Im out guys … ! Have a good day!
Time for me to go home now..and start studyinggg for my upcoming tests!
Close. It was actually a broken hand and badly lacerated face for a broken nose. Lol. Gawd! Now you know why all the skinnydipping and outdoor sports and the proclivity for bruises. I sometimes feel fettered in these stupid pin-stripes, french-cuffs, silk-knots, pocket-squares, polished shoes, hushed voices and polite smiles. Aaaargh!
Oh my gaawdd !! THATs MAD CRAZED DUDE!
So erm… did u get yr hand broken and yr face..messed up ..or did u get the broken nose?
gawd..what type of pple r u! *HOLDS UP CROSS* STAY AWAY! STAY AWAY I SAY!!
lol just joking!
lol !!
Preparing for Christmas in September? Ohh geesh !!
*bright eyes* Thats the SPIRIT!!! The..spirit spirit!!
More like a leg for a leg
an anterior body part for an anterior body part ouch!
For a while during my highschool days we lived in a neighborhood that was hostile to my brothers and I for the simple reason that we were Christian and from a lower caste. I could stomach the idea that others did not share my faith but could not condone that they called my little brothers horrible names. For every time any kid in the neighborhood made fun of my brothers, I made sure there was hell to pay. One of the kids brought his grown up cousin to help beat me up one summer, when my cousins too were vacationing with us. One of them was crazier than I was. We nailed a whole bunch of nails to our hockey sticks and went out to meet our would be assailants. Sadly, no blood was spilt that day. But, at least one grown up nearly pissed his shorts. I was very badly beaten a few weeks later in the park by several kids. Three years and some months later, I sent one of the kids that helped beat me up to the hospital with serious injuries. The remaining two were in Lucknow and Warangal the last I heard. They still have it coming. Lmao! (Kidding).
Oh mah gawd, WHAT are you ! lol
mayenn…that sounds like its apart a some crazy freaky movie!
..aww…poor beat up kids..and poor beat up senor… or shud i say ..nino/chico/muchacho … lol
LMAO. awww! I used to borrow my brother's bow and arrow toys to hit the neighbour's kids when we were younger. rofl, they'd always be like 'ah crap she's out again' =D
Are you for real!? lol ! mmayyeen..they make you sound like a lil wild wolf with a bow and arrow….running around on its hind legs ..
then again..our angel tayaba can never be as such !
hun..i hope you got sleep last night!!!! u stayed up late hmm… get yr rest ore else you'll feel moree stressed out okayy hun?! *hugs*
Hi Kavita!
How are thingsss..
Ohmydays.. you told your parents about the forum?
Hey! Whats up?! Everything..okay Im guessing?? Im in the computer lab.sneaking on BWL hehe!
I had to tell my mom about it ..since she thought Alishia was some guy over the internet with weird intentions..whom I was communicating with!!
Gosh, I wonder if Nessa enjoys having her doors broken!!
I agree with Ali — that rabbit ear is soo distracting lol!! you keep staring at it although its doing the same thing OVER and OVER and OVER
Oof! You guysss !
You wouldnt say that if you saw me in real life.
When I was talking about 'showing it' to someone… its that I dont have any 'IT' to show! But I want to.
I know – I like this time because of the season – its my favorite couple of months of the year. And plus – I cant wait until it starts snowing! They've already decorated the streets with christmasy stuffies yay..
Im off too !!
mwahss to u toooo
take rest!!
I want to be pretty like everyone else Why is there such thing as being stupid pretty. I wish everyone was the SAME on the 'pretty scale'
Im glad Im invisible ! But when I really need to show someone something … it can never work.
Stupid things SUCK
Haha, I know someone would say something about the soft skin thing!!
Glad you got my point – its true. Believe me.
miss u diii i hope u r okay
Haylie! Long time no see; whats rockin' your boat on this fine night? hehe
Ohh what are the nominations for oreo??? lol
Funny … is when Marine told oreo to go sit on a stick lol !! Darn – I was in college cracking up in the library..will never forget that one!
Scary villian? Aww lawwwddd… I aint voting for that!
As for you t hinking senor is hot … *ahem* carry on carry on or wre u just referring to his NAME …yeah..the jalapeno part
Wellll i sure do hope we come up with MORE nominationssss for mr. serio comic since he was so kind as to nominate all of us for something
*rubs hands together* *thinks*
Omg , laffing my a$$ off for sure.. Hmm I can imagine
Jeez wats with everyone thinkin I am a guy….aaargh Ha..I was just thinking as i was writing this …about how muskanjali thought you were a guy tsk tsk
omw…am laffing myself silly here thinking about yr situation Dont hurt yrself nowww
jeeez, yr mom is sooo cute and over protective..Hmph .. I see you are taking sides now huh .. just joking!! I told u if I speak to her it will make things easier..u remember
that day u were waiting for her at the bus stop ?? an I asked to speak to her?? Yes I remember butttt.. I wanted to speak to youu and plus..the day before..some THING happened……… she saw …….. at the bus stop blah blah..soo I felt bad to face her much
yeah auntyji I am sooooooooooooooo a woman Kavs…girl?? lol…lmao lmao lmao oof! why do you always beat me down when I say girllll … oh goddd… girl woman…as long as i didnt tell her you're a guy –which you arent
woah how do u know I sent anything to anyone else here huh?? lol they said soo hehehe but..on a more serious note!! i was real glad to tell her thattt so she would have more reason to believe that u're not some online guy with weird intentions sending me stuff man o man
and Kavi theres a mixture of cultures and races here, not just indians nah..and everyone is equally loved and appreciated Oh god I know! But I had to say that.. I mean… just so it sounded more 'safer' to her .. if you know what i mean..and i know you know waht i mean .;;; course' everyone is appreciated here!!
btw did u tell her that it was a bday gift from me?? ur allowed to recieve bday gifts right? I didnt tell her that .. i think they read in the front cover when you said happy birthday… um… allowed to receive birthday gifts… um yeah… btw .. t hank you so much you're so kind..the book is good
huney, thats the way moms are, snoopy always wanting to know this or that and basically everything pertaining to their kids life
its perhaps their way of protecting the kid, without even realising that this actually feels to the child like the parent distrust him/her she has reason to be lieve such thing because im a bad daughter im a bad girl dont you know that *cries very loud* *breaks all glass*
oh hun, wish I could hug u right now..I know right I need that! anyway… u never really know why those gestures where made, and assuming it was done because
they want to annoy u No it wasnt to annoy me bc they didnt want me to see they were doing that..but i saw them from the corner of my eye! and very clearly! and when i looked properly in their direction they stopped and looked guilty like if they were being 'caught' from doing something or coz they think ill of u…isnt the way to go…ur creating much more animosity and an internal distance betweeen
yourself and both mom and sister….No Im not. I love my mom s
waaaahhh?? its such a beautiful day, besides I slept in later than usual just lazzzeeeee Soo … The rest is good for you..
I wanna go down to the lake and relax, Oh man, lake, relax,read – wow, that place sounds like heaven!! read a lil ..but Alice hasnt returned yet, she would prob want to do the shopping instead hahhaha
i was supposed to get my hair colored but missed the appointment 🙂Oh wow really? What color? And how long does it take to come out? and a massage.. Aww hun, reschedule one right away!
now my day is simply draggging..
ok so wat is folgers coffee?? I want sum u hear..just enuf for a mug of coffee:) Well, the tin I mark folgers coffee 100% colombian medium coffee lol..i dont know exactly what that coffee language ..but um.. sure i'll make you some.. here have 3 MUGS of this coffee! take it take it all
u shud try ciro, or Jakobs, which is okayish Oh i've never heard of these … the only coffee i heard of is…starbucks .. yeah its like so darn popular over here.., folgers, and… i heard senor j and yumin talking about expresso? so i think that might be a coffee type not sure
sooo whayte doing up sooo early huh??? hmm it was a bout 9:30am..not that early..
all ok on yr side??all okay… another test coming up on thursday.. but im still waiting for my bio test grade!! sighs.. and i will start studying for my next bio test like… noww
tkae care of yrself diii me love you..everything will be alright
Aw hunn!! Take care of yourself .. you should go back to bed if you're tired and cant stay uppp and EAT yesssss EAT yr body needs energy!!!!!!!
The coffee i had was.. folgers coffee? in a tin lol um..yeah..we dont have one of them things that makes coffee soo i boiled the grains myself and used the … coffee water ..tasted good and creamy but… i think i had too and suddely.. over a week's span i dont know
I love you diiii Im thinking of you tooo I really hope you are okay.
I have to tell you something. I came into the room and saw my mom and my brother and my sister, they were all looking at the HP book you sent me ( thank you once again! I'm reading it ). I dont know what they were talking but my mom is like … this is your friend – she sent you this book? And then she looked at me strangely and she's like – is it a boy? Is this a boy? Sending you these things ? With alot of expression she said, is it a boy, Tell me the Truth. So she's like … its the same one who sent that chocolate and the teddy bear … and the book… with a flower in it!
[Im like omg!! puh-lease!!]
I started laughing lol.. Im like omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's a girl!!!!!!!! Do you want to talk to her?? And plus she didnt only send ME stuff, she sent stuff to the other forum members. Then I had to tell her there are other people on the forum (this place that has a message board where other INDIAN people come and leave messages for each other).
It should never come to her head that I will be taking somethign from some guy over the internet. All of the trouble I am going through for this guy ..why on earth would she think of me as such?? And plus it could be that she was with my sister and stuff. I hate how they come together and talk about me. And I hate how when Im talking something, they pinch each other and make gestures to each other – clearly showing they were talking stuff about me and now is the time to make the most fun out of it … since I guess if the words im saying is not congruent or not to what they thought i'd be saying.