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  • in reply to: Dedicate a Song to Someone Special! #49470

    Oh-I remember Samson and Delilah from High school

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33571

    Ahahaha – well you sound very whoopi di doo happy today. By the way, whats with this s/n of yours? Stick out tongue

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59185

    According to Islam, you can get married after you attain the age of puberty.

    If you like a guy, that's not sinful. What you do with him could be sinful…

    no no, arranged marriage isn't a no-no. Forced marriage is a no-no. There is a difference. Smile

    You're welcome, Kavita! Smile

    Hi Rani – Yes I meant Forced marriage is a no-no. Arranged marriages are okay if both the boy and girl are okay with it.

    You can get married after the age of puberty:this is meaning you can get married over 12-13 yr of age right?

    “If you like a guy, its not sinful” > What do you mean by 'like' here? Just looking at him and having a crush or really liking him even to the point where future engagement may be considered?

    “What you do with him could be sinful” > What exactly is sinful that you can do with him? You[or Ninja] said that no touching/no dating before marriage. How then can you know if you like the guy? Im good with the no touching, but are you allowed to at least get to talk to him and to know hime better?

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59184

    Hey Hayati, welcome back.

    Ali – why the sigh…you alright?

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33569

    Huh? Diii – what does that mean ?

    Amzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *~~~~~~~~suffocating hugs~~~~~~~~~*
    HUGS HUGS HUGS******** Mwahs mwahs mwahs***************

    Missed you tons! I was just wondering about you the other day when I was trying to figure out which places i want to visit in the future [was thinking abt yr trip to Paris..with you sipping coffee in a little shed place beside the eifel tower] How are you!!!! How is Shakz??? Do you hear from her??? i've been wondering about her too and that perverted boss she told us about!

    WElcome back! you've been missed & never say that you're a bad person to us >> you cant possibly be bad ji! *hugs*

    in reply to: Hmmmm… I am New! #67801

    Hey AyedaH – WElcome to the forum!!! Tell us more about yrself! & Enjoy your time here.

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59176

    I understand that. I mean to say, will you be sinned right now if you met some guy and liked him (whic I doubt your parents would want this) ? What age do you have to be before it is 'right' or 'permitted'?

    Im glad to hear that arranged marriage is a no-no.

    I have to go now girls but will be back later on in the day. Take care and thank you for the answers!

    in reply to: Descriptions!……….. #23942

    Ninja : lovely eyes definitely, pious gansta ninja ( priceless combination), super sweeeeeeeeeet, SMART, determined, pretty

    in reply to: THIS OR THAT #43362

    Fish : many of them are pretty.

    Grasshopper or butterfly?

    in reply to: YUMMY or YUCKY #44970


    Ginger mints

    in reply to: FIRST THING GAME #37268

    World peace

    in reply to: PERSON ABOVE YOU GAME!! #41382

    Salaam person above me, and person above person above me.

    in reply to: A Thought… #57131

    Alright, lets make it short. Me driving = scary + shaky Smile

    Ah ! I feel like listening to Salaam from Umrao Jaan. That song is really nice I like it alot! Hey is it true that preity and saif KISSED in salaam namaste?

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59173

    Right right – the lord is merciful.

    Let me ask you something : how do you get someone for life(who eventually will become your husband/wife)? Your parents decides this?

    in reply to: 4 years :O #67539

    More like Oreo agaisnt Senor ji.

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59168

    Oh – now I get it. Thanks.

    What does (SAW) mean?

    And if you do anything against your parents, whats supposed to happen? Like what will happen if you didnt pull weeds (even for 5 mins) and if ninja didnt do the stuff for her dad? Ohhhh alright, those things are small stuff so you probably wont be penalized if you didnt do them[?] I guess Im trying to say, what will happen if we dont do somehting our parents want (a big, significant thing)?

    in reply to: A Thought… #57128

    5th lesson : driving is still scary to me and my dad has to keep telling me to go on to go on and drive after I see cars in the corner of my eyes. But I got better! The first 2 times I drove: it was at a park and my dad let me drive around in circles and everytime I saw a car I dont care how far away it was I'd go to a full stop, just sit there and stare into space like if something bad will happen if i only tip the gas. To think of it, thats kinda funny.. .or maybe not(where Im concerned) Embarrassed

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59165

    I see, I see.

    in reply to: L o v e Q u o t e s ! ! #46982

    I dont know if to love or not. I dont know if I can. I feel confused.

    To me, once you're in it – you just cant come out. What about the other person? I'd never want to hurt a soul in my life.

    in reply to: L o v e Q u o t e s ! ! #46980

    Di, that quote is amazing.

    You mean to say that we have a choice? An actual choice?

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