Oh I know what you mean, my hair is soo thick and curly.
I guess I did walk around inmy dad's shoes..like when I was little. Did you?
Haha definintely a ghetto moment yummin
Oh I have a question, is it true that Harry Potter went nude on some stage show??? I heard that and I swore to death that he would NEVER do that. Although I saw some silly people on TV making fun out of it i still dont believe it … I mean it could be a stupid rumor right
Actually I could do with a summary .. I just want to know the main thing .. if you dont mind.
But dont ruin the end or anything else that you think will be ruined if you tell me
No Baqz, I got quite skinny after you left.
Its so true that less stress and NEGATIVE ENERGY makes you a better person.
Now, that you're back – the whole era has begun again.
ARGH alie ! well ….. he talks to her lots ..well he has friends ..i dont blame him though..he lives alone..so i cant say nothing… anyway..yeah im not blaming anyone
Tabzzzz cant wait to watch harry potter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whoo hooo..i didnt read the 5th book lol..but hey who cares..ima going to watch it soonn…
wat say we all go watch it hehehe i wish!
OMG – me TOOOOOOOOOOOO i've always wished that !! I wish i was taller argh!!
ooooooooo okay good….so rest rest rest
we will chat later..time for me to go coooooooook
love you
Ohhhhhhhhh so this john legend reminds you such and such
OMG YR BIRTHDAY WAS LAST WEEK !!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you told NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!! omg omg omg ! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYY WISH YOU MANY RETURNS …….. even though its belated !!
Marine : def a sexy mama
Person above me deserves a laugh..b/c she's getting a bit irritated that she has to stay in bed all day
Glad to make you laugh ~~~hugs~~~~~~~~
Its alrightttttttttttttt dont reply YOU REST anddd when you can work work..take rest…
oh if you wanna laugh…….lol go read that film story thread……..i just read it… funny as heck..oreo and nitza are crazy lol
hahahhaaaaaaaaaaaa lol…….. what do you mean…you have a feeling few pple think along my paranoid fairytale thoughts
Yeah next Q – we've spent too much time on mr. J here … plus he not gonna tell us where he going nor bring us back anything pshttt
next q lets see : If something culd have been different about you, what would it be. or what would you wish it could be>?
Alisha Laughing
French fries dipped in a sea of the red substance the food industry calls… Ketchup..
Oh yeah..its good that you are hungry!! Wish I could cook up some bare chicken soup for you ..you need to get some appetite..you have to eatttt
Oh yeah right miss !! Haha..yeah i remember when you saw him you couldnt stopppppp saying how good looking he was..but the real deal is me bringing him to yr home and you getting to make him roti and curry lol hehehehe
btw, ali, when is yr birthday?
Oh – did you see the Flim story thread? right in the games section? I just saw it ..and read the 4 pages of story they made up..lol..made me laughhhhhhhhh soo if you havent seen it [coz i didnt see you post anything] ..and you wanna laugh…. read it lol..i just read it for the 1st time..and wrote another part of the 'story'
~mwahs~ hugssssssssssssssssssssssss …and besides you are sweet and caring and loyal and lovable and hugable..and charming and suave..and sisterlike and and and lovely and KIND and SUPER caring… did i say caring? “need i say more?”
Yeah didi..only thing is….. well
if you're in for it..you might as well add that to MY life when you're at it!!
pigeon poop
oH NO I said whew b/c i dont know how to cook that..my mom had cooked something like it..taste good but we havent cooked it back again
nawww me no want roti now you are sick you restttt
cabbage YUM !
yesh but the bestest bestest birthday gift ever would be me bringing you john legend..IN REAL LIFE…REAL MEAT REAL BLOOD REAL FLESH
Look everyone, im putting ali in the DAYDREAMING MOOD
Preity is left in shock and starts to cry. She runs out of her car .. no longer singing..Its The Time to Disco…
Sits over Salman's squished body and says : genie you genie – bring HIM BACK – by the way..genies give 3 wishes ! Let me have my other 2 wishes. She runs back for the lamp and rubs it …………