Khushiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii you're back! *warm hugs..tons!*
We missed you lots.
I know…. I love BWL….. sigh… you guys are like… listen to the craziness i have to say… you're're always there sighhhh … i love you guys i love you BWL
Hello ji ji ..So Nessa's new name is Tubelight hmmmm … you dudes are quite interesting…but you do bring a smile to my face…sighs.. and im really in need of one at the moment.
How can something happen behind the screen and in front too? .. Just wondering about that statement. Oh my God – you're saying stuff too! ” It has gone this far” *gasps!* …. lol….wow see you made me laugh!!!!! *hug* yeah im hugging you
Well anywho…whats between you and dii …um… is between you and dii and should be between you and dii
*steps out*
Important thing? Me? … Well — its 2:25am… not sleeping as yet… That jerk idiot. Maybe I should run along now and at lest try to sleep. Thanks for making me smile at this hour!
Who me? Aw man..Im sorry ji… I can imagine how it feels to have someone sucking your wallet out…
Damn its 2:20AM… im still up
that jerk idiot!
Omg – here it is! She is again admitting some sort of love for this senor dude! Ness! I trust you to tell me whats *stares hard* reaaalllly going on.
Oh yes I know that song from Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon! When he was chasing all those girls and he showed his feet! … I hope im right on this.
And as for you Mr. Senor Jalapeno… wow I said Mr. Senor … anyway… so whats been going on BEHIND THE ..umm..BWL screens ..that has made our very own alisha saying stuff as such?
Hey guys…
well maybe senor is having pity because he may be in the same situation..and not telling us!
Hey everyone .. it sucks. Ninja – take sending you a hug too … sigh… i feel as though im not worth giving this advice becasue im guilty of not taking it myself…but dont let anyone get to you … you're wonderful … dont let them hurt you. .. hugs..luv you…
Ranz..thanks ..i did check..gosh you are so nice.. me luw you
And Tayaba I know you sent me a mesage I cant write now but sigh… I just.. love you too sighh
Diii …. ..thanks im giong to use your shoulder to cry on right now… you made me laugh though..about hitting him over the head with… an african made club..and ..its the way women greet men – wowwww i wish that was reality .. we would get to hit so much men over the head we'll be hitting some sense into them anyway. I love you dii
It all sucks. I cant concentrate I have a huge headache. You said not to make him see how i feel, well I think I did tht like 120%. I think thats a bad thing..according to you.. Well, he's having fun at his friends wedding at this moment .. good for him. Jerk. Idiot jerk. Idiot jerk german shepard jerk. I get yelled at for being strange I get yelled at just for asking a few questions. Everything he does is always correct but from the time if i say ..okay if i was doing the thing..then ha..i'll be the most evil person alive.
Well ilt all sucks. I cant think I cant concentrate I hate it all. I cant believe this.
Well jerk! jerk jerk jerk you idiotic jerk jerk jerkjerk idiot idiot idiot idiot jerk idiot idiot jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk idiot jerk jerk jerk jerk idiot idiot idiot jerk jerk jerk idiot idiot IDIOT JERK JERK JERK JERK JERK JERK JREK JERK JERK JERK.
I cant even stay because my brother wants the computer.
Thank you all for being so supportive. Yesterday I swear that all of the stuff inside of my body including my vital organs and blood was up to my neck being all ready to gush out of me I hate it I hate now.
Anyway I have to go. I love you guys so much you'll never know I say… you guys will just never know.
No but this is not nice and im saying jerk becuase i jus thave to say it jerk they are all jerks and you know waht im not going to destroy my skin on this one because all of t his.. no i just hate it and i hate them and it'll never change because i cant do stuff but it cant no no no i have to do something else something else somethign worse something that i wont even feel but it'll be much worse i hate it i hate them
im glad i broke her stupid bell you idiot brokenmeans throw it away dont keep it there y ou freakin jerk..stupid idiot we already fought today and now there's more stuff..jerk..heck why dont u stay by yourself a little more ..the heck im the bad one in this and i do absoulty nothing i have no involvment with no other thing or person i hate you i hate you you jerk i hate her and all of your other friends you jerk and ..abt her claiming you to be her best friend..and that she calls u everyday and that u go over by her every day..adn no doubnt her brother is never home so its only the two of u. …HA! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DO YOU GUYS HERE THIS??????????????????? NOW TELL ME IF THIS PLUS ALL THE OTHER THINGS THAT HAPPENED TODAY CALLS FOR SOMETHIGN MORE SOMETHING MORE TO PUT ALL this thing away JERK IDIOT JERK JERK I HATE YOU I HATE THEM I HATE THEM ALL I HATE HER I HATE THEM ALL JERK
i hate it you jerk i hate them jerk im glad i broke her stupid bell you jerk i broke it twice stupid bell im glad i broke her bell you idiot. you jerk you yell at me lik eim a stupid criminal when you go off an do the things you yell at me for and its perfectly fine you jerk you're her stupid best friend jerk but you are yelling at me for asking 1 qustion about it jerk when you yell at me for having another persons number inmy phone with whom i spoke to for 20 seconds or less … im glad i broke her stupid bell you jerk its broken that means that you can move it from ur vehicle jerk was a mistake jerk but i realized that from the time u told me she gave it to u … must have been some weird body-mind connection and i snapped it apart…and mistakenly did it again JERKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK you jerk you jerk i hate it i hate you i hate her i hate them why dont you just have no stupid involvments with themall jerk why jerk why you jerk
I feel the stormy heat of anger swirling vigorously in my chest. I want to scream i hate it i hate it
jerk jerk jerk some things are just stupid jerks ..stupid idiot stupid stupid stupdi jerk i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate them i hate them i hate them i hate them i hate you for being so stupidly involved with them jerk jerk jerk they are all stupid jerks and so you are you jerk idiot jerk jerk idiot you stupid jerk jerk i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you stupid s tupdi stupid i knwo some of it is on my behalf but why do you care of them so much ack!!! you stupid jerk..there's nothing wrong with being locked up in a silver case and not letting anyone see you jerk! you jerk to yourself more sometimes god
Ness : lols can imagine how much laughs alisha be making people engage in! but gawd… i have to say…cant imagine alisha bossing you around lol .. btw..gorgeous is taking it right at the BEGINNING!!! ..not too far
Khushiiiiiiiii — heyyyyyyy youuuuuuuuuuu long time no seeeeeee we all been thinking of you and missing you r u!!! hope gooddd !hugsssssss~~~
Ninjaaa.. where r u you?? me miss you..hope all is well?
Tayaba……whats up … hunneyyyyyy ..
ranz … whats the progress on the bwl movie??
alisha..,..senor whats cookin~~ ~~?!! a combination… just to let you knowit was totally random on my part lol
homework time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol ..exactly
esp. you and ranz
Ness : You're soooo making me crack up…. *ahem* ……. I see we are quite alike in our thoughts lol.
Tabz – lol … i need the same prayers toooooooo have more order ha!
Gorgeous Ness…glad to hear you are alright. Im happy b/c I just spoke to alisha..and I was laughing the wholee time lol
Tayaba…Im glad that your uni has better features that you love! Thats great! Enjoy.
lol… i guess i shud go start getting ready for class
Will talk to you guys laterrr mwahsss and hugsssssss to ALL of you
Dii…it was cool talkin' to you today! still laughing 🙂
Alishaaaaaaaaa … hehe..I had 10 minutes on the phone card..soo we were in good timing. You sound sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttt
I cant believe I spoke to you hehe… I was laughing the whole timeeee … my cheeks are red from that too hehehehe
Oh are online! I went to do some cleaning…and came back..Senor..Im alright…just ….waiting to leave for college…yummy to that ice cream~!!!
Ness heyyyyyy whaduupp
Alie..i'll try to call soon ..i got a prepaid phone card y'day ..hope it works! will hopefully speak to u for a couple of mins before i leave for class
Awwwwwwwww me love you all toooooooooooooo *hugsssssssssssss*
Well..i didnt even know it was Down..till..i found out from facebook ..but hey its up agian yay
Hi desi kudi = welcome back! sound happy to see everyone back hehe…! Good luck with the studying.
Senorrrrrrrrrrrr make fun of it the u know if alie is onlnie noww???? btw..h r u..what r u cookin' up today?
Aww Boo – ~~hugs hon~~ … feelbetter..cheer up *mwah*
Alisha……….yes tell us MORE ……..*ahem* gawd and plzzzzz tell me I dont know the person you're in love with
man……….that cough is still there? 🙁 … feel better… use ginger and gargle with warm salt water! ..send me yr number… hunting through facebook for it but i cant find it.wantred to call u before i go off to class
Aw Tayaba..take it easy there darlin'!
Alisha, if you're here……… can you send yr number over!!!!!! ..was planning to call u like right now..before going to classes latrer on..but i cant find yr number
Sheesh! My human rights are being violated! Why do you have to mention me being beat up? What does that have to do with cheering up Ninja? Kavita ji, you and I have an axe to grind. That's it. Watch out! No more nice guy. Lmao!
Ohh, Im sooooo scared ! Ninja, hold me still please! Im shivering too much … I cant take it anymore.
At least you put a smle on my face though
And im glad that at least I made some people laugh…*ahem* and some people didnt
Gawd, its for the cheers…reducing some stress no matter what it takes hmm.