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  • in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #34261

    I have an announcement to make before I sign off ..bc I got to go soon.

    I was on MSN a few days back and Rani was online and I opened her msg box and I SAW HER PICTURE!!!! And then within a couple of seconds SHE TOOK IT OFF! I KNOWWWW right! Gosh!

    ANYWAY ! For who ever thought about how Rani looks..she's CUTEEEEE and her face is smoooooooooooth and bright !! She's a total cutieeeeee !!!!

    Oo man, I have to sign offf !!

    Bye guys!

    in reply to: ~*~ sToRy TiMe ~*~ #66498

    Yeah !! How does seeing your CUTE pic make ME FUNNY

    Gawwd Ranz! Its not like I stole your pic as file ! Geeshhhhh Im not a STALKER YOU KNOW…relax already Right Hug

    in reply to: 4 years :O #67633

    LOL I love you ninjerina. Thank you for reviving the topic that's about MEEEE MEEEE MEEEEEEEEE!

    7. Tayba…is my lova!

    Stick out tongue


    Surprise Vot vot ?! But Ranz .. I thought Tayaba is ..*AND I QUOTE* your boyfriend lol

    Or is it really a cali thing Stick out tongue

    in reply to: ~*~ BWL Forum MOVIE! ~*~ #68134

    Wow, I actually said POOPCORN lol !

    I actually typed it by mistake ! Was about to delete it ..! But i'd figure ya'll a smile was worth it!

    lol ..poop corn..ewwwww

    in reply to: ~*~ BWL Forum MOVIE! ~*~ #68133

    Oh! This .. thread!!!

    What happened to it ?

    Are we still going toward this movie business?

    *Awaiting responses*


    in reply to: *~* Bollywoodlyrics Forum Awards 07 ~*~ #68512

    i hereby declare the forum awards 07 close and void. all nominations have been cancelled and nobody wins anything. go home people. shows over. pls come again next year. go sit in a cafe or smtg, sip some coffee, read some books, stare some people, kill some time, steal some smile..anything but sit in this award nite that will never happen.

    HmmRightttttttt — Im sure WE ARE the ones who made the MOST contribution to this AWARD thread and NOMINATIONS.

    Look at us – KILLING TIME … writing out long lists of nominations.. STEALING SMILES… having all the other memebrs reading 'em

    THis MUST be another one of your mixed up days

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #34260

    No we can't. We like it when we know it annoys you.

    Whats that noise I hear? .. The table has been turned, once again !

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #34259

    Hmmm… coffee for breakfast and redbull for lunch…. could I be overdoing it just a tad? lol. AAAAH DIE STUPID WORK DIE.

    Caffeinated and flying around! Does red bull REALLY give you wings ? Smile Whats the difference between Red Bull and Coffee?



    Why do you feel so angry about this? Do you th ink that they are lying when they do indeed tell you this?

    Our Xmas party is on the 8th of December and they had themed the night – Moroccan.. Wooooooohooooooooooooo yeah.. I woke up this morning with an amazing design in my to actually try and make that gown…My friends and I decided to go with some style and actually dress like Moroccans, and I am going through the net looking at designs that may appeal to me and am astounded by the beautiful gowns here… Omw..take a look guys…gimme yr suggestions

    Oh – Christmas parties sound fun ! I dont know what or who Moroccans are but I check out the site and I love the first 2 gowns. They look sooooo …. interesting like..from wayyy back in time … lil gloomy even but exquisitely CHARMING and ENCHANTING. What exactly do you guys do at Christmas parties? .. Dress like Moroccons, sing christmas carols .. eat and drink. .. share presents … sounds rather ..COOL !


    Hey Ninja, how are you? Hope well love – study well, and remember dont over do it with coffee – you need your rest !

    stupid stupid stupid coffeee! eeeerrrrrrrr! lol.

    Stick out tongue I'm good thanks! how are you? hope your exams went well <img alt="Smile" src="

    in reply to: Dear BWL… #68293


    Ranz ! I never knew relationships on BWL could mean something as such. But I am glad that you let out your feeling. Now its up to us to ponder and those who want to take it to a further step, or those who feel guilty… will probably try to solve this mystery.

    Take it easy hun… it'll be alright.

    Its hard to imagine someone on BWL doing that but..hey… I guess its with you and your relationship with them that makes these feelings emerge.

    Hope things get better*hugs*

    Hun, why dont you try telling them>? If its getting to you this much??

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59584

    I have a request you guys, please please please please please please please please please please please keep me in your duas. I need everyone's prayers so much right now.

    Dont' worry, I'm not gonna die, or at least, i don't think i'm gonan die…well not physically at least.

    Just please keep me in ur prayers.

    Thank you.

    Rani, I will keep you in my prayers. Now, I dont know what it is thats bothering you but obviously its bringing along emotional disruptions! You are not going to die – dont call such things on.

    Everything will be alright. Whatever it is thats bothering you – find a way out, there must a be a solution somewhere, check, one is hidden. Keep your head high and dont let anyone disturb your mind. You are you. You dont have to please estranged ones.

    I love you hun, it'll be alright! *Sending warm comforting hugs and kisses* Keep your head up to the stars *hugs*

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59583

    Let me cry out tears that have no ending to them…

    My baby!! My jaan! Cry if you must,but I want you to know that they will come to an end. Agreed with Alishia.

    Cry if you must to let out anxiety, and pain. But stop when … even some of it has left.

    I dont want to see tears in those beautiful eyes of yours. And for a pious,sweet,innocent person like you, wrapped peacefully under a [ninja Smile hijab … I'd never wish anything to harm you!

    Fight it off jaan! Be strong! Im here for you – we're here for you. *sending you a million warm comforting hugs and kisses*

    Keep your head lifted to the clouds.

    in reply to: BAKING A CAKE #68646

    Oh my god Dii ! I seriously have to learn from you. I say go ahead and begin your fine art !! And with that multitude of products – share some with me! And the rest of the forum! And.. and… Im sure your friends will smile in delight after they open the front door, just to see their dear own Alishia holding up a container of freshly, homemade baked goodies!!!!

    Dont blame this cake business on me Sad In case you are wondering, the cake baking turned out to be very unsuccessful. Im thinking perhaps it had to do with the subtraction of eggs in the mixture? But, in reality, its coz I suck at baking yeah … Im sure there are eggless cakes that come out just fine! Anyway, I ended up CRYING my eyes out like a ooffff !! sensitive baby that day … and IN THE PRESENCE of OTHERS … or OTHER rather.

    Anyhover, its all done. And get one thing – I DONT CRY. Yeah, I even blurted this out multiple times when I was engaging in the distant act.

    Dii – I say make those goodies – put your fine art to use! And you eat em! And share em!!! I want sooooooooooomeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Sounds to me like you really wannaaa bake..dont let that desire itch you at a place you cant reach ! Now..start baking and start sharing Smile

    in reply to: BAKING A CAKE #68645

    Mayennn ! Tayaba, how old is your problem child brother?

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #34233

    Aw hun! Go go ! And take care of yrself! And watch out for them flying objects in the strong winds!

    luv u tooo *hugs*

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #34231


    before I knw it we will start sharing many more stories here soo will chup Naww go ahead! Please! Invitation is yours! I dont really gat 'many stories' to share me on that one!

    cant remember hw many gkids I had, coz I was very young ..prob 7/8 at the time Aww! To imgaine lil alishia.. holding them lil chicks in the grasps of tiny fingers … cuteee !!

    but they were many

    yellow, white, brownish and I was soo hoping there wud be green, pink and blue ones Lol ! Oh, the schema of children !!


    How are you by the way? .. on this *ahem* fine Tuesday morning? Oh wait, I think its afternoon there! Its cloudy here… been raining since I left for class .. 9:40am now.

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59582

    kavs..**kisses kavs with mah glossed up, sexi lips ***hope ur feeling better munchkin?? **hugs**

    Aww… the sound of munchkin makes me feel better Smile

    Oooo – someone's looking reall hawwt with that glossed up sexxified lips .. be careful with that smack though..i don wanna be the one responsible for some of that sexy gloss wiping off…too soon!

    me luw youdii n miss u..utake care of yrself hun..get rest..and dont sterss yr self out too much

    *hugs and kisses*

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59581

    hmm she is gorgeous in this pic..


    Oi Kavita ji, how in the world did you get a picture of my future ex-wife? She looks stunning doesn't she? Sigh!

    lmao ooooh gosh Senor ..reaalllyyyy I am ..errrr I dunno wat to say to this except tell u that theres a broad smile on my face

    for reasons I cant really share here hahaha

    Oh wait, I m just seeing that Senor wrote future ex-wife !! Lol, yesterday I thought it said future wife!

    BTW, what could future ex-wife possibly mean?! Oh please, she is too good for you !!

    in reply to: Say Something Totally Random #34229

    Aww, thats cute!

    That reminded me of the time we found a sick pigeon. I took care of him, he couldnt even fly. I hand fed him bread and milk everyday.

    Eventually, he flew away one day when we placed him outside, upon a branch on our papaya tree. I cant believe he LEFT WITHOUT TELLING ME GOOD BYE! IndifferentTongue Tied

    When I was younger we had lil chickens too ! But I didtn take care of the chicks the way you did. We would be sooo happy when the hens layed eggs. And everyday we'd check them to see if they cracked open. Man, the happiness that brought is..unexplainable!

    By the way, di, how many grandchildren did you have lol ?

    Hey Ninja, how are you? Hope well love – study well, and remember dont over do it with coffee – you need your rest !

    Hugs and Kisses xoxoxox

    in reply to: BAKING A CAKE #68637

    Omg tayaba! Yr bro sounds mad hard to manage

    Take it easy – protect thyself!

    in reply to: Let your feelings out #59573

    What you mean?! She and I are SUPER close buddies !!

    Hm weird – she never told me she was into you fact … I dont think you were ever mentioned in our long long convos !!

    I think you may be mistaking her for another soul

    And yeah – she looks stunningggggg !!

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