Aint nothing >> Just went to the aquarium place and saw Nemooooooooooooo & Doriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii swimming behind him
What does this mean Ness
Chandler? In a Box?
Omg – I've painted a picture of Tabz on a cow going to Canada !
Odd !
Yup you're right, vaca in spanish is cow ! High school memories of learning the names of animals in spanish.
Naw…still same convo..its english here ! But just to think of it…tabz..going to canada…on a cow .. rotfl
Wow, Have fun in Vegas!
Watch out for them dudes though!
listen to kav…lol
Well yummin > its the same thing I told Tayaba when she was going on Vaca to Canada. I just… I was really concered for her [and marine now]. I just dont want dudes to hold them responsible because they made them drool so much their mouths are reaching the ground.
Dang Rani !!!!!!!! I could just picture you in addition to so many other girls drooling over mister recently labelled groom abhishek. If you plan to marry abhishek you better prepare to fight off thousands of anxious girls and get rid of aishwariya rai
Nessa Heyy wudddd up ?!
Heya guys! Tabz, ninja, Heera, Senor J, Ranz >. hope Im not forgetting anyone either hehe
'Fish' ? .. lol tabz
I found this book in my home. It is Granny Dan by Danielle Steele > I started reading it and absolutely love it > Now I got 2 more chapters to finish the book.
Right back at yeh
Tayaba hieee … ooh Khushi is in europe also? I didnt know Ugly Betty, Lost and Desperate Housewives counted as soap operas. But I dont watch any of them.
The soap I watch is Passions .. which has some craziness going on but its all good.
Senor J – Star Trek (Next Generation) – Oh wow that sounds so exciting >> Is Star Trek different from Star Wars? I know Star Trek … I saw a few clips of it… I saw these people or..things in space … and some of the people… (perhaps I shoudlnt say people) … looked like aliens. Friends seem good but I havent watched any episodes except one when my sister was looking at it. It was when the tallest dude ( I think he is a teacher/professor) and jennifer anniston realized that she loved him and had to go there to stop his wedding. Thats the most I know of Friends!
Hey Kavita!!! Rani is my Fav. too, I'll go for
Rani & Saif………
Hey Ocean_princess ! I like Rani and Saif also. Rani is my favorite and Saif isnt bad himself!
Anything that has to do with chocolate must be yum!
Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal (Peach Flavor) in milk of course
D'oh! The glass is always half empty.
Whats your philosophy in life ji?
Hi Ranz, h r u? Yummin jaan..i hope youare keeping well.. Yeah Tabz….here is getting real hot too > I dont like the heat at all.
Senor J > Aww man, your sister sounds so caring ! The 'strange things' she asks you to do just reflects how much she cares for you.
Soap operas ji
Hello Heera ji !
Senor J – hmmmm … Im pretty sure I am not your little sister but who knows > secrets do keep alot of things covered and concealed.
Hehe > moonlit night with deserted lake sounds much too familiar … after all I did take it from someone's post. *Hides!*
Person above me should receive the million hugs that I am sending to her
right this moment. ~~muah~~ I miss talking to you too jaan.
Hi Shevani. Hi Senor J.
Building blocks
Wait wait, Marine: how did she read your future???? Did she just look at you?? Or she look at yr palm or something?
Well Marine… dont think about what thepsychic said > just do what you feel like doing.