Hello Senor ! Biology is driving me Bazurka! I can no longer read it all, so came here for a few minutes. I've got 3 tests next week and Im so behind and Bio is just .. argh… bonding the sodium chloride to my bleeding wound!
Man, I feel like a butthead burnt potato
The Ghost that Im reading… weird how I NEVER expected the book to have ..um .. a GHOST inside of it. Thats not fair man! I aint going round reading no books with no ghosts dude. The darn back of the book said there was a dude who rented an ancient house and he FOUND THE DIARY OF A WOMAN WHO LIVED THERE 2 CENTRURIES BEFORE… n he reads it and understands her whole life story…sounded mad interesting to me.
Gosh man, never thought she'd appear to him. Right now Im at the part where he buys the place from an OLD woman who use to live there a while back.. and the ghost woman or who ever appeared to him and then disappeared ..lol.. weirrrrrd man
That kind of totally killed it for me. First Im scared of these things…and 2nd ..come on man… !!! lol Anyway…strangely .. i have a bit more interest ..so will read on..not sure if she was really there or if the dude is going bazurka..since he just got a divorce..and left his country and job.
I think Senor Jalapeno is a *ahem* name already ji.
Im sure its really far off from your *stares* real name.
Hey Tayaba .. Khushi.
Tayaba.. I must ask … do you have that London accent? * DEEP IN WONDERING*
Muskanjali – nuh-uh … its not me. *ahem*
YES – OMG! HE HAS THE EFFECt on you too? OMG! Together we stand ! ! … Or fall to the ground in this case — lolll
I didnt watch Salaam Namaste but I heard Preity and Saif kissed in there.
The others will say more about themselves..since im here i'll go first
Im from the West Indies… but moved from there quite some time ago. Im 19 yrs. Currently attending college … in NY hoping to pursue something in the medical field. Speaking of college… I have to go and study, I have 3 tests next week and I still have sooooooo much material to cover. Sighhhhhhh
Lol, have never seen this but its funny. Check out Bart.. or um… Balvinder Singh lol .. proud to be punjabi lol
How come the guys name are differnt from the girls name (the last name)
Hey Muskanjali! You're online! *looks to the side* Me? Me in that thumbnail … *great emphasis* ahem…. *chokes* Noooo of course not
Oh UK! Cool! Like Tayaba…
OMG! WAit, SRK is bringing another new movie hmm … Gawd man he is the BEST… the BOMB … THE BEST! I love SRK! ..
(yeah he has that effect on me)
Talk to you later
Tayaba Im confused as to who this stalker is..why is he upset? coz he cant get u ? lolz wahhahahhaa… oh well hehe
And awww hun!!!!!!!!!! hope your ankle is better..ouch..take rest! and next time..be careful hun
Khushi hehehehe..take it easy there soldier! i looked at it..madhu looks sooo pretty!
Dii..are you alright??? Not sure what those words mean..in fact.. i dont know what they mean..but hope you're okay?
is love suppose to render one shy?? Too shy…. it renders me guilty too..although my extreme feeling of that..is fading… I mean..how am I evil if I ..love..?
hmm okay
must be love season nah Why are you saying this? Are you experiencing that blooming flowers of the season??? lol
me is in love toooo oooooooooh wow lol didnt see this line before i wrote the previous one lolzz .. soooooo why dont you share too…hehe
*i feel sick… Awwwwwwwww my poor babyyyyyyy…take rest jaaan and make sure you are nourishing your body well
*i want to to a bagel fresh from the oven ( can only get one in Durbs ) oo helping is beyond my control..for this one
*my eyelashes luk longer than norm??? hmmmm lol… yay!
*am a mess – my minds having a jumble sale..discounts all round your mind is having a sale? wowwwwwwwww…what are the stuff your mind is selling? .. im a bit confused but really curious hehe
*am not luking forward to this weekend..am extremely scared.. aww why? ..i hereby…extend to you..some powerful magic dust..to get you through the week end… being strong..
*am missing DS..a lot..hope insha allah he is ok
*was washing the dishes yest, with my music on full vol..erhmm reading glasses on cuz my head was aching..anyways..had my eyes closed..sorta …singing and dancing along with Sonu..when i luked out the window and saw dis dude staring at me…he was supposedly washing his darn car but instead was propped on the bonnet gazing at me?? anywys..I had no curtains coz it was being washed at that moment and the erhmm embarasing part was dat I had just a towel wrapped around me..bare shoulders an all..eeeek!!! so I pretended like sums had fallen, crawled outa the kitchen and once in the hallway I peeked thru that window to find that idiot laughing…aaaaaaaaaaaargggggggghhhhhhhhhhh..
Omg alisha! lol are you serious! Thats why he was staring at you…hmmmmmm cos yeh had a towel on thats all…he was staring at yr gorgeous shoulders yeah … omg… u made me laugh man… at the part when u pretend something fell..and crawl out of the kitchen..sound like something i'd do if i was ever in that situation…*hide!* lol … >>> aw man..laughing?! *growls*
*am hopeless *hugs jaan*
*sighs..aaaand for sum odd reason..thinking of E…hmmmm Awwwwwwwwwwwwww… hugs*** im here for you **** … you're a strong dii ..keep that chin high up..
… Me too
Raniiiiiii?!?!?! SHWEETOO!? Dii se chupaana? tut tut tut!! Tell tell, cute shute guy na?
Khushi! You too!?! Oye… you tell too!
I can sense the psychic connection between you too…being in love… at the same time..lol
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, with whom? Abhishek … salmaan…amir… or some….'real ordinary' dude
i knw but it still wont work ..sighs…we can try though, will start with yr guy..then move on ..wat say?? Ha ha – ahhh well…. i wonder how many dudes will fall for that? .. i think if you really come to meet ..dude in real life..you'd fall for all of his jokey/nice attitude… i kind of dont like how he makes everyone love him so much…but…thats crazy
I love you dii
i knw..back at u..i love u too hun..wish u cud pack yr bags and *** live with craze ol moi for a bietjie
i wud love dat for real…. Mannnnnnnn! I wish diii ! Aw gaaawd.. think of seeing dii all day and cookin with her lol..dont blame me if i make you screw our lunch up..then we can go to some bushy area and stare and animals grrrrrrr! lol.. i know you're thinking about my 'misconception' of africa..but im talking about ..the parts where animals are..but wait…do they like..bite? i mean like…do they try to kill you? cos then…um… i would have to rethink
It all sucks. I cant concentrate I have a huge headache.
wow..amazing…same here…know how u feel..at least u can have painkillers..me will have to wait:(
Aww dii! Dont overwork yourself too much. Take rest!
You said not to make him see how i feel, well I think I did tht like 120%. I think thats a bad thing
why is it?? I meant its a bad thing ..according to you? .. I mean to not let him 'know' … but then again if he doesnt know then he'd probably think Im still a cold person … i know it gets more confusing as i share more info ha
..according to you.. Well, he's having fun at his friends wedding at this moment
so let him go ahead..what stopping u from having fun huh???
Whadda you mean! What fun am I going to have? What fun can I possibly have? I dont really…define 'fun' as…really excited upbeat things..cos i dont get much of that… sigh..well the most fun I had during this time was … um… putting on lipstick and taking out pictures on my phone and camera. ..yeah while im sure he was ……..ah forget it >> oh yeah and then i came on BWL..but..sighs.. i thought i scare you guys cos..darn…i was feeling like… strange and angry upset and yelling JERK JERKJERK mentally ..constantly.. and sometime outloud
.. good for him. Jerk. Idiot jerk. Idiot jerk german shepard jerk.
chup with the name calling already..ur soo gonna regret calling him this…**winks** u know dat…
Ah, you're right… Well I dont REGRET it… but I did ease up on the name calling..or thinking about name calling… I still think his friends are… *ahem*…J …. J … I… okay dii! I wont name call! ..but that doesnt mean its not in my mind…omg..that makes me sound like such an evil person!
A few days ago I found a frog in the lobby of the place where I work. We had an event of sorts that required a spectacular number of indoor plants that we had to beg, borrow or steal from other offices in the building and I guess the frog came as an added bonus.
I playfully gave the frog a tap and the darn thing wouldn't move. So I lined it up like a soccer ball and kicked it like one would a soccer ball from the corner. Poor frog flew in the air and splattered against one of the huge glass doors, needing immediate attention from two janitors who had to clean and disinfect like crazy.
The frog has been on my mind since that day. Sheesh! I wish I did not kill that frog.
At your age Senor saab??, I can’t phantom what had been going through your mind, but that’s cold blooded murder, the poor frog!! Eeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuu..
Developed a migraine now
Dat could’ve been my prince u just mashed…sighs!!! Maybe he was trying to do that so it would heighten his chances…who knows……………..
As for you Senor…. that was really a horrible thing to read. Seriously…its not nice to go around splattering animals into juices …. gosh..sighs… I really wished you didnt kill that poor frog too. I feel really sad for it. And Im kind of mad at you that you would do such a thing! But its over… and even you said you wished you didnt do it…yeah..AFTER you did it… sighs
Hey guys..lol Boo … your warning about Seriocomic made me smile lol … its true though .. if he ever comes by..threaten you to jump off a cliff… hurt you… accuse you of being from a differnt planet..etc etc … its how he is lol… but he knows deep inside he loves us
We're a family here … Khushi and everyone else is absolutely right..soooo welcome! ..a new member! yay! hehe
Yeahh i like yr name… Muskanjali… makes you wanna like…stop and ..think … well for me it does..
Hi Muskaanjali! How are you?! Welcome to our forum… enjoy it here >> yup yup..we're all good friends Surely, you can join our circle! So tell us a little more about yourself.
Im Kavita by the way.
Hehe, your name made me remember K3G tooo
I know this site isssssssssss great..its the best!
*sniff , sniff *
. dot dot dot.
*snorts* *sniffs* *chokes*
I love you too Rani
Lower thy gaze child…lower thy gaze
Aww ninja – take rest darlin'! Give that coffee a little break and relax.
Two people go by the name of tubelight? Wow…so weird how a strange name as that would be taken up by more than one person
Absolutely love this image.
From where did you obtain it?
Khushi you sound soo happy! But im soo lost as to whom you're talking about!
Hahaha… ninja you made me laugh .. i sorta pictured you poiting a strict finger to rani saying…. 'lower thy gaze child… lower thy gaze'
Whats up guys? me miss you all
im alright……. well at least better..thank heavens