Kavita, this one is for you.
Rani! You translated the whole song!! Thank youu! The words are really deep. Its so wonderful when you know the english meaning of a song … it means soooooo much more to you than just a good beat and some good singing!
Thank you hun [:}]
I so love this song! I keep playing itttt, Im playing it right now !!
Yep, well I suppose that you are right, with the whole thing about angels being fierce and comforting at the same time.
I guess what I was meaning … its taking on a different type of story and giving off a different kinda vibe than in the 1st and 2nd seasons. But change is good hahaa.. im sure they dont want people getting bored of the same-type story line.
Um, I dont know what i think of the angel lol. he's really mysterious and calm .. well thats a good thing. I dont know much about him though.. i didnt watch much episodes with him.
Hehe, Dean is funnyy hahaaa. Why didnt you like Jessica? Hm.. well, she died anyway sighs. I dnt even know who Sam found after her.. just knew that he kissed some girl after Jessica died, and me and my sister were like O M G, no he didnt! haha. And then later, i think he was bein all frisky with some WEREWOLF girl lmao … I didnt see the whole episode but he had to kill her or something.
Why do you feel jealous when Dean kisses someone? Im kinda thinking i know why! But keep in mind that person A is different than person B. Sometimes its so hard to draw a big line between two things that are so similar huh.
Speaking of Ranbir Kapoor, Im watching a song from Saawariya – 'Yoon' Nice song He's definitely schweeet. I watched a song from Bachna Ae Haseeno and I was so surprised how he looked so different! Like he looked like he was really working out or somethingg!
We are human and we're subjected to the pangs of our human bodies and our human mentalities
Which pretty much translates to something similar as Mamatha said … we may never feel 100% blissful or if we do, it may not be permanent … and to those who feel this and its not temporary – wonderful for you !
I guess we pretty much have to try to take what we have (especially if we are aware that we cannot drastically change a situation/event/thing/self) and turn our perception around to see those situations/events/things/selves in a different/better light.
Just as our peception allows us to see something as fearful/bad/terrible, its just so that our perception can allow us to see the same thing as wonderful/lovely/okay/bearable.
Cashewnuts, definitely!
Almonds or Walnuts?
Hi Analogs! Welcome to the forum.
For this thread, you have to post which ever word comes to your mind after you read the word that the last person posted.
For example: the person above me wrote : Bouncy.
This reminds me of a Ball, so I post 'Ball.'
By the way, I like Shahrukh Khan too !
Yummy (at times, if its made up of the right vegetables)
Fried Potato (indian style) with rice
Im also smiling with the -person above me- regarding Rani's post.
Person above person above me: very informative.
lol you bum! you're the cutie! and cute eyes? i'd like to think my eyes were at least gorgeous in that pic!
LMAO it was cool talking to you tooo! a little embarrassing on my side, but still fun!
You do have pretty eyes jaanu It wasss cool hearing you! And you sang for me! Nawww, not a need to feel embarrassed!! lol. It was fun
as long as you're fine now and don't have a problem with it.
Yeah, Im good now hun
mmhmm anger is like that na. you don't really mean everything you say, nothing makes sense, the only thing that makes sense is that you're angry, and once you're all cooled down, it's just not completely the same anymore. Anger is one letter short of danger. that's what i've always believed because i've experienced anger like no one else (well not really but u know what i mean). I'm not too good with anger…
Yeah, you're right, you're right hun. I know after we cool down, its all good again. Anger isnt good.
I've been okay, how u been my darling?
Im alright hun, thanks for asking. I hope you're alright.
Alie di,
im sending a hug just for you.
Its hard to say 'chin up' so Im just going to say
try to make yourself happy with the things that you have
and keep trying to make yourself, your outlook on life, better
“Ain't nobody else who can make a change but me”
My friend met both shah rukh and kajol lolly She said shah rukh was such a darling and polite and took pics with them but now she doesn't like Kajol becuz when they went to take pics with kajol she said all snottily, “I don't take pictures.” LMAO
How is it that other people keep getting to meet Shahrukh Khan! I mean …………. not like I care or anything
Ahem.. That must have been so awesomely cool. Shahrukh Khan seems to definitely be such a respectful polite person. I've seen some interviews and clips of Kajol and it kinda seems like she has a bit of an attitude.
A while before that, Haylie's friend met Shah rukh too at some hotel.
Those girls are so lucky! I mean…not like I care about ever meeting Shahrukh Khan in a hotel where he chatted with me like we go way back …
Thanks for the extra info hun. So, Shahrukh – Kajol, the number 1 jodi is finally backkk! I just..I dont know what to think about the movie though (the plot/storyline). They better put some Kuch Kuch Hota Hai type scenes in there or something.
Dont you hate it when people compare you to others?
Its kinda weird that people usually give reasonable advice but they never take it themselves. You're right with what you are saying. Well, I guess I got upset for a couple minutes, and then I was good again. I guess all it takes is a bit … cooling off …. But, I just, I dont feel that they had proper right to make that comparison; and the thing they said that I was not doing, I was doing it.
You know what i've realized over the years? That sometimes people have stuff in common with the people they don't like or the people they have issues with.
Wow … im glad to see that you've realized something that helped you. Im hoping that your sister is better with that person? You're a wonderful sister … do you see how much your sister has become better, all because of you? I guess I understand what you're saying. And i just thought about it … and I see some connections to your point.
I'm not saying that you are like the person you are being compared to. I don't know that person and I don't even know you enough, and I don't even know the basis for the comparision to make that judgement. I'm just saying that because I've realized it is true some times. I guess you can say i went on a tangent. Ha .. nah you didnt, its alright… you helped
It can be true sometimes … to think about it
Hey cutie! 😉 Cute eyes, cute voice 😉 hehe
It was so coooool talking to you last night hun!
Anyway, as for your reply to my question I asked up there …
Well, when I wrote it, the incident had just occured and I was feeling kinda pissed lol. But now looking back on it, I'll say I agree with you. It definitely depends. Anyway, the person is close to me. And I got upset because of something that person said. Anyway, I should have known better !!
Lol, yeah Im fine. No problem with it now. Its so funny how when we're mad and we come here to post, then later on when we're cooled down and we read back what we wrote when we were angry … its so funny how we see it so differently. Well, thats probably cos we got over it anyway.
How have you been, cutie
Hahahahahahaaa!! Lmboooooo !
*Revives Boo*
She's …. saying something …. whats that? 'They're back?'
Whoops, she fainted again
B R E A T H E woman!
I heard of this movie some time back but I never could find any information about it and I didnt know if it was for real. I think its something about life after Sept. 11th. But, is it for real ?? I heard something on youtube about Karan Johar probably making this film, and its supposed to have Shahrukh and Kajol in it. Then, I saw another video about how Karan doesnt know who the main actress is gonna be. For the number one jodi to be back on screen, I would have expected to see much more media attention regarding the film.
If its for real, then, YAY! Wooot wooot !
If you get a bit mad/upset at something (for a brief period of time),
which only resulted with you being called an idiot and a moron (by the other person),
what would you make out of this … ?
Thank you, Kavita.
You're welcome my dear. Keep that chin up.
I know person above me! That was so annoying…the way everything kept disconnecting ! Even the phone
Hey nah its okay, you can give away as much details as you like. The last season, I missed alot of episodes. I think the whole angel thing messed everything up. I dont know.. at first, it was cool and all. But then after wards, the angel is just mysterious and … they're not as good as we take them to be. Anyway, I know Sam was getting all dark and stuff ha.
Didnt know who Misha Collins was but then I just searched him a second ago and ..well whaddaya know..he's the angel from Supernatual hehe.
Eeemmm, I never saw him as what you described him as … to me he's just so …dark looking, gray, cold, mysterious … im not sure what I think him lol … I think your sis is right..about the shabby thing ha.
Hey hey, Supernatural isnt as dark as it sounds man. Its funny too hehe, and plus it aint scary. Its just them hunting down ghosts, spirits and whatnot mixed up with their personal life … searching for dad, getting over their mom, finding romance.. or not. ha
I cant believe Jessica died though : That sucked. And I remembered after she died, and Sam kissed that other girl,me and my sister soooo could not get over that!! We went to bed talking about how horrible that was. It was so suprising that he's just kiss that other girl. But I think he was all upset that Jessica died.
Next : Shia LeBeaouf
I love the way he acts man!! I loved him in Eagle Eye! Just something about this dude that I totally love! hehe .. he has a lil goofiness to him thats cute haha.
How about both – indian movies! (music and movie) hehe..
Otherwise, I'll just say, music.
Hey hehe … geeesh, is that the only way I'll get to taste something made by you? .
Yup well … you know .. the forum never fail to make us smile at times hehe … and it keeps our brain occupied … on posting! Hmm does that 'W' mean what I think it means … and about Senor … well, the dude hasnt been here for quite some time. And although they're talking about him and all … he still hasnt made it back here. I hope he's good. Maybe off somewhere … writing a genius book or something
Carrot Cake : Yummy
Next : Cheese Cake
Heyy, are you kidding … I love that shot! And I think it looks perfect the way it is!
I dont have photoshop and even if I did, im not good at using those things .. :
Lol, I meant I'd steal it to … put up as profile pics and stuff! hehehe
or just to stare at it … yummers!
Btw, I really do love that shot. And I really do think thats its perfect the way it is.