He probably wont be charming and cute as ever when he see you ! Unless….charming and cute is defined by cross eyed followed by being unconscious!!
Please Nessa ji, show up at his door and get him how we want him!
Nah..im not sighing! Did you HEAR ME SIGH?!
Its not that..its just that I did not want to go back to college for this semester… I mean…people live happily with regular jobs..why should you need to do all that college stuff…?
I dont know..I dont know…I think Im going to leave now !
Cheers you two!
Haha! No doubt about that! Our beautiful Nessa will have you blacked out in no time!
Haha! Senor, you're killing me here!
But my oh my! What a little lad! How old were you anyway? I mean if you were really little, Im sure everyone must have passed your comment off as nothing but Cute!
Nessa ! How are you?! I see you are hanging it out here with Senor.
School – UGH – today is the 2nd day – Im in the comp lab right now…
Didnt wake up early ..like i did this morning…in a long time! Right now I feel like bhoot! Not to mention that I look like one!
I shud go kick back in the library and sleep lol…
*DIES of bizarre laughter!*
Aloo .. yum..always
Whats the chat part of aloo chat?
Heya Person above me!
How was bowling?!
Dii – I have to crack up with you. Senor – commenting on a lipstick shade … on the girls at STARBUCKS ?! Rotfl …… Is that what you call flirting? I guess it is… I hope it was worthed .. haha
I hope you all have been doing alright..hanging in there hmm
Classes are starting tomm !
Stupid Break was unproductive
But then again..breaks are supposed to be, or what?
Howdy friends! How are ya'll doin' ?
Classes are starting back Tomorrow – for Spring Semester – Back at it again, after a break in which I didnt really accomplish anything.
Ughh …
Boo – What exactly do you mean by a 'Love Actually' World ?
Nessa – Heya buddy! … After reading yr messages … I wanna tickle you ! COME HERE! Haha!
Hiii people!!
Havent been on here for a while…you all stay well and … stay safe.
Ooohh..bad news — our fishes died ..well the female ones..
Miss all of you!
Alie, correct me if im wrong, but did you invite Senor to try a wonder bra?
Rotfl !!
Rani – you, Ninja, and crack..seem inseperable!
Ness – how bout we ask that Mr. someone Alishia was talking about..to adopt you? Would yeh like that?
AMZEEEEEEEEEEEEEE – YOU CAMNE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hug hug hug hug 1 MILLION HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!* hOW ARE YOU? YO'UVE BEEN GONE FOR SO LONG…! And how is Shakzzz?? How is her married life going?!!
NOSI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're back tooooooooooooooooo………..hug hgu hug hug huggggggg milions of hugs!!! How have you been? Reading alot hmm..! MISSED YOU!! Hope you're keeping well ..
OMG! GUESS WHAT! Our birds got a second egg !! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Lol!
And guess what!!!!!!!! Our fishes are pregnant!! And we just got them 3 weeks ago! HAHAHA..and we saw 1 little TINY baby FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man…our pets are …awesome man! Lolz!
Ali — More guys again…lolzzz…. these indian dudes wont leave yeh alone huh…seems like you gat it goin onnnnnnn!! BTW..you gonna go to india with yr BF..and spoil that poor dudes' dream of seeing you…ALONE….and SINGLE…? hahhaa…darn FREAKS! Hate em! ..anywhooooooo…they are worth our LAUGHS THO..rite? ooooooo so u're in love now huh….hmmmmmmmm wont ask ..withwhom..coz i know u wont tell! hehe..but..he's.. an okay dude!
Marine…hieeeeeee ..how are you doing??? Feeling better???
Ranii jii!! How are you…?! Miss you! And Ninja! .. And Tayaba..where is she?! And one2cu …? ..Hope you guys are okay!
Im hungryyy..im gonna go eat now..mom cooked nice vegetables!
Hey! You are from Guyana too? Wow..new? I havent seen you around.
Im from there too and I dont understand hindi .. so I have no idea about this song but Im sure the other members
will help you.
And yes – BWL is awesome!!
Aww hun….I hope that confusion will pass soon..*hugs*
Hey Tabzyy…we were missing you when you yourself were gone ..*welcome back..hugs* NZ..stands for New Zealand..so they say..and KIWI..not sure if they were talking about some weird half bird half mammal looking animal or if it stands for a group of people…
All I know…is Kiwi..the fruit!! lol
Hope you're okay…!! Take care! Muahhzzz
Hey Marine…whats upPP?!
Heyy there!! I've seen you around !
But never knew you by your name! *Waves at ozia*
Hi there! Yup..its good news..!
Yes.. I was thinking too..that how come its only 1 egg? I thought there would be more..! But theres only 1..i dont know if there's more to come!?!
Pigeons!! Oh woww!!Sounds awesome!! ooo wow…what do you mean by 'disturb' them…do you mean take the egg out and touch it?? How would they know??! Wow..they seem smart!