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  • in reply to: ~*~ PiCtuReS! ~*~ #67954

    Boo those pictures are lovely, did you take them yourself ?
    Your story about that religious guy made me smile too … I could just imagine him and the background. *giggles* at your idea that you were thinking that he and ninja would make a good couple lol

    Aha..Tayaba… but the glitter looks nice!!! Seriously..looks pretty!

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59271

    Its Kava daba doo to cheer yeh up lol… cheer up…. dont let anyone get to you …and well.. you're strong..we all know it ..stand strong..stand tall! .. 'course alisha is holding you up but hey its workin'

    Alisha – Friday…….. 2 weeks have passed since college has started. Gotta get somethign to eat , take like a few mins break and onto studying! Its been going alright so far.. the professors alright ; I've made some useful acquaintances too

    in reply to: ~*~ BWL Forum MOVIE! ~*~ #68078

    Heya guys: so when is this movie gonna start… nope Ness dont believe anyone claimed wardrobe

    Dont think I'll write but I'll surely be in it.

    in reply to: ~*~ sToRy TiMe ~*~ #66413

    Aamir is hekka cute! When I was at his house earlier, I was just lying down, and he comes up behind me, trying to scare me! lol. soooo cute! Then, when he gets tired of trying to scare me, he just puts his head on my shoulder and stares at his mom. lol. He is soooooo adorable!

    I love the way he says my name! It's as if he is saying Rini instead of Rani. lol. it's soooo adorable. Later, when we go to his grandparent's house, he's pulling me all over the house! His grandparents got a new house, it's realllly pretty. lol.

    Lol – Ranz! When I started to read this I thought you were talking about Amir Khan! [coz I know how you be talking bout Abhishek] So Im like.. reading..”Amir (thinking Amir Khan) is hekka cute .. when I was at his house earlier, I was just lying down and he comes up behind me ……… “

    Im like…arfDog?! lol..'course I realized it was some dude…some cute dude.. you knew…btw..who is this cute dude thats sneakin up behind you trying to scare you off .. I bet Ninja knows..btw he calls you Rani huh thats cute

    in reply to: ~*~ sToRy TiMe ~*~ #66412

    Ahaha – Ninja … you lil cutie jooti ( wait..jooti means liar right? )

    Lol…what made me really laugh was when your friend asked… if you were depressed chemically or otherwise lol

    in reply to: ~*~ PiCtuReS! ~*~ #67944

    Tayaba – me love your eye!!! So beautiful!!! And I see you have lil glitters on … thats hawt right there

    Btw – thank god you're not like Ranz!

    CROP people CROP … dont flash cameras right infront of your eye

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59262

    Ness, are you referring to a bad meaning of 'small' ? Like say..inferior? Probably not the case knowing you .. but if it is… cheer up hun.

    We have a new member … Welcome. I hope that you're feeling better… be strong, hold on, find hope in everything you see .. understand that you have a say in your life and its not only other people around you that have the ability to make you happy.

    Tayaba, congrats on the final year! .. yup college last Monday for back to it again.

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33691

    Hey guys, whats cookin' ?!

    Ness, someone bought you a laptop because Alisha talked to him? Oooh gawd, in that case, we should have her talk to everyone we know lol .. mm mmm goood – christmas goodies way before time!

    in reply to: A Thought… #57157

    So from what im hearing.. you're dreaming of getting married.. having a wonderful wedding with a wonderful dude ..who is nice to yr children (and you if i may mention it) … but you 're not interested in marriage? … i think i got need some more time hmm..well all i can say is take that time..really understand everything i wish time could just wait on us sometimes know?

    love you mwahssssssssss

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59251

    Aww Tayaba! So much thought in those words you wrote up there…. All of those feelings will be able to come to life(with someone that is yours)..because you do have hope and faith in your heart.

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33680

    WEll you seem happy today! Yes soooooo did it rain happiness ? … you know whats magical…watching the sunlight hit the water droplets from the fresh rain … all of the reflections at different angles ..

    soo did they vote u as queen ? ehehehee at college.. i was in bwl .. and this lady told me that the computer is only for people who wanna sign up for college email account.. and i had to click out of bwl hmph..had to go to class anyway lol

    in reply to: Book Recommendations #57855

    Alisha – geeeeeeeeeesh… a woman who kills men for the heck of it ? lol… that sounds disturbing man
    As for what Im reading now – my huge biology book ackk so much stuff to study.. neways gotta return a book tomorrow to the library soo will hunt for a good book to keep my company and give me some smiles and imagination when im totally going nuts from studying lol

    Rani – ahh i've heard some good comments about Kite Runner.

    Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhh i love the magii story!!!!! it was soooooo sweeeeeeeeettt aww man! I didnt read the other books you mentioned..i ought to read 'em though.

    in reply to: ~*~ PiCtuReS! ~*~ #67939

    Omg i love those animal pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33678

    I know.. Anorexia and Bulimia are horrible mental illnesses which leads to physical problems on top of the emotional and mental problems that already exist. Its really sad to see some girls, they look like sticks and the thing that tears you up about it is that model industries encourage such thing by exaggerating how good their clothing and fashion pieces will look and be represented if those girls wore them on the run way and in other poses to sell products.

    Anyway, I've been watching old episodes of America's Next Top Model – they've been showing 'em all yesterday and today! Got me glued to the TV ! Which is a bad thing because I got to study. Man… i love that show! I sooooo cant wait until the other one starts! A while back, I watched London's Next Top Model (wait, was it London's or Britain's ? ) it was cool though i like that too but they only showed it once on TV.

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33672

    Heya Halie! ..what up..

    Tayaba..oh god..bulimia and anorexia…are horrible..and there are so many psychological and cultural aspects that.. led up to these things… i dont know how it is in london..but american people..find great attractiveness in being skinny .. at least in new york where i live .. i'd say

    lol Rani…alrite..then show me on msn whenever if you're not a facebook person

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59244


    *waiting for the news*

    p.s – take it light!

    in reply to: ~*~ PiCtuReS! ~*~ #67928

    Tayaba those pictures are lovely!!

    in reply to: Book Recommendations #57851

    Honeymoon … what is this one about? Brief summary? Wow you fnished reading that in 2 days? gawwd you fast lol

    gotta go… this thread reminded me that i have to go get another danielle steele book to read…gotta run… take care diiii

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33666

    lol. Yes, my teacher is a pimp. Stick out tongue Yes, Inshallah, I hope I like Psych, I'm thinking about majoring in Psych…..Tongue Tied

    on top of the fact that you never break laws.. I hope you learn how to not break laws.

    huh? Tongue Tied
    lol I was trying to crack a …corny joke if I may call it soo…man never rely on me to tell jokes..i DONT COMMENT ON THAT ..*moving on!*


    Teacher's aid huh — so I see that you're loved by your teachers very much ~~my my my you better live your last year of high school up.

    lol. She didn't like me the first couple of days. She thought I was stupid and would fail her clas.s. She made that judgement cuz I wear Hijaab. *shakes head* oh my god ! but how do u know that/???? i mean how did u know she thought u wud fail her class??? and… why is your hijaab apart of her reasoning? But as the progressed, she realized I was the smartest kid in (Not trying to sound vain or anything) She told me this when we started talking more. And she said sorry to me for judging me and that she was absolutely wrong. Then she asked me questions about my religion and why I wear the hijaab and just life in general… From then on, we became friends. Smile awwwww thats cool..and diffferent..i mean..student and teacher being such close friends! but rock on ! She's an awesome teacher, but she just needs to quit judging people. Smile

    Alright, I gotta run now – see you later!

    in reply to: ~*~ BWL Forum MOVIE! ~*~ #68054

    Oh, thats cool! I dont know if I'll be able to write though I mean… where do i start? and with whom? not sure how often i'll be coming on..since my classes are giving such a huge work load hmpphh ..thank god its friday! ..but if you or ninja or someone would want to make like a general story line where all of us can follow..that would probably be an okay idea. and who ever comes on at whatever time can write the movie as we go on ?? but i dont made the whol ething upp sooo lets see waht you think of this proposal

    i agree with NOT copying too much from bollywood movies!

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