelligent I'd say ~~~~~~~~~~~ hugsssssss hugssssssssss hugsssssssss ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Oh yeah I watched Fanaa a few weeks back.. its sooooo good !! but sad
Alieee heheh arent you glad to see marine HERE …gosh..had to TELLLLLLLL her to come here and say hiiiiiiiiii to us lil forum members
Alisha you made me smile … and then I go in my mind…sugaR probably would have NO idea whats going on hehe
No no no no money thing .. i'd DARE NOT suck anyone's money argh!
I soo wish I can come man goddd!!!! Just saying though..r u guys gonnal ike..plan more of these trips..say like next yr? or next 2 yrs? lol i know this is long ahead butttt sigh….. man i'd see my didiii i'll see marinee
and sugaR! and plus all of yr lovely friendzz …….man I WISH ! so much
Yeah how'd you hurt yr self ??? Be careful and..take rest.. ! You can rub those pain killer ointment on it .. i hope you can reach the spot properly
The frozen sea she's talking about is…….. when it snowed there… you know..was beautiful..and all that and one of the rivers/sea there … got all frozen by the snoW ..yes..that sea
BTW ..Shrek was soo awesome!
lol heheh mad funny
Heyymarine..yeahh i seeu took the advice and came here to say hiiiii
Thanxxx Needed this one
soo much
serio's words… the PRETTY
eyes… the confused person……………………………. the CONCERN…………. the INVITE to meet him in a place far far away [lol]
all this….. trying to put t his all together…cud it be telling a story
Oh my darling yummin…….. tell me whats wrong na? Dont kill yourself over anything… sometimes its hard just to be your age..just coming to know about new things in life… just knowing that things existed that you thought were never there…; Dont let anyone pressure you… try to find some … comfort within YOUROWN SELF .. i n your own space
Oh so you write poetry !! Wowwwwwww me wanna seeeeeeeeeeee som.. and you tooooooooooo TABZZZ me wanna see yr poetry !!..
ooo gawd..never thought of boxing yr feelings out..but whew…its mad effectivEE!!!
*super hugs to you gals*
Heyazz !!
Geezzz i am dyingggg for some rain its SO HOT HERE !! GOSHHHHHHHHH !! the heat is really hitting me in the head !
Sooooooooo new comer…where are you frommmm/living ??? tell tell tell
Heyyyyyyyy whats uPP? WELCOME ….!
cheesy pants? … intersting
I watched Ratatouille today … was quite interesting
Feeling sorry for a Rat is interesting too
Ha … On a serious note though, I m curious Senor J … Please tell us why you would ask such a .. seemingly related to personal issues ..
Hi Maddie deary..welcome once again…
Tell us more about yourself…we'd like to know more about you
Marine…yesh yesh..who could be unaware of yr presence when you're actually around?! Missed you on here…. And what you ready to bite ?
Who's head? or is it something else
Hey marine..good to see you here…..showing us yr lovely icons and sharing yr presence
Heyy Desi_lady – … im about you??? care to tell us about yrself?? we're eager to know another good member !
Next question: Would you kiss a stranger in an airport if they said they were taken by you and wanted nothing more than the delicate pleasure of a kiss?….puh-leaseeeeee
I am sooooooooo cracking up at yr response
Because I dont have them
Dude, No !!
Cherry Vanilla ice cream
omg..thats soooo the best flavor of ice cream !
Loved that !