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  • in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33928

    Huh? Ninja, who is wierdly weird?

    Ness , Im confused about your Oreo statement .. but curious as to what you meant.

    Peach *ahem* Peace


    in reply to: Your Awards!!! #23099

    Oh, I dont know them

    in reply to: YUMMY or YUCKY #45090

    I love mushroom pizza!

    in reply to: PERSON ABOVE YOU GAME!! #41602

    Person above me

    sending you a warm hug

    i love you

    in reply to: THIS OR THAT #43523

    INNER ear mickey mouse going on here


    in reply to: A Thought… #57165

    Aw diiii… very inspiring!

    What up guys?!

    Senor DUDE what up? *ahem*



    in reply to: Salaaaaaam Namaste! #68365

    Heheheheheeee Ness..yup she did say that Smile ..and just confirmed it in her post above.

    Diiii lol ! I meant … I didnt think there was much of an accent difference between you and I but.. I mean..a little but.. mostly the same..or maybe that cud be in my head ..among other things lol ;;;

    weith the great exception of me saying a certain person's NAME totally different than the way you say it..hmmmmmmmmmm who could we be talking about..ONCE AGAIN? man o man… i wonder if this CERTAIN PERSON knows how much *ahem* they invade our convos!

    *ahem* *coughs* genius *coughs*

    Somethigns in my throat

    ..oh yeah, its bursting laughter



    Aliii, you are a sapphire hehe 'course!

    And Rani ..that cake… …lets all have some!!

    Lol diiiiiiiii .. um..we didnt tell you b/c its…a SURPRISE yes .. a surprise!!!

    and just so you konw… its GREAT knowing that one more year means one more year of you being in my face hehehe hugssssssss



    Its the tiem to discooooooooooooooooooooooo la la la la la laaaaaa nache baliyeeeeeeeee ……..dum dumd umd..okay i dont know hindi..but u guys know the song im singing to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    love u diii

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59394

    *Holds Rani*

    How are you hun? Doing better? It'll be alright, you watch…. we all love you

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33925

    Tayaba, British people say 'homie'? Just curious.

    Ooh I think I need to get A Walk to Remember too!!

    Ranz..this pic of very nice! Where is it from? Is this from her latest movie? B..something..bhul bulayia..or something like that.. I dont know hindi soo I dont know if I said it right.

    I had 2 tests today…came home and slept man! Feel great now. Time to clean!

    Love ya'll mwahs

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59388

    *Running to Rani, arms opened wide*

    Im giving you a warm hug filled with love and comfort.Right Hug Aww honey! I can tell you not to cry because I dont want you to. But if it happens, Im here .. *surrendering my shoulders*Right Hug

    Feel better my darling and dont be upset. I love you , we all love you.

    By the way, who is this person who has caught your heart? Just curious…is it Abhishek again or…some… . other person..who shares the same zip code as you?

    ~~~hugs and kisses ..and love..lots and lots of love ~~~

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59378

    Kavita ji, if I thought I was beautiful, I would have become a hair-stylist. Lol what are you trying to say about male hair-stylists?! Hm hm hm?! Hehehee Lmao! No, I do not think I am beautiful. I am blessed. I live the life of my dreams wide awake. God has brought better people in to my life and they all help make me a better man. I am unconditionally loved by exceptional individuals who could have chosen to bestow their affections on a much better person, but chose me instead. Aww ji ! It sound as though you just sort of put yourself down ( yeah hard to believe – I havent seen that much from you) However, Im sure they chose you because you are unique and they have good reason for the choice that they made and it was not forced upon them.. I am grateful.

    See, the problem with thinking one is beautiful or handsome is that it is most often in comparison to another. Sighs..well its what other people say for heavens sake..oh she is more beautiful than her..she has more curves THAN HER OH THIS OH THAT…ack!! judging i tell you..not nice no no. Or, we restrict beauty to specific body parts: My face…my nose…my eyes…my hair…my ass ummmm is this one of your body parts that you think is beautiful Stick out tongue im joking…and so on. I believe our Father in Heaven is not in the business of making junk. 'Practice makes perfect' may apply to Homo Sapiens but absolutely not to God. With God, 'Perfect makes perfect.' This quote made me think sooo much ji … its more about what people have turned beauty into right… EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL but..people on earth just turn it into differnt things with different definitions… That is uncool. Everyone is beautiful and this will always be a strong belief of mine.

    The Scriptures say, that '…we were fearfully and wonderfully made…' and I believe them. I look exactly as my Father in Heaven made me (except for my nose ever since I broke it several times playing Soccer, or my ankle that I broke in a biking accident, or my left shoulder that I severely injured in a fall from a tree, or my right thumb that I broke more than once…they all look slightly different from the way they were made).

    Another thing I have learnt is that one man's definition of beauty is another man's reason for nightmares. My uncle was not an attractive man, and my aunt was so beautiful you would feel like sneaking up behind her to see where she hid her wings. My aunt adored my uncle. She was truly and deeply in love with him. I remember once asking her, 'What do you see in Uncle? He looks like a Gorilla?' Poor aunty! How could you tell her such thing about her husband Smile She smiled and said, 'Honey, I wish I could lend you my eyes.' Awwwwwww ….. thats so sweet …

    The Bible says God would rather die than live without me (Gospel of John 3.16). I do not need another compliment or any other sort of assurance. I matter to Him who is from everlasting to everlasting and for no act of mine. That is what matters most in my life.

    Oh, Kavita, you are beautiful. Your Father in Heaven sure thinks so. If you have doubts, feel free to pick an argument with Him, but be warned, He never loses an argument. Ahaha… or I can pick an argument with you for bringing that up. Im just joking ji … what ever you said.. I am in totaly belief. I believe everyone is beautiful. God must have made everyone great … after all , he

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59377

    *Shouts* Rani!!! You brought smiles to our faces so many times, you are so sweet and loving and caring! You are beautiful.

    You are beautiful Rani jaan … there is no doubt about it.

    Would you stop with the Kajol thing alreadyyyyyyy …

    I love youuu ~~hugs~~~

    Heyy Tayaba ! How are you? What what, Rani are you match making? Exported from America lol ! How bout we find a guy here and then have Tayaba sent out so then we can see her too ! Party!!! Tayaba you can impress him with your British accent ! ~~~hugsssssssssss and kisses ~~~~

    Heyy Senor JJ …whats rocking your boat today? Smile Hope the wind isnt making it sway too much!

    in reply to: Salaaaaaam Namaste! #68361
    *stares hard* What Thumbnail pic are you dudes talking about? Its just Rani. Big Smile

    huh? What about me? Tongue Tied

    Hmm, its Rani from Paheli in my thumbnail Smile Lets leave it as that..before people start objecting Smile

    in reply to: Salaaaaaam Namaste! #68360

    Ahahhaa ..she said I have the accent and everyone has an accent except her hehe

    She said you talk like reallly american.

    There is a lil accent in her talk yeah but its not that much ..i mean to me, we sound almost alike ..uh… I think hahhaa

    She will soon object to this when she sees this post ahaha

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #33897

    Didiiiiiiiiiiii OMG this is what you were telling me over the phone!! I didnt quite hear it I just heard that there was some concern with your throat

    DIIII in the name of the lord you will be alright my darling!! me love you soooooo much and we will all pray for you to be better

    I was reading about the bracelet… Im wearing it now!!! I absolutely love it im always wearing it!

    Love you dii everything will be alright .. i wish also for you to see yr mom and dad!!

    in reply to: THE TRUTH #64124

    Very interesting Rani ; Beautiful.

    I have a question: How long does Ramadan go for?

    in reply to: ~*~ BWL Forum MOVIE! ~*~ #68115

    Rani whats going on with the BWL movie?

    in reply to: ~*~ BWL Forum MOVIE! ~*~ #68114

    Bhondu means dumbo and innocent at the same time?

    Blonde? lolzzz Khushi you made me laugh for the day Big Smile


    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59370

    Senor thats very sweet ji.

    But you should explain your you're trying to say if i BELIEVE THAT IM ..beautiful then I will be??

    I wish your concept was true but I dont think it is.

    How about you ji? Do you think you're beautiful?

    RAni jaan you are beautiful and sweeet and loving and caring and I know from my heart ……. you can easily shine up a room! Love you!

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