Hey guys, miss you all.
I watched Laga Chunari Mein Daag on Wednesday.. Well I liked it bc Rani is in it and 'course I love Rani .she's so pretty!
I didnt understand something – did her mom know that she was a prostitute? And if she did – why did she let her keep doing that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And did her sister know?? I got confused at the end I didnt knowwhat happen..and hermom was saying that if she agree to marry (abhishek) she would destroy her sister's life or something..
Someone tell me ..bc i was confused at the last
Ali – your convo made me laugh … man, that dude seems weird .. If you're engaged and you're 'blocking' out some dude who seems to be irritating you at themoment (clearly obvious lol ) … I dont think that makes you cold and unloving.
You are lucky to have a guy interested in you .. or shud i say .. giving you the eyes .. even though he's irritating you ( correct me if im wrong) he's still some dude .. dont you feel worthy (at least 1 bit ) by him just telling you you smell good and … and telling you you have such natural beauty!
Some people are surely wishing for that seemingly nothingness
Tayaba my darling – your loving friend and her family will be in my prayers surely. You will also be in my prayers (I know howmuch this is affecting you).
Everything will be alright.
I promise.
Lets all join hands and pray. God will listen to us. Have hope, have faith, be strong. Do not let anythig break the strength in your backbone. Be strong, hold that head up high. Your friend needs that.
You are all in my prayers. IN the name of the LORD, everything iwll be alright – and her dad will recover successfully.
Love you hun
I feel:…odd & small!
I always thought of you as the complete opposite Ness ! You are surely grand in my eyes.
Feel better hun and dont let crazed people affect you .. we all know you're strong..keep that chin HIGH
At this moment,
I feel comforted
by my own self.
Look what you guys have created now!
Jaanam dekh lo, mit gayi dooriyaan
Main yahan hoon, yahan hoon, yahan hoon, yahan
Kaisi sarhadein, kaisi majbooriyaan
Main yahan hoon, yahan hoon, yahan hoon, yahan
Shahrukh's dreamy eyes … being painted upon this screen right now!
Voh to main hoon!
(That I am! )
I am so darn greedy when it comes to chocolate man…
lmao…. this really really REALLY feels like a deja vu now!
Man I wish I can just melt into some delicious chocolate cake RIGHT NOW
My dad got back today from Tennessee, Alhamdulillah. And so…..he was telling me of his “airport experience” you know since people be suspecting Muslims and all. haha. and he said that when they were going to Tennessee (He went with 3 of his brothers), they took him and two of his brothers in to check their bags or w/e. And they left my oldest uncle alone. lmao! then in the plane he was teasing them and you know calling them the T word. lol! and then when they were coming back, they left my dad and my uncles alone and took my oldest uncle in. LMAO! and so my dad was like “OH SWEET REVENGE, GO IN YAHYA, IT'S YOUR TURN NOW. *evil laugh*” my dad is such a kid *sigh*!
Hehe.. thats funny. Your dad sounds funny …totally opposite of mine
Yeah !! How does seeing your CUTE pic make ME FUNNY
Gawwd Ranz! Its not like I stole your pic as file ! Geeshhhhh Im not a STALKER YOU KNOW…relax already
paranoia I tell u ..
chillax kaveeee everyone is entitled to their privacy..
u aint a stalker for sure jaan ..lol
Lol I know diiiiiiiiiii Im just assuring her that im not a stalker t hats all..and she had it up in msn .. im not blind .. and my eyes were opened at the time… and why on earth are you calling me paranoid > for sure im not
Seeeee …
You can do it
Im glad that you slept hun
Im doing alright, thanks. How about you?
I feel peaceful.
I feel ready
To accept this new day.
Haha ! Boo – that is sooo like him ! lol !
Hmm yemmy you are up early! Im taking it that you slept so WELL last night…that you're up to start a brand new day?
Did you sleep hun?
Hey fellow earthlings
Just want to say hieee !!
WEll… Im about to run off to the ladies room now!
Wow I sound like A GIRL!
Okay thats was just my 'girlie' impression..you know the ones that girls always say in movies
Anyhover! Love ya'llll a million
Lol ! Good that you laughed ! And by the way, Im relieved that you dont serve poopcorn! Wouldnt want a taste of that!
LMAO! Like I told you before, it's not a Cali thing, it's a retarded thing!
And I KNOW! They are both cheating on me!!! Ninja is a bigger cheater cuz she's my wifey! Imma kick her butt once i get home! lol.
Let me get this straigt >> Ninja is your wife but she calls Tayaba her lover and Tayaba is YOUR lover but Ninja is your wife
I think you all are big cheaters
I feel special now. I love you toooooooooo sniffs!!! Aww man… ily!
kavi stop crying NOW!! …
blinded by societies dictation
of what is real and what cant be taken
never cease to believe that u are
the most beautiful angel by far~~
ur special to me and sooo many others in yr life
never forget this
Hahash sureeeeeee
Since when does a person become funnnyyyyyyyyyy for saying the TRUTH about someone's cuteness!
Yeah rani =shush it!! CUTIE! *wink wink*
Because you’re Beautiful
This poem’s addressed
To you
Because you’re beautiful
No matter what
You do
Because you’re beautiful
The sun rises
Every day
Because you’re beautiful
The mist shrouds a
Dreamy day
Because you’re beautiful
A blossom blooms and holds
Its scent
Because you’re beautiful
Songs sung in your heart
Are meant
Because you’re beautiful
Reflections shine
And glint
Because you’re beautiful
Poems are written
Heaven sent
Because you are beautiful
This is all that this
Poem’s said
Just in case you may have
Any doubt
This poem's heaven sent
To tell you
You are beautiful
And that is what this poem
Is about.
I mean every word of that poem sweets! never ever doubt how beautiful you are, both inside and out. You have noooooooooooo idea how wonderful you are and how grateful I am because I met you! You've been there, all the time. Your sweet pms, your beautiful encouraging words, your beautiful presence. Oh man…..I can't imagine this forum without you, kavita. seriously! I loooove it when you ask questions about Islam, it reveals your desire to learn. I love you, I do. For everything you do, for just being you. you're amazing. Thank you. and check your PMS ji
I feel special now. I love you toooooooooo sniffs!!! Aww man… ily!
I saw what I was MEANT to see.