What is this
yeah i told you it was funny
i guess i forgot to tell you it was crazed sowieee
Oh, I had to read some of these short stories for school… The Gift of The Magi… is this when the guy gave up his watch to get money to buy a comb for her hair ; and she had cut her hair and sold it so that she could get him a watch
I dont know why but this thing always stuckc in my head; it is honestly the sweetest story i have ever read
i hope it was the right one though .. correct me if im wrong tell me the right name
Didi!!!! Are you leaving?? why you b een talking about cancelling your account? i dont undrestand
I think his unique meaning of jalapeno (defining himself) has really gotten to yr head… . the heat does get to our head sometimes
Heyaz………. aw diii..cover up and snuggle in bed…and sleeeeeep
who's bothering you now with this thought…… who do we have to jump kick
Ohhhhhhh what you trying to say to marine here
Ali please dont cry.. for E ( stands for evil? )
Gosh, what did he do to a good soul like you
Heyaz !! Baqz…since your intellectual abilities are based on ..concrete understandings……
yumin while you're at this 'rock' thing……… why dont you fill his mouth up with rocks so he'll BE QUIET already
Senor J … you watch HP? Cool… i cant wait to watch it..will watch it later on though although inever read the book
They arent kids anymore i know… gosh!!!! i was recently looking at hp and the sorcerer's stone… good gooooooooshhh they were sooooooo tinyyyy!!!!!! cutest things ever!
Oh gosh! j.k rowling made another book?!! yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee so the story goes on !!!
thought half blooded prince was the last..
I still dont believe harry potter did what was…SAID about him doing …..waht he did
oh yeah came out the 11th here..few days back… i have to seeeeee it
Yeah thats why its so confusing if you stay away from this place … for like 2 days ! lol
No,I dont mean anything – in fact when I said that … I couldnt have meant it.. I wont judge pple from outter >>> but your idiotic name calling friend here made me
Yeah its him calling me a fat goose so i told him i got fine and better overall after he left >> that its true less stress would help with more weight loss
Im just telling him to leave because he's being a total butthead right now
Seems like you like girls on the bigger side BAQZ
Why you keep bringing that topic up
Go ahead hurry up and leave before pple start getting depressed here
Thats soo true.. IM sure new comer have to read a few pages in front of the last post to figure out what we are talking about
Oh yes I saw yr status as Loyal member (y) THumbs up.
Wait, why do you want to close down your member account?
Im sure I did
And to imagine the sound that they would make … those heels … click clank click clank
Who's ganesh???
Yeah iwish srk would stop smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we want him to live long you know!