Yumin>>> BLUE!!!!!!!!!! Yeahhh!
In the sun
“You know her?”
Poor Jasmine. Each time I get in a cab, I get asked, 'Sir, where are you from?' When I reply I am from India, the Cab driver immediately asks, if I know so and so. Sheesh! More than a billion people and how the hades am I supposed to know his 'friend' from when he worked in the Middle East? I can imagine the look on Jasmine's face. Lmao!
Hahaaaa =) Made me smile once again Senor. I guess he'd have to ask many more of his indian customers if they know this famous Jasmine!
Rani-Reading about yr practice for that play was soo funny! I cant believe your teacher fell! Ahh my ! And Ninja is yr wife! HAHAHAHAaaaaaaaaaaaa & her name is Tayaba!! 1 Q : What does Habeebi mean?
Good luck to you twoooooooo!! And the rest of yr actors!! You guys will do fineee >> Have fun & Enjoy!
Ranz you're an actress now?! Good luck!
im good, now that u are here
I went to the Met game last night ! They Rock ! Yeaaaaaaaaaah!!!
Ninja When you said you dont get scared easily… of what are you talking about?
Person above me seems shocked.
Chicken Subway Sandwich
Tennis match (Borg Vs. McEnroe, 1980 and 1981 or Agassi Vs. Ivanisevic, 1992).
Sailing or Kayaking?
Ji – If I may ask, what is the difference between the two?
I have a q : What does Ameen mean? Is it like saying Amen ?
Ranz – dont worry…dont let pple upset you ~ stay strong
Ness – heya…awwww i hope migranes stay off the charts for the whole month! take it light… stay stressless
Tabzz & Boo – heyaaa ya'll…what's cookin'?
Senor J – Speakin' a stranger >>> how you doing strangaaa'?
Ahahaaaaaaaaa >> Well the cow would take forever to reach all the way to Canada!
Unless … you got Buffalo errr.. Cow wings !
Alright..so tabzee on a FLYING cow going to canada lol
MArine hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I misss youuuuuuuuuuuu >> how r u??? have u been hearing from ali didi?? take it easy there ; have fun playing
Hey tabzeeeeeeeee & ninjaaaa & heeerraaaaaaaa & senor J >> h r u all ?!
Why are all the amazing guys married?!?!? grrrr. LOL! I'll get a whole bunch of girls to help me fight off Aishwarya, then they can take her to some island while I get married to Abhi. lol. But jokes apart, I would never fight over a guy. At least I hope not. I think it's pathetic. If the guy likes me, then shoot! he can fight the girls himself! If he doesn't like me, then why waste my time fighting? Let him have the girl he wants, na? lol.
So..all of htese girls who will help you fight off aishwariya rai..will magically fight her off and then leave you all to abhishek while they are on a long journey to get rid of her and make sure you get abhishek right? Heheee > A lil piece of advice > Trust No one [in this case lol ]> The girl who is most interested in plotting to get rid of aish > keep yr eye most on her!
This isnt any guy > its abhishek! lol
On a Serious Note –> You're right — Fighting over a guy is just crazy. You shouldnt put all yr energy,emotions and strength into fighting with other girls for some guy who seems unsure about everything. And if the guy loves you then – well thats a different story > a better story!
Ahhhh Now I understand !!! Quote is definitely true.
Alright darlin' Will talk to you later. You take care too!