*DIES* I LOVE SHAHRUKH … *DIES AGAIN* HE'S SOOOOOOOO THE BEST MAN! Whats with this fish business? I think you are learing alot from TAYABA
lmao… hahahahhahahha!!!!
See rani, its MY DIALOGUE!!! see!!! I'm known for it, I call everyone and everything a fish. Now SRK comes along and tries to steal it from me! grrrr!!! saala! …. if it wasn't for those killer eyes and those dimples … *sigh* .
*GASPS!* — Having a mental Image
Whats the matter Ness? You dont want poopcorn either hmm?
Well… the so called 'mineral makeup' .. dont even know what to say .. I didnt see no difference ..and plus the colors were so bright for my face I suck at picking colors I told you! Anyway.. I was all excited but .. Im glad I didnt get over excited b/c that woudl have really ended up in over disappointment. Stupid stupid stupid advertisments !
Anyway – Natural stuff ..always goes! Gotta start putting milk on my face at night! Lol – ali ..i know you'd make a comment about you drinking milk not feeding it to your face! But… it makes my face better .. AT least I hope it will
(Ness) At it girl! Thats it – let it ALL out – let us CAPTURE it and TAKE IT AWAY – away, away. *hugs*
Tayaba – my darling! Wondering about your friend and her family… Is her father better? It will be alright
Hey my loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeees *dances around* Forgetting about a totally %*^%* day ………. its time to feel the beauty within …. AND here I AM ..in BWL … the only place that makes the readily possible!
*waves back at Unique princess!* *How are you hun?! I've been so worried for you and your friend and her father – Ih ope things have gone better!*
How are you all! Miss all of you …
*HUGS EVERYONE 1 by 1 and then calls for a group HUG!!!!!!!!!*
I feel… I feel… I feel like I don't want to stop feeling, but I wanna feel no more.
Jaan! That statment reveals that you feel very confused… Dont lose your head. I love you .. It'll be alright
You don't need makeup, kavita.
I don't wear makeup…and if i do wear it, all i'll wear is surma and lip gloss. I hate that face junk. I have stopped wearing surma and lip gloss. I use vaseline for my lips cuz i don't want chapped lips. lol. and I should start wearing surma cuz its sunnah, but i get lazy. lol.
I know ! I hate 'makeup' and I dont buy it. But I always wear powder though. My face cant take 'foundation' but I heard good stuff about mineral powder so im just trying it ..i know my face4 goes CRAZY my face is mad sensitiive..~! wouldnt surprise me if it doesnt take his mineral thing
anyway..i like to have on kohl/kajaal ..i dont wear lipgloss it looks horrible on me .. whats surma? oh yes i put on vaseline on my lips bc my lips get dried and chapped soooooo easily esp how its cold now..forget abt it!
You guys are funny.
But, the food business is over.
I feel SOOOOOO EXCITED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ordered a SAMPLE of Everyday minerals for my face a week ago and it came ! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I'm going to try it in an hour !! I hope it works good I've been waiting for it !! Yupppieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Okay sooo the colors are way off lol im soo bad at picking colors ! But Hey I CANT WAIT TO TRY IT !!!
I feel a bit ticked off. I cooked today and none of the foods came out the way I wanted it to. Seeing me in frustration and desperation for better tasting dishes, my brother comes by and says : “You know how people have bad HAIR DAYS?”
I go … “Yeah”
He goes : ” Well you're having a bad cook day!”
ARGH! Pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhttttttt Im TRYING to be nice to cook a GOOD lunch and if it doesnt come out perfect then … look its not like it taste like ROCK or something… ANYWAY!
Gosh, people should be grateful already .. the thing is i didnt think it tasted THAT messed up
Nessaaa .. aww hunn ! Dont say thatt .. you are grand to all of us , I can bet on it.
Hmmph – who was the lil idiotic organism who sucker punched you? Tell up ! Because we all gonna gang up on him
Luv u hun …stay well … and I know life has many 'sucker punches' but I still want you to try your best to lift that chin to the stars
And here's me ! Hugging Ness and Ranz and Ali and ninja and tayaba and basically everybody!
Me want hugs tooooooooo *arms wide open*
WHAT WAHT !!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *YELLS – STEAM coming out of my ear!!* I dont got to concentrate whilst PRINTING STUFF!! gawd ..WAS SO happyt o see u online..its all good..im done printing.. u not buggin me u actually made my day better
n i just said paperwork to sound smart lol.didnt u see my *ahem ahem*
luv u hun
oo noo dont be confused we don want that
alright dii have fun eating!!! next time im comin with u for some lunch
lemme run off toclass now
luv u tooo
stay SAFE naw
lol yeaaa sound like he wud drive anyone nuts being like a broken record over there and so interseted in how u LOOK seriously wat doe that have to do with a good friendship
aw mayennn take it light hun *hugs* …. nnn sending u some .. umm what shud i call it… *relieve thyself magic dust*
sending u tons!! ooo look there's a heap!!! its builiding uppp bigggggggggGGGGGGGGGG!! ooooooo gawd im drowing init now — and here i am blowing ALL of it too uuuuuuu
What on earth?! Is this another dude? I like the first dude better
this one's mad annoying!! lol u see how mucht imes he said the same thing .. lol but wait??? he knows u?? i mean he knows yr name?
is he like in yr working area or..?
lol that was funny hheheheeeeee man u know how to handle men i needa learn from u
stupid men just like to step down on women
I knowww thank god for tha half an hour
Im inthe computer lab at college printing up all my necessary paper work *ahem ahem* lol …well just printin up some lecture outlines and all those stuffiess !!
yea lolz! im like..hmm alfonso hmmmmm mayen..couldnt she come up with a better name anyway hehehehee ..neway alfonso probably gave it away to the guy that u were jokin…not that alfonso is a weird name or anything!!! no offence against anyone who' s name is alfonso
whats jaldi?
me miss u ! how u been? im okay ..i m guesssing..just..trying to like…Catch up with studying the stuff for class ..finals coming up in a month or so..still got lots of time but tiem flies fast hmm other wise i think im alright — the weather here is getting colddderrrr nowwwwww love wearing my big coat though..and was waiting for this cold ever since!
YEAH I GAT MAGICAL POWERS plssssssss what u didnt know ??!! pshttt i learned alot from harry potter..pleaseee we been chillin the other day in this alley and he saved me from this mad scary dementor .. man igot his glasses broken but sheeesh he said it was aight
btw – the book is maaad smashing!!! changes my mood for the bETTEr every NIGHT
oo sorry abt the story..but i didnt spoil it..dont worry i have no idea if they knew so iw as asking ..soo thats not spoiling it.hehe
me miss u!!!
noww wat did i miss after al l these years back here lookin at u sayin u got engaged to some guy name alfonso .. soething tells me it was a joke?
I have class in 1/2 and hour
i'll stay here for awhile
yay u're on !! whats with that dude!!! n u're not really engaged to a guy name alfonso r u hmmmmmmmm
Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan me missssssssssssss uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
good thing u texted me!! now im here
im in the compouter lab printing my lectures
will do that and chat to u
how r u hun! i miss u madddddddd alot