Ahahahaa….. hi dii
Aww how sweet, your dad seems so nice lol
How do you tell your mom?
Btw – i have to jet so i'll read yr reply later…mmmm mm mm mmmmuwah!
Hehehehe yeahh i always go on BWL from my school library muhahaha lol =)
Yesh yesh, you must show me yr beautiful pictures next time !
Ooooo so class is starting for you Sept 19! thats still quite some time…so rest up!
classes start next monday for me…sooooooo got to visit college tomoorrow to pay my bills and buy my books
I got to jet now girls. Was nice talking to ya'll. See you later. Mwahs!
I dont know if they know thta I love them this much
Ooh, pics – tayaba i wanna see pics too!
I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww….classes start back for me Next monday but i cant wait!! whooo hoooooooooo ..back to studying everyday and sneaking on BWL from the library muuuuuuhahahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Its strange. I love my parents to death but I cant even tell them that.
Definitely, I agree with the no sleeping together until after marriage.
But i just want to tell you – people who see each other and get to talk to each other … that doesnt mean they will sleep together
I dont see eithre of you
Aint nothing happening at the moment
You are explaining it well Rani.
I cant tell my parents such things either. I cant tell them things ; i cant b/c im unsure about what i want too..and plus im scared ..like alot
So, you're meaning to say that its okay if you go to your parents and say that you want to get married , they agree, then its fine?
so you girls dont have boyfriends .. okay dont answer that i mean..not you girls! i mean..muslim girls – its wrong if they have them? alright flirting is a no no i hate those things too but…isnt it okay if its your fiance lol
Salaam my sistas
Naw..i was just leaving a msg with a quote from oreo and scarry's posts thats all
Whatup with you two?
Ninja – Awww
Ali – Im a bit confused withthat post..maybe im missing something
Person above me- howdy!
Perfect body
I love Tyra Banks! I cant wait until the next season of America's NExt Top Model starts in September!!
Combs or brushes
C'mon – where's the spirit Ji
Alisha – you keep that pop corn and pom poms at hand… you never know when the 3 dudettes may gang up on our Senor J … or if his fight with 1 of them will cause him doom from the other two
cOSMIc: F off already okay..and yeah THATS THE FIRST AND LAST U WILL HEAR ME SWEAR..go to hell and damn stay there u moron….hmmmph…………….aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
request granted. now, please take a hike
I got to jet now guy, take care!
Oh gawd didi cool yourself down ! take it easy there you hear me? nopei havent checked my email as yet will check it later on in the day ..mwah
Hey alisha – alright no tears.. order confirmed!
Dnt stress yr self out at work naw… holler at me if the fight start too … [if im not around] … and btw…what side are you gonna be 'cheering' for ?
Howdy to my other peeps!!! ..senor…tabzeeeeeeee …..ninja & ranz