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  • in reply to: FIRST THING GAME #37495

    lol di


    in reply to: YUMMY or YUCKY #45132

    To the lobster question …. Its really SAD.

    *WHISPERS (hoping to be wrong ..but know some evidence that its right)* I think they boil them alive Crying

    As for the figs…whooooo you sold them!!! Coool and got bucks!! lol..they must be awesome! i hope you know i have to get some for free though Stick out tongue *giggles*

    in reply to: YUMMY or YUCKY #45131

    What what! If you're coming to USA … I hope you know Ness isnt that that far away from me you better come pay me a visit!!!! Crying Oh the thought of ittttttttttt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Oh you know me a lil slow… walking through fire with the intention of feeling icy cold..thats impossible! which means… its impossibnle for you not to visit me if you come over here!! yipppeeeeeeeeeeee well wheenver the time comes …. i'll be so happyyyyyyy ooooooooooooo the though of itttttttttttttttttttt me miss u dii how u doing!!!!!

    in reply to: Dear BWL… #68280

    Well dont tell him the time is now so he can prepare.

    Wait until he is totally clueless, then sneak up behind him! Stick out tongue

    in reply to: BAKING A CAKE #68613

    I love to hear your little philosophical take on things! Doesnt it motivate us more!

    Well, will try to put my love in it… first of all Im trying to do it because of love.

    The occasion … *ahem* C'mon dont say 'boyfriend' That makes me sound like a really bad girl. Say jaan or something. But yes, his birthday was yesterday (Wednesday). Well I couldnt see him : I didnt have a choice by the way. So I was working up in my mind that I'd bake him a nice cake this weekend coming and I'll tag a card along with that. Thats reallyall I can give to him. I felt bad I couldnt even see him but really I have no choice at all. Guess what though, some of his friends came over last night and you wont believe what they gave him!! One set gave him a huge telescope (OMG) Aint that cool! And the others gave him a cologne, a juice maker (yes he likes organic juices and stuff) and a digitial camera – AND they bought him a birthday cake and cards. Anyway his friends asked him if the girl he loves came over as yet to wish him a happy birthday and he told them no she didnt … b/c he came home late from work … I mean..of course I didnt (thats the truth) but I couldnt … man oh man, they must think I am a horrible girl.

    And look Im giving him a stupid dumb cake a few days after his birthday. Boy oh boy, can it get any worse.

    Anyway, I have to give this to him because its the only thing I have in my possession to give and its sad that its late but that doesnt mean that the love wrapped up in it has disappeared.

    Now, I really want it to be… really good. And I havent baked cakes so Im scared what if I screw it up. Hmm soo chocolate, lemon/vanila, and red — imagine cutting a slice into that!!! All the colors! I hope it looks good. And then TASTE is another thing! Hmm ..oh the red – i dont know what flavor it is but it tastes good – its like a maroon color red, looks really pretty when cut. To me, it sort of taste alot like chocolate cake.

    As for the icing – I really want one that can stay nice and soft. Wow, you can make your own frosting?! Thats cool aint it! If the homemade one does that … tell me tell me maybe I can try it. I cant rely totally on my homeade things though … knowing me and baking… I might end up screwing everything up.

    Thank you diii love youuu

    in reply to: Book Recommendations #57872

    Oh wow di, this book sounds like it really got to you! I can now see how you related to it soo much. What is the general theme of this book?

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59452

    Ninja! Right Hug I havent seen you on here for quite a while. I hope everything is okay? Oh hun, dont make others bother you also … be strong jaan. I know you are. And remember…stuff is wrong with THEM if they want to upset others.

    I love you ~hug~

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #34095

    Rani! Dont be silly jaan!! You havent created a hassle. You are free to say what ever you wish ! We will always be here for you. I love you hun. Be good.

    in reply to: BAKING A CAKE #68611

    Ness! Thank you so much for responding. I will get 3 same sized baking pans. I think I will do a 3 layer cake I hope it comes out good. *bites fingers*

    Thank you so much for the help! Oh there is soft frosting? Hm, I will have to check for it. OOhh and I will keep the cake covered after frosting.

    Im planning to decorate it with nuts… I guess I'll smash some nuts up and spread it out on the frosting.

    For the 3 different cake 'layers' Im planning to use different flavors of cake… do you think that is a good idea?? I want it to have a unique taste..but then agian I dont want it to be all everywhere and mixed up. I also want to have 1 'layer' being dark (like a red cake mix i saw) and have the others being white colored (hm like vanilla and lemon?) I think that will make it look real pretty when it gets cut.

    Im going to bake it this Saturday or Sunday. It has to come out right.

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59449

    OhmyAllah…I didn’t realize you guys would react like this. I’m so sorry! Dont be sorry Rani … we are here for you and you are free to vent and say all of your feelings. I didn’t mean to scare you guys. I didn’t have time to come online. I had even forgotten that I posted anything! When Tayba called and told me everyone was worried about me, I was totally confused! I’m sooo sorry! I hope you guys can forgive me…? No need to ask for forgiveness jaan – I am just content to know now – that you are safe and you are alright physically atleast…and that you came online and contacted us.

    I hope you guys don’t mind if I reply to each of you privately? I don’t wanna bore the rest of the forum with my repetitive nonsense.Surprise RANZ!!! How dare you say such a thing my little jaan? I dont mind listening to ANYTHING you have to say ..and nothing is BORING … if you have to VENT and let your feelings out … you have 100% right to do so >>> dont call the words you say nonsense…and dont call the words you say repetitive and dont call the words you say 'boring' jaaan… you can say the same thing a million times – if it gives you some relief to get it out of your chest … that right there is a blessing in itself.

    But lemme just say…

    The quotes that I posted up…they weren’t said to me in one day by one person…I was just thinking about all the things different people said to me over the week…and so yeah, I just posted some of them. I guess I shouldn’t have. Tongue Tied So you mean more than one person said 'mean' hurtful things to you? Oh Rani ! I agree with Khushi so much when she said that she pity them. They ought to receive pity. You mean so much to me … I see so much great things in you my lil schweeet scweet rani jaan …and to think of others saying such mean things to you …just make me realize that its THEM … THEY are the mean ones rani.. THEY are the ones with theproblem love ..and I want you to be strong and be strong enough to not make them hurt you … not make them make you cry.

    But it’s not that bad, I have had worse said to me…but it’s my fault…if I change…then life would become easier.

    I can just say I’m fine and get it done with, but this forum is my refuge…and I don’t wanna have to fake a smile here as well…No Rani – you dont have to fake anything here. BWL is your refuge and its our refuge and we are true to each other. I am here for you, we are here for you. To listen to you ->and even if we dont understand what you're saying or even if we cant do anything to help the situation – we are still here, we are stilling listening, will will still embrace you in your time

    in reply to: *~* Bollywoodlyrics Forum Awards 07 ~*~ #68465
    Bollywood moment of the Year Award:

    for me I think it was when I was going around happily snoggin Senor Bhai thinking he was mah one and only

    Snatcher of hearts, DS…wooooohh is me ..wat a shocker dat was when me saw the light lmao

    Had a loooooonnnnnggggggggggggggg cleansing session thereafter

    Oh so she's admitting it ..h mmmm Smile

    ily dii

    hmm wait till oreo get a glimpse of this

    hope u're doing okayy dii hugsssssssss me miss you

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #34087

    Oh Thank HEAVENS! RAnii !!! IM so glad to hear ranz is alright. As for the emotionally…upsetting… phase… Take it easy jaan.

    And yes – we love you!!! And we're here for you!! Take it easy and dont let noooo jerk be mean to you and hurt you ..they're just soo..ughhh!!!

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, Nesssizzleeee!!!! #68588

    Ness I know I am late but I still have birthday wishes for you ! Here's to wishing you all the best: I hope all of yr wishes come true…not only for yr birthday but for…everyday. Now you know that I always tell this …. 1 more year means 1 more year of happiness, joy, warmth – 1 more year of this world – 1 more year of experience – of people – of love – of life – one more year of wisdome 1 more year of YOU! Be happy. You're a lovellyyy, kind darlin'! Be strong : Never let things or mean people get you down.

    Sending you tons of hugsss and kissessss and extra birthday wishes ..hey that rhymes! hehe

    May all of yr dreams come true! Happy Birthday Nessizllleeee *giggles*


    Kava dabbbaaaaaaa doooooooooo lol

    Cake guys! Lets eat and celebrate!

    Candles are a gift of light,
    A tiny sun, a bit of star.
    No other dancer in the night
    Dances with such sheer delight,
    Little souls serene and bright,
    Each a glimpse of what we are
    Shining innocent and pure

    A Birthday Wish

    On your birthday
    stretch for a sunbeam…
    Reach for a star…
    Go for a beautiful dream.

    Pick out some wishes,
    no matter how far,
    or how hard to reach
    they may seem.

    Cherish some hopes
    that are dear to your heart.

    And as a new year comes in view,
    treasure and keep them
    and know from the start
    that this year
    you can make them come true!

    Celebrate this day, and embrace all the reasons to believe in wishes again.
    -Anne Friday

    On Your Birthday

    May your spirit keep the freedom
    of a butterfly in spring
    and your heart be filled always
    with the joys of simple things.
    May your essence claim the freshness
    of the new laid morning dew.
    All of this…and more…
    is my Birthday wish for you.

    in reply to: ~~~~~~Happy Birthday Marine!!!!~~~~~~~ #68608

    I have cake guys!!! Come gettt soommmeeeee !~!!!

    And drinksss!! Keeping it sober hereee sooooooooooo : large variety of soft drinks Big Smile

    in reply to: YUMMY or YUCKY #45129


    How will u do that, you refuse to visit!!! Crying

    i will..

    Hint: Once me have that invite, tickets will be booked and you will be graced with my presence…promise

    good news, have been short listed for that Job in the uk..

    am still not sure what to do

    What what! If you're coming to USA … I hope you know Ness isnt that that far away from me you better come pay me a visit!!!! Crying Oh the thought of ittttttttttt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: YUMMY or YUCKY #45128


    cant believe u dnt know wat burfee is No, I dont know what burfee is? Or maybe I do but we call it a different name. What is it made of?

    its an indian sweet..

    deeevine for sweet toothers

    funnel cake sound like a cake made with a funnel

    am i right ness??

    next: ice cream.. Yummm!!!!!!!!!!!! Best flavor of ice cream is CHERRY VANILLA !!!

    I've never had figs in pickle sauce but taking that you make it… i'll call it yummmm !!

    in reply to: FIRST THING GAME #37489


    in reply to: PERSON ABOVE YOU GAME!! #41705

    Hi person above me! where is person above you going?

    Hugssssssssss diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii … hope you are okay

    in reply to: QUESTION GAME #39284

    Whoa man, too difficult of a question for me I'll have to pass!

    go guys go

    in reply to: ~*~ Happy Birthday, Tayba! ~*~ #68572


    Your message was lovely! Thank you hunnn! Aww! I am touched! –hugs-

    Me… like a flower?!? I don’t think so but awwwww! That was sooooo sweet! Lol! You are too cute my darlin! You know what’s so freakaaay? I was actually snuggling up to AWTR and then I read your message Indifferent Dude, are you telepathic? Rofl. You don’t gotta say thank you for nothing! What are friends for sweety? Stay smiling hun! Lots of love always xxxxxx

    Lol! Really!?! Maybe I am psychic Big Smile Hehehe! you stay smiling toooooo

    Lovee youuuu sending tons of hugs… Im glad that you enjoyed yr birthday! And yes you are a flower! Mwahs!

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