Heard Transformers is good too, will have to watch it…sometime I dont know when
My focus is on Harry Potter ! I can't wait to see it, but this will be in a little while. The crowds will ease then.
I dont like the taste of pork for some reason, I dont know about you guys.
Dii *Sniffs* I feel your presence because you are so wonderful of a person… ; I love you too so muchh..I am okay..dont worry your head.. I just wish that you can be content with your life, dont worry, you seem to be a very faithful, hopeful person … and that is like gold
I truely wish that all of us could be under the same roof together … then when Senor J, talks about investigating your DIMPLES or trying to be a snogster under the stars, you can just hit him over the head j/k …….. really wish we all can come together..that would be extremely awsome..we'll talk about our forum moments …imagine oreo being with us…despite his rude crazed comments, if everyone group hugged him to the point where he cant breathe , hehe im sure all that love ….. will definitely cause the love within him self to emerge
Lol, imagine if Senor J talks as he writes, then if we meet in real life, dont be surprised if you see me with focusing on a dictionary page, at every point he makes
Yes, HUGs
Person above me , I knew you'd have something to say about such huge compliment !!
Im sure its not only me that experiences it – when I read yr posts its like Im reading a newspaper or magazine or somthing .. which means..person above me has extreme talent in writing
Oh, Hi Marine – Awesome – Thanks for sharing! You know how big I am on… natural stuff.
Ohh I still use besan mask up to this day..she uses it too? Whoa..its really good … it helped my skin tone become better.
About the almond oil around the eyes at night, i wonder what this does [?]
Oye – I know Bipasha basu would probably frown at me that I m saying Im really hungry at 12 midnight but.. I am really hungry .. but got to rid of this lil belly Im building !
Oh yeah..i've got to buy a sunscreen…. the dermatologist said to always use sunscreen else you'll get dark spots
Oh , marine remember when you told me – that malika says she drinks warm water with honey and lemon mixed in it.. I kinda started drinking that again… seems to help to flush out insides
BTW… does anyone know any way to make you look brighter / face glowing ?
Ness, I thought there were the same?
Oye ji , thats called Pyaar
Not exactly sure what this is
Oh, WE are the people with the strange accents?
Person above me talks like a newspaper
Tayaba..haha… *hugs* … thanks you're so kind I dont know why I said I hope you're not thinking anything…sorta looked like I was projecting my feelings unto you ha.. *hugs* btw..yr pics on f/b – you are gawwgeous girl !!!
marine hiii love…how are you doing… hope you are good there… yes everyone is happy to see you here including me !
Boo ..hehehe..well…i just say how art t hou alot *Ahem* How art thou, Boo ji ?
Alisha diiiiiii.. how is the nose bleed?
Hey hey to everyone else..
Yummin darling how are you doing? How is your studying coming? How have you been feeling lately… regarding any negative feelings [?]
Marineee HEYYY thanks for coming here to tell your people hi … im sure alie didi is glad to see you here! likewise with all of us .. Oh and thanks for listening to all that…when we chatted
Oreo — you're really attached to that silver surfer i see… you had his pic up wayy before the movie came out and its still there Hehehe Alisha I thought you stole the picture hehe..or oreo made you give it back
Tayaba hiiiii miss canada how are you doing? i hope you're not thinking anything …… after last night on msn ~~ love you~~ hugs~~
Rani booji how are you guys doing?? mwahs Ness ..sugaR, nosi, khushi ..how are you all? miss all of you guys
Senor J – How art thou? I've read in a thread that you traveled? How was the trip? Hope you had fun. How is your dog? My dog actually looks really sick and tired since we had so much heat here.
Alisha how are you doingg ? just wanted to take this moment to ….say how muchi appreciate you and thank you for being there for me so much and listening to everything..everytime i write a whole bunch of feelings down .. god bless your kind soul
~~~Hugs everyone i love you guys so much ~~
Scar face:
Maaaaah NOSE..it bleeds…. Again
Dammit ..hate this …guys advise please
How do I stop this???????????????????????????????????
Didi! Are you alright? It must be the cold weather there . If the nose bleed is mild to moderate – putting a cold compress on it – such as a piece of ice wrapped in a tissue – will cause the vessels in the nasal cavity to contract which will help the clotting to be faster. Also, when it happens, try keeping your finger pressed against your nose – dont do it too hard though.
This happens sometimes in the cold weather and Im taking it ..over there is cold.. if there are any other reasons that you have..or unsure..you should seek medical help if it keeps occuring okay? i hope you are okay there, write me back and tellme how you are doing + in regard to the nose bleed ~~hugs~~
Hey there, whats up?
Whew… I've never been diving or rafting… Rafting sounds less dangerous though
Person above me…… me love her and me wanna give her a big hug right now
Hi-lo … where did you travel to? … Oh, wow, an umbrella – thats nice You can definitely use it if its raining.
Yummerzzzzzzz!! whoo weeeeee !
Hey fish is good you know… !! just have to cook it good !
Chicken and Brocoli with white rice
Aww Nesss !!!!!