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  • in reply to: Introduce Urself…. #22912

    Thats his style of talking to everyone ji. But we all know there's some love underneath that haha.

    Yeah, it is Friday > Yay!

    in reply to: Introduce Urself…. #22910

    Hey you! G'mornin' How are you doing ?

    Oh hi there Serio;

    By the way : Dont worry about what SerioComic says > its just his way of welcoming and talking to people on this forum >> Everyone is used to it by now

    Take care now

    in reply to: 4 years :O #67426

    Yeah thats oreo's style for us >> I m sure if he didnt care about BWL, he wouldnt even log in here.

    Yummin> your sister comes to you for a hug? Omg wow..didnt know that happens anymore! Aww, hug her.

    in reply to: 4 years :O #67423

    Ah we all know that oreo's words have to be excused

    in reply to: 4 years :O #67420

    Right HugCake

    in reply to: 4 years :O #67418

    Of course Tabz – your forum birthday

    in reply to: Introduce Urself…. #22906

    Haha its me Stick out tongue

    Oh – to post – just click on the reply button from any previous post > this will allow you to post the next message on the message board. Take your time get to know it a bit more around here. We have a lil family in here so welcome

    Good Luck. Ask more if you have any questions. I, or someone else who sees it will surely answer you.

    in reply to: YUMMY or YUCKY #44927

    What is flan again? Is it like custard?

    Yeah I'll take those wings too hehe

    in reply to: FIRST THING GAME #37190


    in reply to: QUESTION GAME #39028

    Yikes – No

    Have you ji?

    in reply to: PERSON ABOVE YOU GAME!! #41286

    Elenia Hi WELCOME to BWL! Haha – To think of a jalapeno wearing is sombrero is funny > Lets make the lil jalapeno do the salsa that would be even funnier.

    Person above me is a new member of the forum.

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59111

    I hate it! I hate it soooooooooooooooo much when people act like they have nothing better to do besides letting others down! it pisses me off SO FREAKING MUCH! It's like get a damn life! Some people act like they're the best people in the whole wide world and have the right to go and say things to others and make them feel like they're worth nothing but crap. I was talking to Rani on the phone, and I was hella pissed. I've never been this angry in such a long time actually. I get frustrated easily, but i've learned how to control my anger. However, today…this person just got to me. And thankfully, I controlled myself while they were talking to me, I know it wouldn't have been right if i said something, cos it would have been rude and nasty. I know no one's perfect, this person's not perfect, neither am I, but when 'they' sit there talking crap about people who concern me, it makes me go errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! It's the truth, yes, the truth hurts, but we need to learn some damn manners, right? Calling someone up just to be nasty and say stuff that you know will bother them is not cool, not cool at all! Especially since it was so random, I haven't spoken to this person in quite a while. i didn't really care at first, but it was obvious they were rubbing it in…BLAH. people seriously need to grow up! I think before you go and find the faults in other people/races, you should look in the mirror, because you make mistakes too! And Simply, treat others like you wanna be treated.

    haha, that was long. lol. phew its outta me.

    Hi darlin' I know this is lil late but I just saw it properly. Who ever it was who said those things to you ..thats wrong..i mean esp. if they didnt talk to you in a long time and then they call you up to say things to make you feel inferior or to make those who you know feel inferior. Its not nice. Everyone is entitled to opinions but one should never use their mistaken art of boasting about what they have and what you dont or they have something you have but theirs is better > just to belittle people or make them feel upset. I am really glad you controlled your self through out that. We know that you are the sane one> Do not let these people get to you and hurt you. People out there some of them are very mean but we have to be strong and you will be strong because you are your own unique person and NO ONE has the right to JUDGE YOU OR COMPARE YOU to something they have and you dont have it or something that makes you two different. Actually they may have that right but they should NEVER rub it in someone's face or try to belittle them and make them feel like they are the ground that they walk upon. Cheer up jaan and do not let these people get to you. They are not worth your heart being upset if they are to tell you something as such.
    And by the way, no one is perfect and even them for saying such hurtful things .. they are not perfect themselves.

    Muchlove ~~million hugs~~~~ bundles of kisses~

    in reply to: Introduce Urself…. #22904

    Hi there Elenia ! Its so good to see another new comer on the forum. WELCOME!!!!!!

    Glad to have you here. Tell us more about yrself.

    Im Kavita by the way.

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59110

    You guys actually talk about me?

    Oh my, if you talk to alisha again tell her I am alright. I've already sent her emails and Im fine. Smile

    Love you Tabz ~hugs~

    in reply to: A Thought… #57112

    Marine are you serious about that psychic???! Omg..

    Do you believe psychics ..? How do they tell you though..? What did they do? Look at your palm?

    in reply to: 4 years :O #67414

    Tayaba my schweettt ! Just as this forum means so much to you, you mean so much to this forum.

    Im glad to have met this forum and met you

    ~~~~~ Hugs ~~~~~~

    You're funny, schweett strong definitely… Thanks for the advice and the support

    I agree with NEss about your being real >> and you know its always good to be keepin' it real.


    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33366

    No Ninja would never do anything such thing! Yeah ninjas are nice – at least this one is.

    Oh, so the niggeretta is Tabz ? Hm, interesting !

    in reply to: QUESTION GAME #39025

    My neice once said that when she grew up, she would marry me love me so much I would never need another person to love me again. She is nineteen now. No sign of a proposal Lol.

    Same question please.


    in reply to: Book Recommendations #57845

    What is Kite Runner about Senor J?

    in reply to: Characters… #67149

    Loads, bundles, bunches.

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