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  • in reply to: THE TRUTH #64141

    So, Eid is on Friday?


    What is the day after Eid call? Actually is Eid one day or a few days together?


    in reply to: *~* Bollywoodlyrics Forum Awards 07 ~*~ #68462

    ok, after few soul searching and some forum analyzing, here are the latest addition to the nominations:

    Fav Faltooest Word Award:
    1. lol lolll
    2. I love you ji
    3. Hugs

    Worst Sig Pic Award:
    1. Prisoner 26 *adrenaline starts pumping* lolzzzzz… my Rani pic is pretttyyy !!!
    2. Rani Not So Mukerji And sooo is ranzz pic!
    3. sub-Marine

    Bollywood moment of the Year Award:
    1. When SenorJ drops in the forum like a hero from out of nowhere and tries to flirt with all the ladies in da house
    2. SenorJ and Ness gettin' it on in front of Prisoner 26 eyes without a care for this world Okay u're gonna take this and put it up for nomination like r u serious dude?! u make it sound mad ewwwwwwww though lolz >> go clean up yr mind mister is that what u be thinking about! lmao
    3. The bollywood movie directed by Rani which never took off

    Most Likely to Stay in this Forum until 2020 Award:
    1. Rani not so Mukerji
    2. Yummenilicious
    3. ScarFace
    4. Prisoner 26 Ima not objecting Big Smile Big Smile *PROUD SMILE*

    aite…thats about it for now. Part 3 coming up

    in reply to: *~* Bollywoodlyrics Forum Awards 07 ~*~ #68460

    Lol – Oreo – them nominations are madddddddddd funny.

    *CRACKING UP like crazyyyyyyyy*

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #34043

    Ah Ness – ack … leave it.

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #34039

    Aw take rest dii! I love you! Get resssttt .. im concerned about you ..seems like you're working yrself too much and you know you cant take everything too hard.

    Naw Im not asking HIM nothing in Private. I knowwwwwwwww everyones allowed to blow off steam. But he is being a jerkface.

    Im a dragon baby now Stick out tongue

    Oooo I didnt know anna means bhai ..sorry lol … I know bhai but I've never heard anna.

    Im going now to review some stuff although I dont feel like it. My test is in a few hours but I have to leave for class in about 2 hours or a bit less.

    Love you dii and please take care of yourself. ~HUGS~

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59420

    Dont be lost Diii *running with open arms *Right Hug

    I have a test in a few hours I dont feel like studying though sighsss but will go ahead and review the things I studied last night.

    i love you diii please tell me how your doctor visits are going and how the tests are coming along

    it'll be alright

    take care and dont stress yourself out too much

    in reply to: THE TRUTH #64139

    Its almost over, but you guys did embrace Ramadan.

    So when will you know if Eid will be on Friday or SAturday??

    HOpe your eid go wellll

    love uu ninjaaa and love uu alii diii *hugssssss*

    hugggggggggg* hugggggggggggggggggggggggggs*

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #34037

    …. *dies* ….

    dont die yet…..dont u wnt to see the 'live happily ever after' ending between senorJ and ness after he fights thru the evil clutches of rani and scary? and not forgetting the special appearance of kavita aur savita and not so unique princess as the back up dancer as senorJ confesses his undying lurrveeee for the stunning heroine played by ness?

    lmbo! good stuff.

    Yeah good stuff !! Lolllll

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #34036

    Okay hi dii how are you! Whats is anna? And why do you call Senor it? Sounds like a girls name.

    And seriously what is up with the dude that you told me you thought was all NICE … seriously seems like he dont give a rat's a$$ about nothing [even the stuff you say] taking it that you've tagged him as being an a$$ already, that shouldnt come as any surprise though haha

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #34035

    Calls Tayba who resuscitates the fallen Ninja. There! Lol! Serio ji, you made me laugh. Gracias.

    Okay Thats NOT right. And we both know I dont have to watch anything! Is it me or have any of you been slammed in the face with Senor's exteme flirting with Ness.. right about now? Okay private! And MISTER HOTNESS just because you have NICE RICH SOPHISTICATED ways of saying flirty FRESH stuff that dont mean that you should be saying them so in the open!

    Kavita ji: Some of the things I say are in jest and are meant to be taken as such. However, there are other things that I say that are sincere, and whether one perceives them to be sincere or true or not, does not change anything about them. The same applies to those that are said in jest. They are meant to evoke a chuckle out of the person to whom they are directed, and perhaps, a few others, if they so wish. If you find such comments offensive, skip my post and those associated with it, and get on with your day. I do not intend to stop 'flirting' nor will I apologize to you because you happen to feel 'slammed in your face' with my 'extreme' flirting with Ness, only because she knows its for fun.

    *OKAY HOLD ME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!* j/k

    Oye ji ! No need to get all worked up. I was just saying but whatever. Duhhh you dont have to tell me sorry … why on earth would you do that when I have no idea what you were even planning or intending to say/do. Keep on flirting, please : I was NEVER telling you what to do or what not to do – seiously do I look like such a person? Okay have your fun – everyone on BWL is entitled to have fun in which ever way pleases them. Smile

    And seriously, it doesnt concern me what you say or not say Smile

    *Backs off nicely* Smile

    in reply to: *~* Bollywoodlyrics Forum Awards 07 ~*~ #68455

    Lol serio is crazyyyy lol … that was mad funny but who would issue those awards ?

    Marine!! You're back!! *WAVES* Hiiiiiiiiiiii, missed you ! Hope you are doing good. Feel better soon. And remember parties arent everything!!! Feel better FIRST. Love uu

    in reply to: Descriptions!……….. #23990

    lol well good luck to him in building a whole new world lolz is he like mad ? lol

    boozing aye …what you mean like…intoxicating himself? oo this is getting a lil serious

    inform me a.s.a.p.


    in reply to: Your Awards!!! #23104

    lol Big Smile good b/c i was saying it

    in reply to: YUMMY or YUCKY #45117

    Okay Im hungry and you guys are making me salivate moreeeeeeeeeeee


    okay..i dont know about the jam part but… toast with lil butter yummmmmmmm

    okay im sooo hungryyyyyyyyy

    And dii I dont wanna eat senor's chicken fingers lol …… okay he doesnt have chicken as fingers ..if he did then that' wud be like really strange .. was just referring to his choice of food..i know u know that u're just pullin my leg ummmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Big Smile

    in reply to: FIRST THING GAME #37461


    in reply to: THIS OR THAT #43556

    Oooooo sooo pretty !!!

    in reply to: PERSON ABOVE YOU GAME!! #41680

    Person above me – I want a hug too Smile

    in reply to: Characters… #67234

    Boo, how did you make that?!

    Made me laughhh soo much ..

    wow thats COOL!!

    in reply to: *~* Bollywoodlyrics Forum Awards 07 ~*~ #68443

    So who are the awards goign to be issued to

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #34014

    Aw Ness! Whats wrong ? Here let me share some warm hugs I have a million Right Hug Stay Strong.

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