Pear flavored yogurt
Person above me I just want to give her hugs of eternity Person above me, I missed you soo much on here
Slightly confused
Althought I havent done either, sailing sounds safer.
Biology or Psychology
The revelation. I FEEL THE LOVE DIIIIIIIIIIIII Gawd..missed you so much man, for real.
For sure, I knew it was you. Here again with the Kajol thing that you always tease me about and it always makes me go ARGGHH! BTW – Im loving that sloppy kiss & extra squishy hug. Sigh : cant explain my feeling to see you back here on BWL.
I knew you came here undercover and I didnt want to blow your spot…but now I see that you're trying to work things out with Mukesh….so thats great.
love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hugs galore…GALORE MAN GALORE!
hmm I thought this place looked all gloomy and down and dull
soo decided to brighten it with my presence…:)
Add this to my clue list. I missed you so much here didi.
Oh, I knew – for sure Tabz.
Diii !!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs tightly* … I hope I havent cut off your breath.
Tayaba – wow, lots of weddings going on! You be that good bridesmaid and support the good brides.
Diii… not a surprise at all ! Disappointed??? in me??? alisha i knew it was you from your very 1st post and if you want my clues check in the other thread ( tabz 4 yrs thread) awwww man i really didnt want to say anything because I really didnt know why you came here undercover and i didnt want to blow your spot but was surely gonna send you an email on it
*need hugs need hugs need hugs*
Senor J – I know itsalisha from her 1st post … and i was waiting on msn for tayaba or ninja to come online so i can talk to them about it.but they never came…then i thougt of sending u a pm but im like…i'll just wait it out and the truth will reveal itself in its own time >>>>>>>>> i have this gut feeling its alisha i just doo!
Alisha alisha alisha – from your very FIRST post I knew it was YOU. Want to know how? alisha says ELATED all the time…alisha says 'me feels' all the time .. alisha uses Times New Romans fonts .. alisha uses those smiley faces and colors …alisha POST ALOT … a new member wouldnt KNOW ABOUT FIGHTS WE HAD TONS OF MONTHS AGO ON BWL , a new member would not behave as if they knew everyone, the timing was right when we were sending msgs to each other… and finally .. i knew you were getting at me when you asked me if that pic is a pic of me with the eyes looking like Kajol !!!!!!!!! i knew it i knew it i knew it dii im telling you!!!! i was sooooooooo positive
diiiiiiiii – i knew from your first post & i couldnt help but blurting it out to whomevre was passing by me at the time..it happened to be my sister..and i go 'ITS ALISHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! – i know its her!! 'elated?!!!' “me feels?” Its her it has to be her!!!!!” My sister is like: huh? How do you know its her??? Im like: “she left BWL and she said she wont come back but I know ITS HER!!”
SEEEEEEE ALI EVERYONE KNOWS YOU SO GOOD IN THIS FORUM look at senor tabz ness and even more pple im soooo positive they knew it was you … gawwwwwwwd see how much we love you man… sighs …come here and give me the biggest darn hug in the whole entire universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ness & Senor J – what signs are you talking about??
cardiac muslce
Grape juice
Hm hm hm!
Someone care to explain this convo between person above me and person above person above me?
Fried fish.
Vanilla flavored icream or strawberry flavored icream
Yup, we got to do what we got to do.
But take it light there alright? Hope you enjoy the rest of yr day and hope that this weekend brings you some relief and relaxation.
I got to go now. 'twas nice talking to you.
Um thats true but I already know that bit of information
Its okay dont worry about saying more about yrself (unless you want to)
Its good to see a new member here!
Anything – please tell us. Where you're from …what do you do in life as of this moment?
You should definitely find the Introduce Yourself thread and just introduce yrself there.