Rani Im not even sure what I can say right now to bring you some comfort. I just know that Im here for you if you need to talk, vent, release. The forum is here for you. You know we'll listen.
I just, I dislike seeing that you are being so so so hard on yourself. I know it is your feeling, but I just … I feel in my heart that you are being too harsh on yourself and this is causing you to pain even more.
About 'leading you on' … sighs, so is this what had happened? I dont know why people do that hun. But sometimes, maybe its the other person who has been perceiving the actions as 'leading on' … but Im not sure which is true in your case.
I feel down that your life is being interrupted so much by this. By someone who isnt there for you, by someone who is off in the world, doing his own thing, living his own life, doing his duties, just living life how he likes : and all of this without you. And yet, you are here, living life with him, for him, by him, even though he is no where around you or close to you. You see him, you feel him, you hear him, you dream of him, you yearn for him. But, Rani, is he somewhere else in the world, doing the same for you? Of course I dont know the answer … but do you know it?
If there is anyone who knows the feeling of 'just wanting to fight' I think it would be me. I have gotten in much trouble because of this feeling of mine. And it has eased down alot over time. But, I know how it feels. It feels good, doesnt it? Despite the anger that it may cause in other people, it feels so good to us, because finally we get to 'be free' with what we feel, and what we feel is painful and angry and sad and mad and to translate that into the words that we speak … it comes out as this 'fight' type of thing. When last did we joyfully expressed our sad, painful, angry feelings ? To think of it … that can come off kinda strange hmm.
I wish the other people would understand what it is like for us. And to not see it as us being idiots who can't shut our angry mouths.
And I also know what you mean when you said you just WANT to be mad. I know how that feels. Sometimes, the same goes for, I just want to be emotional/sad (for a while, for THIS moment in time). Because it means something to me. And I need it. I guess … our little moments with ourselves and our feelings … allow us to get into good touch with what we really feel..deep down inside. Denial and force and suppression will have to take a break some time.
So Rani … I dont know why I keep going on like this, I know its not helping you but .. I just want to say to you that .. if you need to just feel something, for a while, for a moment in time, feel it and feel it to the fullest. Because sometimes it is through these times, that we understand ourselves better and admit some things to ourselves. Also, Rani, I just want to say that friendly comfort, nice words, all of these things that your friends, family may say to make you feel better, may help you, but ulti
Im not even sure if I had a spartan apple before.
Im not much of an apple lover.
But apples are very healthy!
Oooo-oooh, I remember those pictures! They're the cutest thing ever!!!! Especially the one with you and Ninja checking out the forum C'mon, more pics!
Rani, what beautiful pictures!!!!!!! You need to get out of whatever has been stopping you from photographing, because you're good at it!
Now to answer the question: My summer is going pretty okay. Not doing much. Basically relaxing.
How is your summer going?
Di, Im happy to hear that my post made you smile . Yes, Mamatha's words are deep and truthful. About the issue that you cant seem to conquer … I guess there are many hills like these that we have to face … or shall I say … keep facing (trying). Maybe sometimes it may take us some time to realize that conquering that thing is out of our ability and we just have to try to accept it and be happy with with our raw selves and all the things that we do have the ability to conquer and the things we have conquering already and the things that we are in the process of conquering.
Aw Alie … seeing things with love is wonderful .. its better than to see everything with hate and disgust.
I was actually waiting for someone to answer the question you posted.
Bolly_lover's answer to that question is meaningful and deep … true. Made me think .. I mean, if we dont try to make our lives something that we are happy with, how would we end up feeling when we're past a certain age … because no one can go back in time.
Person above me is talking about Dostana, and Im listening to a nice song from that movie right now
Person above person above me has the cutest giggle and she's a schmexi gawwwgeous young woman!
Yummy, when you're thirsty
Next : Daal poorie ( i just ate this )
I know it hurts. Sometimes we have to go through some pain to understand our true feelings
… which will then help us to work on things ( self and self perception included) to feel even a bit better.
As for some people being cruel, if you're talking about being in love … it can be the worst pain if you love/like someone and they dont love/like you back. I dont know if thats what you're referring to … but … that does suck. But you have to realize that that person is out there living their life, and you shouldnt let them interrupt yours. Also, you must accept .. although its hard (at first) … that everyone has a right to their feelings. I have this belief … its that, if both people dont like/love each other … the relationship will go no where in the long run. I have no idea if Im making the right connections between you and your feelings. If Im not, im sorry just umm .. ignore this.
I know you're probably not talking about people in general but … question …. why cant everyone just be nice to each other? Why are some people so mean and nasty?
I hope you will be okay hun. Dont take it too hard on yourself. You dont deserve it.
Let your strength grow in times like these. I know you're staring at the screen like … yeah, thats gonna happen. I guess what I mean is that … let your strength grow after this bout of sadness/helplessness.
Love you. Im here if you need to talk about it.
I want to watch The Time Traveller's Wife .
It looks good. I hope it is.
Hopefully I can find the book this weekend (if I finally get my ride to the bookstore ) and read it before I watch the movie.
The song is Koi Jane Koi Na Jane. Im not sure which movie its from but it has Aishwariya Rai and Bobbly Deol in it.
You can listen to it here :
Yes, its pretty cool when you actually know what the song means.
I've heard Tero Ore, its a nice song. Dont know what it means but … nice song
Lmaoooo, omg, im not g.ay ! DUH!
All that was for laughing purposes ! Now if you're gonna do/think anything else then … Stop right there! haha
Yeah we talked abt the exercising thing in gmail sooooo ….
Wait, how come you're not teasing Boo about stuff and she started it ?!
hahaha im laughing my a*$ off right now … di you're too funnyy
I think all the beliefs represent the same thing. We can believe in whichever God we chose, they're all the same.
We just need to accept everyone and their beliefs
Then we can finally live in peace
I agree: No matter which name you choose, there IS only ONE God.
Muslims do not use the word “God” because you can add to it and change it and make it something it isn't.
God – alone, it is masculine – God is neither male or female
Gods – This is plural. there is no such thing as godS, there is only ONE God.
Goddess – This is feminine – God is neither male or female.
Godparents (Godmother/Godfather) – What does that even mean? People make up the strangest things!
Godchildren (Goddaughter/Godson) – What does that even mean? People make up the strangest things!
And there are probably more additions that I don't know of or can't remember right now.
Muslims use “Allah” because it is so unique. It cannot be changed, it cannot be made plural, you cannot add to it, it is neither masculine nor feminine and nor can it be MADE feminine or masculine.
We can accept that everyone is not going to believe in our beliefs, but there is nothing wrong in giving people the proofs they asked for, that's all I'm doing Kavita.
Lol, Rani, you made me chuckle by reading this (the last part).
It is never wrong to share proofs and evidence to people to make them believe.
Believing and having faith in our lives can turn our whole world around. And the thing is, sometimes there is basically no real proof and evidence, but many of us, a large part of the world, believe that there is a God. We're made to be like that. Think of how much people out there believe in God, yet they have seen no 'real evidence/proof'.
If an informed person has found some evidence/proof, then it will only help us all to believe even more. And the powerful thing is, sometimes people dont even believe the 'evidences/proofs' and they may even take them to be fakes or coincidences, and yet these people still believe in God and know that He exists. Dont you think that's amazing?
I agree with you, 'Allah' is unique. 'Jehova' is also unique. I dont know much about Jehova witnesses, but the place where I grew up, there were many of them there.
There is only one God. Whichever faith you are following, ultimately there is one God, one Supreme being. Surely, if God has created this universe, He is in everything. His form is many. Dont you think he is in everything? The trees, the rivers, the waters, in females, in males, in animals ? We are all made by Him.
I guess what I was trying to say earlier is that I wish we can all just accept each other. No one has to change their beliefs. That makes absolutely no sense, because God is one. I j
Hi Hobeck, welcome to the forum! You are fortunate to have found security in faith.
Rani, I listened to some of these songs. The singer in the first few songs … he's good.
I listened to 'Your Mother', my goodness, it is really beautiful. Its these type of songs that would make you tear up … Its really very sweet.
I learned something from Boo's question. Is the Daf a drum or string instrument? So, in all religious songs, only this one instrument is allowed? Is this the only type of songs Muslims are supposed to listen to ? Or can Muslims listen to any type of songs but when worshipping they can only sing and listen to songs without instruments with exception to the Daf?
Aw hun, the time can seem forever when a loved one has left huh
Its gonna be okay. It should mean much to you that they havent left forever but they'll be back … (I hope)
We're here for you
Aw Alie
Me love you too.
Thanks for the hug.
Now, Im sending you some!
More hugssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
And some moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Next time we chat, you have to sing this song for me