Lmao! Ness! You're killing me here!
Get some sleep lady. Can't have our Ninja tumbling off rooftops and missing with the throwing stars cause she's sleepy!
Hm…Ness is right !!! Take rest!! … It has to be Haiii Yaaaaaaaa ! Not… Haiiiiiiiii Yaaaaa.wnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Very sweet & sincere posts Kava Daba!
You're a sweetheart!
Hiya Buddy! Its just my take of whats going on around here.
Hehe … why dont you go for it then! Or you wanna tempt him and wait until he makes the first move?
Here's spreading some love. And positive energy!
Okay guys, I've been reading these posts and … things seem to be on the down side. First of all, where is the post that Senor left saying that he will leave BWL ? I've been searching back to see it … but still I cant find it? Can someone tell me where it is?
Secondly … no one should point fingers at Anyone. This place was made for the invention of venting. Let me ask you – Do you guys ever have REALLY bad days? Do you guys ever feel so MISERABLe that you just want to roll over and curd into pieces? Did you ever feel confined, and hurt , like your heart has been ripped out of your chest? .. for what ever reasons it may be?
Now imagine what you might say when you come on to BWL… frankly it can be unpredictably…but at times..we're so covered up and engulfed by feelings that are eating us away that we just vent.. or i should say..do some…extreme extra venting … and be extremely sensitive to little stuff.
Now Im not poiting fingers , neither am I stepping on any body's side of the road here. I dont know why Senor wants to leave? I really wish to know? I didnt see any post I was searching. But if he wants to leave for some reason… same way the Alishia left before (for her reason) .. the same way ..others have left us… maybe …. they have some betterment to face them and they cant stay with us… we can pull them back, cry out to them, we can thug on them and stall so they stay forever …. but maybe they just..have to leave..for some Confidential…reason…. ? You never know.
Now honestly, I wish all of our forum members would just come back here and we'd have like the bestestestest of times. Like Hydroprincess and Rose — They left and NEVER came back and I missed them SO MUCH. I dont know why they left and I wish I could have done anything possible to make them come back , but the truth is… I really couldnt. And that hurt. It hurt that they left becuase they..'had' to or bc .. they 'wanted' to ..for some reason (whatever it is).
So IM not sure why Senor is leaving? Im not sure wehre you guys heard this..but please inform me better so I can understand. Alishia said she did not understand until she saw some post that Senor left…. so please show me the post.
Im not sure if Senor want to leave out of himself… of its because of something else…. like..Alishia's post {?}
Alishia – you know Senor and you always end up fighting haha..it was this way since the start … ! Haha… I mean I guess he was joking… but youwere in a really sensitive position at the time… and we cant blame you that the horrid things in life just really got under your skin ..and you replied in a way to just…. 'get it all out'.
I guess Senor took it another way. I guess he was saying it as a joke and you took it really serious. If he said it as a joke though, then why cant he take your response as a joke?
Guys we all have to come together. And what is this that Im hearing of youleaving? Again? Oh di … …. I wish both YOU AND SENOR dont step away from us. I just..wish.
Senor, please come back!
And Alishia, please stay!
I miss you too dii .. how have you been?
Oh yes..! I loved Aja Nachle !! It was soo nice !!
Person above me … its not like you're not a goody two shoes either hm! lol .. *hug!*
Person above person above me …….. You take clases too?
Then Aloo Chat must be the best!!!
To the mocha coffee .. although kinda dont drink coffee.. it sounds yum
Potato Ball (Im not sure if this is Aloo chat? Its … Smashed potato with lots of seasonings in it and..its made into a ball..and fried on the outside)
Winter ! (I think monsoon has lots of rain?)
Bagel with Cream cheese alone or Bagel with Cream cheese and jelly/jam ?
Ishq Kamina!
And then Kajra Re
I love Mitwa!!!
Im listening to Dard E Disco From Om SHanti Om.
Tayaba hun… here's a bundle of hugs just for you… feel better..
And remember..if you drink coffee alot and stay up…you must also get your rest!
Im waiting for my class to start..its starting in a few minutes!
UGH classes UGH I say — U G H !!
Hi Alie.. *hug*
Try your best to keep that head up high…
Feel better soon!
Miss you
You freaked yourself out? Stop swearing. Not allowed. Wash your mouth with soup. NOW!
Soup? After swearing??
Man o man … God knows what kind of …………… animals *chokes* kids you'll bring forth !!!
Some little lads who get naked and run around on Saturday nights …and are ordered to take Soup … right after swearing!
Well dude, would yew invite her already! So we cud get this black out process movin'!!
Okay im going for real now!~!!! lol
byeeeeeee guys!
Oh My Gosh – Bubbly is such a Nice song!
From Donkey to Buddha to Second Base!
Your personality take on alot of characteristics! What say we mix some old Donkey with some Buddha with some newly gotten Second Base right out from the oven … combine and analyze the results !
Alright pple..im off !! Have fun..!