Hey – welcome back.
WE haven't met ..so Im Kavita
Your signature is funny *giggles*
Ninja – *sending you a big comforting hug* Also attached is a purple flower … if at any time you feel you are being disturbed by negative, unwanted thoughts – picture a flower, see how pretty it is, imagine yourself smelling it and getting the sweet scent! p.s – It doesnt have to be a flower – it can be anything that you find positive, that you find yourself being drawn to.
Tayaba – Aww darling! *sending you a big hug too!* And the mental flower. If your mood was ruined after you spent a lovely day with your friend, try to put more focus on the lovely day and the lovely event of seeing your friend. Step a few steps further away from the negative event that caused your mood to be ruined. Its needed to face the bad thing, because it is only then that we are closest to making a solution … but dont get yrself too caught up in sadness.
Aww you poor thing! We should all take a flight somewhere and meet up eh … wont be space for crying then, just laughing and ..eating alisha's homecooked meals,watching her dance … steal a lil sip of Ninja's favorite coffee … watch rani take a pic of her eye with a camera ..that flahses bright… watch you beat up senor jalapeno lol… watch oreo and nitzah hug lolz
Enough of this … hehehehehe..was trying to make you smile..and made myself laugh alot haha..Gotta do homework now..take care !
Thanks for the information. I understand that we are all humans – sooo I guess Ramadan is 'a bit' equivalent to other religions 'fasting/special praying … repenting for wrongdoing' … I suppose
About the hijab – I just wanted to know if there was a specific reason to have to take it off. Now that I knowi ts a personal choice, then, thats great – at least they are happy like that just as many girls are happy with the hijab on.
May God accept us all.
Whats a Niqaab?
I feel like I dont have any feelings.
Thanks Kav! I appreciate your kind words!
Easier said than done
Kava daba, even 'the strong' have moments of pure weakness! It will pass…
Aww! Feel better sooon darlin'. You need a super hug. Guys – pile up on her!
Ranz – at least you can understand enough to reply though! Thats a good lot, you can get your way around arabic speaking people
Senor – If Im correct, you were saying – crazy is always better than stupid? ..lol
Alright..Crazy Jalapeno
BTW ..what is this thing with calling Senor Buddha Ranz? .. I dont get it?
What what??? You guys already have our roles??? Wait , where are you guys planning this whole thing though? In private? lol
So during Ramadan, a huge part of it is abstaining from things you shouldnt do, things you shouldnt see, lying, etc. etc. – > this is strictly to be done during Ramadan – shouldnt the teachings strictly say not to do these things from your beginning until your end?? And… say people abstain from everything bad during Ramadan and just go back to their 'self' how they were before (lets assume they lied and stuff before) … is that gonna be like..okay? Since, at least they didnt do it through Ramadan?
I have a question. I've observed a few Muslim girls who wore hijabs alot then all of a sudden I see them stop wearing it. I have a friend who use to wear it all through high school, she switched to another school and when I saw her back, she stopped wearing it … like on a daily basis..i think except for when she goes to Mosque , so she says. I never asked why because I dont want to be rude. Can someone tell me what are the reason/s for this or is it just like a personal choice?
Hi, thanks for the answers.
But – how do you know if someone is actually becoming 'better' during Ramadan? How long is Ramadan? 1 month right? I have heard that girls going through that time of themonth is excused. When you see Muslim people during Ramadan, how do you know they are 'better' ? I mean ofcourse you are devoted and many Muslims are – but what about those who dont? And by that – I mean..you cant do bad things like..lie ..or not fast? What other things cant you do?
I got to go now , so I will surely read your response later. Mwahs take care
Boo-your stalker sounds strange …gave you a lil chill hmm..and even me..when i was reading that. And omg – you said Inshallah hehe
Tayaba ..wait aminute! This stalker dude texts you???? He called you before? … It has been happening for awhole year? Now thats..super strange and freaky … how are you gonna figure out who it is?
Senor Ah blah – if you are teasing to Tayaba about anything weird … it takes on to know on AND according to you – it takes one to DWELL with its own kind lol
Ninja – you make pranks…. do you think Tayaba's 'stalker' could be a prankster..maybe someone she knows even?
Btw though… Boo, maybe that dude was staring at you because you're a beauty … and that goes for other girls too who says guys stare at them
Ninja, it was educating to see your information about Ramadan. Now I understand a bit more what its about. Question : What does Bismillah mean? I've heard it before but I dont know what it means. Another Question: One is to abstain from everything bad during Ramadan ? ..So everyone becomes “better” than they were before? .. .What happens to those who dont? And……….. when Ramadan is over… it goes back to how it was?
Kavita ji, all that glitters is not gold and at times the occasional flash may not capture a moment and freeze it forever in our memories as much as it provides a moment for others to discover or perhaps disdain. If people wish to see my erm pedigree, they are free to do so at their own risk, but it is not for them that I bare myself…it is for the sake of my spirit…for when the obelisk of the south is erm let loose along with its rotund companions, so follow my heart and soul, unfettered and free. Yippee for the Hippee whose pantalones will soon go unzippee!
*cracking up* Ji, you're a crazy Jalapeno!
Nosyi!!!!!!!! Where have you been?!! I've missed you! … hope you're alright??
Yeah i know right! ali reads books really fast lol
I got The Ghost by Danielle Steele ..started reading it
Ranz : “is she chemically okay” dayem girl you crack me up
Omg so you're a lil prankster yourself eh! Thats messed up lol…the way ya'll be pranking people … how do you know you're not always hearing the words of pranks though?
Hmm a teacher with OCD. Lmao! Have a great weekend as well. I plan on flashing my hindside to the helpless inhabitants the live around a lake a few hours away from my house.
Omg, are you okay? lol
Thats a totally uncool … 'plan' to pursue. I suggest you not do it unless you're rich to take on the medical responsibility of those people when they view your *ahem* personal belonging …”flashing” as you call it…or maybe wagging, if you let yourself get too much into the action!
Senor : Your lil post about meeting a friend across the ocean and all those weird … situations ..made me reallly laugh lol..was cute and funny. By the way, who are the nosy ones and who are the noisy ones?
Ness : Ah! Enjoy the Aquarium … the most beautiful thing I saw at the Aquarium was NEMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! I mean clownfishes lol… well.. its NEMO….god..so beautiful… clownfishes look like…swimming moving… paintings or computer graphics im so serious
Alright — Ranz – you're calling the party??? Okay pple ..will be my time to indulge…who's bringing ICECREAM *in excitement* ooo oo! who's bringing chocolate cake!!!! yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmers man yummerS!
Alie… lol..so why didnt you also scratch off everyone's name from that strange list
OMG BOO! — Omg guys! I've read Mashallah on here so many times I found it strange like a few times ..when ever I see something nice i'll be like (in my mind or to myself)” “This is so nice! etc etc how pretty! Mashallah! ” and then i sorta think about Tayaba saying it alot lol ..And then sometimes I sorta picture .. no no..rather hear(in my mind of course) “Oh My Allah!” being said by most likely Rani /or Ninja lol I sound psychotic. People I am NOT psychotic lol …….. then after that i'd just laugh lolz
Btw alisha —- Popeyes lol… its a place that does *southern accent* fried chicken w/ fries n buscuits n stuff like that.. like KFC. They're both good !
People whats going on in here..seems like stuff been gettin' a lil heated.
Alie…. Many people would not understand what you have gone through and from what I see, you have gone through something that has really scarred your heart and it has put you in a place to make you see or perceive the world through different lens. Many people may not realize how hard it can be to forget things. Rather, many times we SAY we have forgotten – perhaps we havent because of reasons such as denial , avoidance of the topic, isolation of anything to do with the topic. Sometimes we think we have forgotten because we WANT to forget but really deep down inside of us – our thoughts are SUPPRESSED and different CUES may tend to bring back these things people call memories.
Diiiii … 'course I know you didnt mean to hurt no one … c'mon guys – we're a forum full of LOVE … i aint be seeing anything BUT that round here…even when Oreo is being a total jerk…still why on earth would he STILL sign in if he didnt actually WANT to post to these what he calls “faltoo” people. Anyway, one thing I really admire about you is that you are so strong and I dont know how you do it but surely God has given you the strength and you yourself have put in alot to keep your head raising high.
Something that really bothers me is this : How come when a guy does something … he can do it and he'll always be RIGHT but if a woman does the SAME thing, she is considered EVIL and BAD ? This isnt fair. Now I m not saying women would go and do bad things : im just saying if a man does something and then a woman does the same thing – its okay for one of them but the other one will have to face fights and be considered as evil/bad
CROP people CROP … dont flash cameras right infront of your eye
OYE! What is that supposed to mean!?!??! Isnt it like..supposed to be a bad thing when one flashes camera in their eye? yeah rite? This forum can't handle two Ranis anyhow. And PLUS! I never flashed the camera in my eye! Alright i take back *ahem* 50% of what I said I only did it after scarrry mentioned it. lol. But you still did it lol which makes up the other 50% anyways