Yay! Cake! I hope there is enough for everyone Ranz…although scarry gets the biggest piece ..yeah because she's speical
And now to decorate the place .. with balloons …all over !
Ranz you're making me reallllllllly crack up hehehe
yeah put that dummy on hold till after Ramadan
dont let IT ESCAPE
omg im being mean again!
Aww you guyyyyyyyyyyyys you're soo niceeeeeeeeeeeee I love you alll *hugs all of you tightly in a group circle!!!*
RAnz — heehehehheheheeeeeeeeeee whoooooooo this might just be good. Popcorn plz ! Yeah I'l llike that with a lil butter!
Im soo happy that I talked to diiiii today yay! WAs laughing crazy again..*ahem*
Im also happy coz i got my first test back and i got a 98%
Ness you call Senor .. Yellow? Im curious as to how that name arose.
Uh hmm
What about her? Does she have an accent?
Fact: I just cried.
Prediction: Its not over yet.
Lol … poor monkey looks scared
he better watch out for them electric wires though coz then them police pple wouldnt have to take him down he woulda done that by him self
Wow sounds like a good book.
Naw..its just me..not explaining stuff properly..
I was saying : The book I got ..it goes by the name of The Ghost. The review of it said that a man who is recently divorced and left his job moved to America (from london) and rented this ancient house/comfort inn to stay in for a while. He then supposed to find the diary of a woman who had lived in the same ancient home 2 centuries before and read her stories during his heartache..of overcoming divorce and leave of job. The back of the book says this.
Now Im reading and..the dude comes home and evening and saw a WOMAN ..extremely beautiful standing infront of him..then she walked away..he checked for her everywhere..and he could find no traces.
Im saying.. i feel like potato..coz i totally didnt expect this book … The Ghost..to have a Ghost in it lolz
Then again..maybe he cud just be going bazurka from worrying about his divorce and all.
Omg… That britishy sounding accent has always fulfilled some hobbies…. you know..like sometimes I'd imitate it for fun lol .. I remember doing that in 6th grade with another friend…and I remember doing it recently with someone else hehehee… It sounds coooooooooool
Hm Tayaba .. I guess you dont hear it bc you're use to it you're right b/c when Alisha called me she said I have an accent..and..I um..dont? lol .. I speak regular .. alisha you sound like you speak in the same accent as me though .. well close enough
*stares hard* What Thumbnail pic are you dudes talking about? Its just Rani.
La, la , la , la , la
Gotta go to class now!
Huh? Really?? But… so a husbands last name is different from his wife's? And the kids last names are differnet?
Wow…. I NEVER knew that.
Senor, Take it easy there.
Alisha why are you envoious when you got your nails done AND a full body massage hehee..
Omg… are you crazed miss … willing to bruise yr self so that some cute hottie wud come and rescue you ..*thinks* .. man that doesnt sound that bad! Lol ! .. but tell me, you ARE joking right ?!
AS for football – dont know much about it- my brother watches it and I always refer to it as a stupid game with a bunch of barbarians trying to kill each other .. senseless I tell you . Wait a minute.. I dont think girls CAN play football..are you talking about Soccer???? I thikn maybe u mean this one… uhh lemme think……….emmmmmm dont touch the ball? lol.. I suck at sports. Ask Senor .maybe he can shed some llight in this dude sports.
Di, who is that?
I saw Monster on display.. was wondering how it tastes.
FAll – because it preceeds Winter.
Winter. I love the snow.. I love the season.
Neither baby sit neightbors kids or walk neighbors dog … if i had to choice..under force though… I'd definitely have to go with walking the dog!
Ji… but why?
OMG!!!!! I'd arrange to meet Shahrukh Khan!!!!!!!!!!!
*faints at that thought*
Take care of yourself too Ranz!
Ji, did you leave??
Ahhhhh maybe I should go to bed ; like seriously!
My lil ninjerina got skillz maynn! she took it herself. When I first saw it I was like WOAH WOAH WOAH!!! lol and then she sent it to me and I was speechless…. Okay so I wasn't coz I can never be speechless when I talk to loserina but yeah its BEAUTIFUL Masha'Allah!!!!!!!
Ninja ! You took out that picture? OMG – YOU GAT SKILLZ IM GIVING YOU MAD PROPS DUDE. Whoa !!! That picture is top quality .. Amazing! Wow … But how did you get the petals to be a different color..?
You are a talented photographer.
Tayaba… your pictures have elicited a fear response in me…
Hmm thats strange… um..was it like..moving???