Oh myspace is crazy – I have a q.
Does myspace have chatting???? I thought it was only message boards and emails.
Btw – I dont watch any indian serials there are no channels here that show it.
The only thing I watch sometimes is Passions – which is really stupid because of the witch thing and powers and stuff
But otherwise, it is good and i know it well because i've been watching it since i was 11 – and plus my mom is HOOKED on passions so i end up watching it anyway
Finally I am back in the forum. I am so freaking mad now.
Alisha… that girl calls him her BEST FRIEND. What on earth – who is she to possess him as such AND post pictures calling him her best friend.
And you know what, if he talks to me alisha, he calls me that girl's name so many times. Im so mad now I sent him a stupid message and you know what I am not going to call him back ever again and he said he wont call me back ever again either. Well fine! He said I only tell him about this whole story because I want to FIGHT with him. And I DONT. Why would I want to fight.
You know alisha, i swore to myself that i would NEVER make him hurt me again and i will never destroy my body and bleed and cry just because he has dealings with other people but i dont know what happened to me
Dii, that was alot.
Me love you toooooo
Finally, Im back in BWL – for a few days I couldnt log in Argh!
How are you guys doing?!
Marine hi mi love how are you.. I want to see pics of your puppy.. do you have any? !!
Tayaba .. yummin how are you guys ? Hope you are having fun with that phone call *smiles* Yummin I hope you like Tayaba's sweet british accent
Ali didi .. Puppy is so cute I know. He is actually about 7 months old. Well..he's a male pup. His name is Snowflake.
I got some more pics guys. This pup is too cute man. Gotta let you guys see the best of the lil fella.
Here he is.
Srk and Rani (y) thumbs up
Rani is my fav!!
Senor Jalapeno :
Very intelligent, SUPER great way of writing, mysterious definitely, secretive somewhat, mature, sensible
Protesting now darling.
Lets hear speech! Lets hear speech ! Lets hear speech!
Lets hear speech! Lets hear speech ! Lets hear speech!
Lets hear speech! Lets hear speech ! Lets hear speech!
Barbie and Ken! And i'd make a specialized, personalized, original car for them, out of a Capri Sun Juice Box. Oh the days.
I'd go barefeet on Hot sand Ness I love to feel the heat under my feet … Hey that rhymes lol
Person above me seems to had have an interesting weekend.
Soup is so yum, especially fish soup !
Ness, whats gazpacho
Ji, what exactly is this? I didnt know people could drive from the backseat.
Leather covering
Today it was brought to my attention that some muslim men are allowed and feels that its mandatory to have more than 1 wife.
I just wanted to ask about this? How can this define what love and devotion is , and is it true?
Thanks girls.
Oh geesh, breathless was what we were supposed to be avoiding.
Lets try again : breathe in real hard
Hold it
Hold it !
Let it out slowly. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Now that feels good.
Well, did you not read Ness post about BEER
No wonder she was gulping while explaining how the BEER on hair works.
Oye Baqz : Howdy there partner!
Oh Marine..not funny thats mad messed up what you gonna do to your friend … that prank is not like a lil prank..thats like….. attempting to give the poor guy a heart attack
Senor Jalapeno Ji Sir Ji ! Nope, that wasnt lame, actually it made me smile. I have to ask though : who are the roti-rollers (this must be alisha) and the head-rippers (oh man, who could this be lol ) ?