Ohhh Rakshah Bandhan is today?? 🙂 Enjoy.
Rani – you took out pictures?????? Like of yourself?? I wanna see youu !
Ninja – Lunar eclipse? Omg! Must be beautiful!
Hi Heera!
BEE-Otch, couldn’t resist, am in love with a car that turns into this magnificently
sex.y, kick a$$ robot, and it has great taste in music. lol…and ummmmmmmm the
name of this car is Bee otch? lol uh hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Was simply playing around
Kavi, will ye watch transformers already!!!
Heyyyyy diiiiiiiii! Haha..yeahhh igotta watch it! btw..ermmmm… is it still in theaters? ..i gotta check! .. 😀
College started yesterday soo back to studying again *yay* .. I think I mighta lost my cell phone yesterday .. that really sucks
Oooh and how does Yemeni Mocha taste??
Hey guys, waddupp?!
Ninja – you're right! Its working now!
But *yaaaaaaaaaawn* Im sooooo sleepy
Will do all my posting tomorrow
love yall
That combination would = AyedaH
Ah..programmer..interesting! Seems that it has yr mind working much
Fantasy stories..hmm … i guess everyone have them…but they are different for everyone … would yrs involve unicorns by chance? hhehe
Alisha hey! – well classes start on Monday sooooooo i got 4 more days before it starts… Im gonna go into college tomorrow in order to get my books and pay my bill ! luw you mwah
Lemme attempt explaining;
Had this dream about E, few days prior my return to the fourm, and in this dream we
(him, his present girlfriend/fiance’, and I ) Oh my, there's a present 'one' now? hmmph
had called a truce on whatever had happened 3- 4 years back. I wonder what truce means…in this case
He hugged me and suddenly there were lots pink unicorns around us…Pink unicorns? omg…this sounds like a fairy tale
amazing siteJ amazingly feeling. Oh and hugging E ~even in a dream~ feels WOW..sigh!! Awwwwwwww diiiiiiii it seems as though you are really …still…paining…and much.. =(
strong arms he has, the fool J Awwwwwww…he's coming inyr dreams? my oh m y – didi i dont know what happened between you and him but…honestly… i know it was something that really got to your heart..and deep within it .. =(
Mama, off coz is coz Ness calls me that, my mom sometimes calls me mother, I never knew Nessa called you Mama! And its certainly a surprise to hear that yr mom calls your mother lol
my friends tease me about being surrogate moms to themL and Ohhhhhhhh ahahhahaaaaaaaaaaa…wow what is this…predicting their future with your name? lol..surrogate moms..? are you serious? they're joking i hope .. :p
I couldn’t call myself unicorn – besides Pegasus reminded me of my
strength J hence, mama Pegasus, ~~Mother of strength~~ Now that you've explained all this… i sorta see where you're coming from …but seriously i didnt get a clue from
Shakz is getting ready for her wedding?! Are you serious??? How come I dont know this?!!!!! OMg OMG OMG!!!
Tayaba — aww! Good luck to yr friend…! Hope that mister dude treats her well! ..What part of usa is she coming to … btw… rani..london look mad hot .. esp. in those pics tabz took! … man..i gotta come there before the end of my lifetime. Is it marriage season tayaba..so many friends of yours are getting married!
Hayati heyyyy long time no seeeeeeeeee … howdy to ness, rani and ninjaaa too ! hope ya'll well
Ahahaha true dat
A new thread for fights/random swearing *cracks up* –
Problem is – thats more trouble right there
Shahrukh Khan : *attempts to type*
Heya person above me, its Kava daba doo here
Pants because I dont wear jeans
You gonna eat your tater tots? lol……. Napolean Dynamite was soo crazy..its like they were doing nothing… and um… it had me there watching the whole movie right out lol
tater tots – yum!!!!!!!!
choco covered peanuts = yum
Cashew nuts
Interesting alisha !
Scar face to Mama Pegasus to Bee otch and back to Scar Face again .. lots of identification names
Alright gotta jet guys. See ya'll fellas later! Mwahhhhhh
Oh they're down – in the storage room > incase I 'd need em'
Aww, Alisha! Take care of tht finger.
Ranz how do you do pretty lady? lol
Ninja, your dad kinda sounds like mine!
Sounds 100% like me. But I was once told that I never accept them because I dont believe.
I know its not about Bollywood…its about you guys!
Hey Ness – whatuppp
Alisha alisha alisha ..lol i never said you were in any sorta…heat lol…….whtever that means…just dont get yr head all worked up over mr. oreo cookie and… mr. jalapeno here
tabz..ninja…rani…senor … h r u guys?