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  • in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33664

    *cracks up* Your teacher is a pimp aye? Good luck with that! Oh super cool man!!!! Have fun in Psych! Psych rocks.

    Have fun in Law Enforcement … on top of the fact that you never break laws.. I hope you learn how to not break laws.

    Teacher's aid huh — so I see that you're loved by your teachers very much ~~my my my you better live your last year of high school up.

    in reply to: ~*~ BWL Forum MOVIE! ~*~ #68051

    ROFL I'm serious why ju laughing at me. well I've always dreamed of making A MOVIE, not a Bollymood movie cos they're all mushy mushy and gay =P (no offense to anyone) Big Smile

    Big Smile

    *cracks up* – Ahahaa..alright thanks for making me smile on this hmpph Friday. Wow… what a make a movie … follow your dream and reach for the stars Smile Whadaya know – Rani comes along and makes the perfect thread – you can surely put your dream into some action … at least on BWL.

    Rani – I think this is a good idea..sounds very interesting and I'd like to be apart of it of course..not sure what exactly the writers have to do though? I mean we dont make the story up as we go along? Orr… there will be like an outline of the movie but we may make up some things adhering to the general idea of the scene?

    in reply to: Hmmmm… I am New! #67853

    Hey AyedaH ..what up? Im not very experienced in this field of ..*ahem* guys and their usual ongoings in their natural or unnatural habitats.. but..would you mind telling how you have obsevered the specimens talking to their girlsfriends and their sisters?

    Man Alishaaa stop charming me with that urge you got for eating some good kfc right now … are you having the urge for fries too ? What abot you guys have Popeyes there too?

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33662

    Alisha alisha alisaha … man oh man.. you looked like you were REALLY caught up into Mr.Perfect. By the way… dimples? Thats so aww .. lol By the way, the dinner yr friends took you to was to cheer you up?! That thought alone should have put a smile on your face..besides Mr. Perfect 🙂 .. yr friends seem real nice hmmm .. i could just imaging YOU giving them the smiles when you were daydreaming and staring..engaging in lots of eye contact with Mr…. you know who

    Bio is going alright…thanks for even asking about such topic. 1st week of college… seems like this semester will surely be somewhat of a hassle… but hey – this is the way to bring myself up tough. Im getting ready to do a lab report anyway… least I um..think so

    The mineral stuff is mineral makeup … Im not sure if im explainig it well… you can never rely on me to explain girlie stuff well..especially[!] makeup…b/c im the one who feels like a lost lil puppy in the makeup isle. I thought a 'powder like' makeup would be good for my face since I dont/cant use foundation. I have used powder before so I knew it was alright for my face – its cleaner and less irritating. So, i figured out there was this thing called mineral makeup – its something like loose powder and you just brush it on your face. I wish they had a powder with glowing lil particles in it ..that would surely make a glowing face ! I asked Naz if she knew any so she could tell me.

    Thanks for the sloppy kiss man … now here's a super duper hug coming your way!
    Well then, let me check out some of the other threads and get going to homework. This weekend is a 3 day weekend – Monday is Labor Day so alot of people are off. I guess that leaves extra studying time for me. Oh, by the way! I watched Rush hour 3!! It was mad funny… and the end – with those bloopers ..whoooo… maaaaad funny.. I love Jackie Chan ..and Chris Tucker is…funny as heck aha..
    ~~~hugs galore…flying in the air… crawling on the ground… heading in your direction ~~~ mwahhhhhhhhh luw youuu

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33661

    Tayaba – who is anorexic? And no, its not hot at all … its dangerously horrible.

    Ninjaa – Glad to hear that you're feeling so happy about your last year in high school – might as well live it up … Im excited that you (and rani) are taking Psychology .. I like that subject alot and i've been taking courses in it.

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33653

    Marine! Wondering about you! How have you beeenn i missed you too …. Life's great huh – hope you're keeping it on the sane level .. love you *hugs*

    Alisha..well glad that my jokes made your cup of delicious tasting coffee for this bright thursday .. but um..would you mind telling me about this 'brief encounter?' And do brief encounters include eye contact, smile contact ?

    Well oh well – time to leave for classes! before I reach late

    luv ya'll mwahsssssss

    in reply to: A Thought… #57154

    The life thoughts were so true! And the rearranged letters thing was amazing! Im stealing that and emailing it out!

    Ahhhhhhhh everyone wants u to get married ?/ but do u want to get married? ..and what is this thing with kids ? ..that hot dude the other day made u melt when he was being so nice to the kids around … looks like its not other people dreams for u to get married and have kids..they are also yr own dreams? kids are heavenly no one should ever hurt them

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33650

    Hey everyone! Tayba…im glad you had a nice time ..

    alisha alisha alisha! ..reminded me of amzee toooooo !!! omg.. u're fallngin love with total u get carried away that fast?! or is this… kinda like…a special occasion ? ..i mean…um..soooooo did you have a direct encounter with this… perfect dude? and did yr friends see the way u were staring at some random dude ..who happens to be really hot Smile

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33646

    O come on! Not fair! at least post 1 one facebook… or somthing!

    in reply to: ~*~ sToRy TiMe ~*~ #66397

    Aww poor rani threw up ..

    i hate that feeling..throwing up feels horrible

    in reply to: ~*~ PiCtuReS! ~*~ #67923

    Im gonna pretend I didnt read a certain part what you wrote but anyway

    yr eyes are brown..n pretty!

    *NOTE* : pls dont hurt yr attempting to see how it feels to have a camera flash close up ..alright?!

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33642

    Alright diiiii ..gotta go the bathroom hehe

    and then go to class

    luw you mwah

    in reply to: 4 years :O #67569

    I could do with learning the art of ninja fighting Big Smile

    j/k guys..calm down

    *world peace man .. world peace!*

    in reply to: ~*~ PiCtuReS! ~*~ #67921

    Omg Rani – those pictures are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you in the pink circle made me smile for the day

    and yr eyes are lovely!

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33641

    okay..i dont THINK ..but im just putting 'think' there coz i want to be in denial Crying ok enough!!!!!!!!! i cant take it anymore i done get into trouble

    oo is it t hat goood????!

    man im dying to watch rush hour 3

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59232

    Aww ninja Sad … sad story

    Feel better you all

    in reply to: A Thought… #57148

    hmm yup the guys are a part of it…

    I was in a * really low phase * when i joined this place last year..

    just fighting with them helped me in many ways..hahaha


    i dont know when what happened..happened..but..i met you here..really hating MEN ..and always saying bad stuff…

    you've shown a large improvement

    in reply to: A Thought… #57147

    You're not drawn to this place? Surprise i'm surprised…

    Aishwarya who?

    Abhishek is so darned se.xiful. *sigh*

    Rani you didnt get over this yet? Big Smile Aishwariya… *ahem* his wife

    in reply to: A Thought… #57146

    Oh my didi! Are you alright?! Be careful !!

    Oh man…they think you're being abused? a guy? you? ahahahhaaa.. i dont see thta happening .. *woman power* *high five man!*

    you pregnant? lol and how did they come to such crazed conclusion? ? ?

    btw… “decorating parts of my anatomy” reminds me of *ahem* a certain person and you *ahem* *chokes*

    *with laughter*

    in reply to: L o v e Q u o t e s ! ! #46990

    Man, you guys really know waht love is Smile

    Beautiful quotes!

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