Rani … All these struggles … these ups and downs .. these 'im okay' 'no im not' … these ins and outs … these confusions …
are apart of life. I just wish that while you're going through with them, you never fall down to the ground. Let the weight bear down on you if it may, but never let it succeed in burying you into the ground.
Oh geeeesh! If your sister did know what it was, would she tell your parents ?
Aw, you carried it around in your bag so that no one'll see it … thats so sweet in a way.
How did you get it though ?
She had a mini stroke. This is the second time this happened. The docs say that its possible she may have another one and that it may spread. Thank you for the prayers, sweetheart. She's… better…
Rani, Im so sorry to hear that this is going on right now.. My friend's grandmother had a stroke sometime back and it left her unable to move for a while. But she is getting better with each day, and can move her limbs now. Which is wonderful. Likewise, I just want to tell you to keep praying, keep strong … your mom will get better. You and everyone at home must take care of her more now. But with each day, she will progress. Im glad to hear that she is doing a bit better. I will pray for your mom and your family hun. Dont give up, dont lose hope. Hugs
Is that what you plan to call me when we're having a ball in serio's beautiful king sized bedroom ? Hm, what shall I call you, my pet?
lmao …..gosh ur just toooooooooooooooo much kavita
Hey, Boo was the one who started it.
Hey its a good offer, did anyone expect me to turn down something that good?
Yup, will check my email in a litte while. Right now Im trying to cook something … hehe. But as you can see, Im on the forum hehe..geeeshh. Well, hey the food's cooking and im .. well, Im typing! Everyone's happy
Glad to hear that you've had a fab workout hun. But, question for ya : how long does it take to lose weight? And have you experienced losing weight … in the wrong places?
Aw my Rani. What you and your sister have is extremely special. Cherish it.
bahahahahahahaha!!! kavi babes, i'm up for it if you are…. we can even use serio's bedroom jaanu…. 😉
Is that what you plan to call me when we're having a ball in serio's beautiful king sized bedroom ? Hm, what shall I call you, my pet?
Roflmao omg ..I cant believe yr mum STILL thinks I am a guy???????????? Rolls over dying with laughter, afterall we have been through …
I remember this one…I couldnt believe this and I …………..OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MANNNNNNNN KAVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIII the memories hey..of innocence of love of happiness Hey di … I know you're concerned about this. But I just wanted to tell you its not that serious soo, dont be so concerned about it hun. I thought my mom believed me way back then but I guess … ? lol. I dont know. I guess she believes but she still feels the need to ask? But way … that would mean that she doesnt believe fully. Or I think its was just because my brother was teasing me that she just thought it was the moment to ask lol … Yup, memories huhh …
Lmao sum morrrrrrrrrrrrre… Now yr brother is teasing u?? Gosh I am sooo alll mushy and Girly..how could anyone think I am a guy man??? We could have sorted all of this with that one telephone call ..u knw when I asked u to let me speak to your for sum private biz ( my surprise bday plan that flopped) Hey hey .. lol yeah you never got to speak to her that time .. sorry for that .. that time I called you we were all busy preparing for our prayer session and all. aw im sorry your birthday plan flopped : but its the thought that counts hmm .. emm .. yeah, my brother..well, i guess he was just being a brother .. lol. its okay, my brother and sister always make jokes about stuff. im certain that he knows you're a girl but he still wanted to tease me .. just for the fun of it
at least that wouldve eased her worry a bit…besides boys wont send u stuff thats all mushy ..they will send u things that will have u wondering wat the heck they were thinking of when they purchasing it… lol right hehe … why wouuld a boy send me a Harry Potter book ..
and a purse..and a pretty scarf and sisterly cards ?
guys wont do that hm
On a serious note though, am a bit worried about sumthing after reading the above, will tell u bout it when am replying to yr mail..but mannnnn this is crazeeeee… gosh kavs just show yr mum my photo….the id one I posted to u..that shud ease things..and I think I SHUD speak to her when we are ont he phone again ..ok? yup i know you're worried abt it but..im here telling you ..dont be .. please? its not all that serious. i guess she just wanted to ask again..?i dont know. im pretty sure she believes me anyway.
at least then, we can plan for u to come visit without everyone going beserk with worry hahahahaaaa. lol, to think of what i may have to go through to visit a girl in south africa, what on earth would they do if they were certain that you were a guy .. or if they thought you were one
Anyways… this reallly brought back soo many memories…. lmao…. hehhee..thats the thing in life..when things are happening presently .. sometimes, we can never guess that in the future..that same thing will be a significant memory for us … so i guess the lesson here would be that … enjoy it all hmm … if you can that is. hugsss
On a more serious note though..this is the in
LOL WHERE is the old Kavita? You have changed SO much! Or were you always like this and I never noticed before? You are SUCH a darling! MashaAllah
Ahem, what are you trying to imply here young lady?
No my parents are not okay with me talking to people I don't know but I still do it lmao My dad put a passoword on the computer so I can't use it and when I want to use it, i have to ask my parents to turn it on for me and it's really annoying. Aw man, I know how you feel. My parents used to do this to us a few years back. But that was a few years back. Sighs. We cant be mad at them for this .. like I was saying, they are just trying to protect us. There are some real creeps out there. lol but i get their point of view and its fine for now. That was a really rough time, back when i deleted everyone except Tayba, it was super awful. EVERYONE was on my back, my sister too. but i fought for Tayba with my sister and then my sister stopped saying anything to me. that was so awful of me now that i think back on it… I fought with my own sister, i hurt her so much… i'm such an awful sister, she's really too good for me. and now my dad is still strict about the computer, so i just try to hide it from my parents lmao Hey hey hey, what are you talking about ? Let me tell you something, the fact that you feel bad about this shows how much of a good, caring sister you are. If you hadnt felt anything and you didnt care about anything, that would be another thing. We all get crazy when we are upset/mad/angry .. when our adrenaline level is soaring. And after a little time … when we cool down…ease down … when our adrenaline level has finally lowered and we're back on our normal level … we realize that what we had said or done was unnecessary or blown out of proportion. If you felt that you hurt your sister very much … she must be enjoying how wonderful you are to her now
Your mom is hilarious! HAHA I can't believe they wouldn't believe you when you said Scarry was a girl! LMAO well actually, my parents wouldn't believe me either lmao well as long as everything is set now! hehe Well, yeah, it happened. I think its okay now though. I was just telling Ali today that I dont want her worrying about it because its not that serious.
yeah, just email me ur add or pm me or whatever and i'll re-add you inshaAllah speak to you soon 🙂 Sure I'll do that hun.
love you too jaana Hugss
@ Rani: Yup Kavee has always been like this, she just never shows this side of her much… an I totally agree, she a darling, an amazingly beautiful angel
Di! Hey! hug hug!
If God does not exist, one loses nothing by believing in him anyway, while if He does exist, one stands to lose everything by not believing.
Ha. Trust me to come across this post today when I was browsing the archives…
I was reading about Pascal's Wager thing today (thanks to an xkcd comic, see below… I LOVE xkcd… *geek mode* ), and Oreo's post just reminded me of it again. Or maybe that's what he was talking about anyway…? :/
The alt text says: It's basically Pascal's Wager for the paranoid prankster… lmbo.
Oreo : What you said… you said beautifully. It has alot of truth to it.
Boo: Funny comic hehehe
Hmm … the buddha's birthday just passed … and he is no where to be found in this place !
Heheh, yes young lady, fangs off !
Hehe, thats right … my little sister .. Jared lover
My big sister … Jensen lover hehe
Jared had some demon eating scenes that I missed? hehe
That would be running/jogging for me I suck as a runner, I do lol. But if I had to pick … it would be running/jogging.
Better to be quiet or better to be loud/speak up?
Di! Mango smoothies are really good. They have a nice soothing taste.
Roti and curry .. gosh YUM !!!! Reminds me of my mom's cooking … roti curry yummy ! She cooks roti once in a while … but when she does .. such a great meal!
All t his food making you hungry too huh ..hehe .. go go go … take something to eat ! Roti and curry will be great hehe… if you're having some..send some over!
I know how you kinda feel like it doesnt feel right being here; I stayed away from this place a while too you know … it was only lately that I started coming back (since I was home .. from school, didnt have much to do..so I just figured I'd come) … its kinda addicting! It surely brings a smile to my face though … the fuzzy feeling is definitely there! Brings back some good old memories. Love you hugsss remember to fed ex me some roti and curry if you're having
Soy milk
Oh my goodness Boo! What a photographer you are! Dang, I love that shooottt !! Um, can I steal it? lol Goshh, I wanna eat chocolate nowww …. alot of chocolate!
Di? I think we both keep getting disconnected from gmail : I dont see you there anymore. Why does gmail disconnect so often though? Sighs.
Love you di
Yr families in my duas hunnie I hope yr mum gets better soon….. I cant even find the words to express wat I feel..
Your family is in my prayers too Rani. I do hope your mother recovers well. Im so sorry to hear that this has happened. Love you hun
I feel so miserable. I miss him so much. I'm so stupid. I went and started thinking everything through from when we met and I read our latest conversation to each other and now i'm miserable and i miss him so much and crying doesn't help right now and this sux and life is so stupid and i want to know why. damn it i want to know why.
Hugs Rani tightly. I know it hurts. But that spark that you have in you needs to be kept lit. It is in times like these that we need it the most! Love you jaan
My mother had a mini stroke.
What happened hun? Is your mother alright?
Awww! Thank you person above me!
Sweet, lovely, funny, STRONG (yes, you have it in you my darling!) …… is the person above me.