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  • in reply to: MY SPACE AND HINDI SIRIAL #61054


    Do you guys watch any english soaps?

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33395

    Senor J ji – Things sound sort of hectic there. Keep yr head up and shine.

    You can go on vacation soon and you can wish for the moon who knows you might end up with the moon shining bright on a dark night … under a desserted lake Stick out tongue

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59114

    Oh jaan – dont mention it. Its true > Dont let these people get you down. It hurts you I know but be strong and just think of yourself as the STRONGER one > control thyself. You are too sweet for anyone to tell you anything ill but if it does happen > control yourself > understand they are entitled to their opinion but dont encourage fights/quarrels which will make matters worse : show them that you dont want to be like that > have faith and BUILD the worth in yourself

    For the stress > Do this. Stop for a moment forget the studying, the upset, the war of emotions in your mind. Take deep breaths. hold it. Breathe out very slowly. Do this for a little while. Relax your mind. Relax your whole body. Think about your head being relaxed, your neck being relaxed, your chest your arms your stomach etc. For everytime you are thinking how relaxed yr muslces have become : say the word RELAX quietly or in yr mind and BELIEVE that your body has become relaxed.

    Dont say 'small crap thats annoying me' and compare yrself to others. Others may have gone through more and others may have gone through less but you are yourself and you are your own person. And if something upsets you you have the worth to be worked on to feel better.

    Love you jaan > tons of hugs n kisses ~~~~~~~~~ good luck with all those studying >>you're very determined you can do it !!! muah~!

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33393

    Yes, Senor J got degrees in English and um…he spent his time filling up lots of journalism volumes with his art of writing. I think you two'll get along real good. Hi Senor J – hr u? Whats been happening ji

    Marineeeee diiiiii > whats wrong hun? Takecare and keep yr cool I know you're strong ~~muahs~~~hugs~~~

    in reply to: MY SPACE AND HINDI SIRIAL #61052

    I have seen him one time on TV when he was talking about his father giving someone a beating.

    And I just saw him 2nd from one of the videos Marine shared.

    in reply to: 4 years :O #67437



    in reply to: PERSON ABOVE YOU GAME!! #41294

    Person above me – sending a hug for you

    Person above person above me > hii i dont think we had introduced ourselves to each other .. > Im kavita

    in reply to: QUESTION GAME #39036

    Ooh – thats a hard one.

    in reply to: FIRST THING GAME #37198


    in reply to: 4 years :O #67435

    Superwoman, supertyper > or maybe she just has DSL.

    in reply to: QUESTION GAME #39034

    holy buscuit!!!!!!! Senor J – that sounds mad delicious – wanna make doubles on that the next time you're planning to eat that?

    Last thing I ate was half of a boiled corn cob.

    Same q.

    in reply to: FIRST THING GAME #37196

    Public Places

    in reply to: Introduce Urself…. #22914

    No, dont take it personally.

    Yes – it is getting real hot !!! Yesterday was indeed quite hot and sticky. We have AC in only one room but I dont like it much either. I dont like the heat. I just cant wait until we go into Fall and then Winter. Cant wait to catch a mild cold and see snow again.

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33384

    Boo –

    in reply to: L o v e Q u o t e s ! ! #46935

    Wow, Have fun in Vegas!

    Watch out for them dudes though!

    in reply to: 4 years :O #67433

    Geesh girl that was a fast reply! Are you superwoman or super typer lol

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33382

    Elenia – Count me in on that hug for Boo ji !

    in reply to: 4 years :O #67431

    hey yummy and tabz >> aww ..time alone is good for working things out with ourselves I hope you two feel better soon

    Hey marine how r u doing?! You must be busy with all that fun you having hmm?

    in reply to: MY SPACE AND HINDI SIRIAL #61050

    My brother showed me Russel Peters performing on TV a few weeks ago.

    He is quite funny.

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33380

    Boo ji ~hugs~ You have given alot to this forum, from help to advice to just showing your presence. And I dont know what occured in your previous days but BWL is always here for you to love it and be dissolved in any magic that it is shooting out. I hope things have changed for the better for you> I hope you feel more stable and peaceful at mind. ~hugs jaan~

    Elenia – Hi again : Yup > You can say things that are absolutely random! White sandals are nice.

    Everyone please welcome our new member

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