Hiya there Khushi …
( ) You really need to share the omelette story with us!
Lmao, take it easy cutie ji, he'll be down soon.
By the way, who do you guys want to
become our next *TUNE OF THE NATIONAL ANTHEM* President?
Hey cutie ji! I must say I agree with Oreo – I love your handwriting!
I hope you didnt get too tight of a clutch on Khushi's belan
Boo did such a good job with this!!
Hindi hindi, all this hindi! What could it possibly mean?
I miss Tayaba!!! Onto which planet did she use those red-bull wings to fly off to ?!?!!
Come Back Ms. Harry Potter!
Ninja, jaan, you didnt annoy me! I was actually asking you and Rani the same questions because I wasnt exactly sure what was going on with Senor. I think I get a lil bit of whats happening … I just wish Alishia and Senor would both come back!! *hugs* – lolz, Im glad you're sooo happy! Better let yourself be engulfed by it, while it lasts!
Lol, Boo, dont over think on this V-Day crap ! I dont know why there's a special day for this, I think its stupid! I mean, Valentine's Day should be like everyday, shouldnt it? You should share your love and care all the time … ugh, what am I saying!
Okay, time to get to school ! Yippeeeee …………….. NOT!
Lmao! You guys are crazy! Thanks for making me have my morning dose of a good cracking up!
What happened Oreo? You backed down from the freshly cooked food, with special ingredients added just to suit your preferences and taste?
Shame on you!
I feel so irritated.
u trying to cook? dont! theres a reason why we put u in prison..so that others will do the cooking!!
Dearest Oreo, how could you think something ever so strange? That I'd plague the people of my home with my cooking … I was inquiring so that I can stir up a lil something special just for you, FRESH, right out from the pot. Come on now, you won't back down now,would you? And speaking of tumeric in dhaal, i have lots of packs with different colors .. to chose from … come now, dont you want some red colored, fresh out from the pot, DHAAL? Oh, I've also added a dose of my SECRET INGREDIENT, especially made to suit your taste and preference.
Valentine's Day is stupid.
I feel so irritated.
Im sure Ninja wont scare anyone!
MArine, whats up?!
Wow, I was stuck on the heart … that was..actually a HEART…. like in our chest… *stares*
MArine! You have to come..at least..once in a while…to shout out a lil hi, you know? Anyway, how are you?! Whats cookin' on your end?
Ninja…. I heard that to make something halal, you have to pray over it or something like that, but I have a question, what if the people just trick and say halal when its not?
Yay diii !!! *waves!*
Wow..thats a lotta love you got there!
Hehee! When I found that pic, I immediately thought of you … and ahem..your description of senor lol .. and I described him as the smarty ..soo , the pic works!
I miss you!
Lol! Could that something…possibly be… America?!
Hey Kavita ji…
According to my own experience with others, I believe that a man is capable of treating his wives equally, I'll tell you why. But before that, I would like to say that I don't think this man you're speaking about is being 'fair' in a sense. Because he isn't appreciating the right of his other wife to know, that is, from what I understand… he didn't tell her. Yes, he did tell his wife, she knows all about it and apparently its okay for her husband to go back to his hometown in Africa and marry another girl. Even though Islam doesn't have it as a condition for any of the wives to know that the husband has decided to go off and get hitched again. So, you're trying to tell me its alright for husbands to just go get married to more than one woman/girl without telling his current wife anything? However, the teachings and character of Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him teach us to be kind and honest.
Now regarding justice between the wives, a man is fully capable of achieving it if he really does know Islam. He is not asked by Islam to love them both/all equally. Cos, it aint possible! lol. If its not possible then why would he even TRY to do it? [Unless men get married with an intention of NOT loving his wife/wives and NOT being honest and loyal] I never knew of marriage not having to do with loving to the fullest or trusting to the fullest and being loyal to the fullest.
However, he is not to show them this. So, you say that the men have to be honest (if they want to follow goodness) but then you say they are not to show their wives the truth? We're speaking of fairness of making them feel that they all mean the same. How can they all mean the same? That is impossible. They are all different people with different names, personalities, likes, dislikes, ideas, thoughts, feelings, minds, actions, reactions, etc. How then, can one man really make a couple of wives, feel exactly the same?? He cant do that. So if he gives one a car, he has to give the other a car. If he buys one a necklace, he has to buy the other a necklace. you know? No, Im not sure I know. Becuase marriage isnt about giving material stuff. Nothing should be about material stuff – at least, not to a great extent. Material stuff die away with time. Marriage is supposed to be about support, and working together even when times are hard and if you are poor down to the ground, you should be able to find some worth (without having material stuff – as in nice necklaces or nice cars – you'd just have to live off of food and shelter). There will be no material stuff to share if you're poor to the ground. So what then will you share? That is exactly why Islam lays the condition of being mentally and financially ABLE. If they're not, then forget getting married again man, they aint qualified!
And about this almost -50- year old man … marrying a 16 (or somewhere around there) year old girl – what on earth? First of all, dude, couldnt you find a woman your age? Second of all, what on earth? You gonna go get married to her, stay a month and then come back to USA?
Ninja, I will leave you with two questions. Do you want to be ONE of your husband's wives? Or do you want to be his wife? I mean, are you alright with your future husband having two wives? Providing that he can, as you mentioned, give you both the same material stuff – car, necklace, etc. ?
(Sadly, a lot of Muslim men take that condition as some kind of joke… )
That same question goes for you too Khushi, and to whoever com
Hey Khushi ..
On this same topic, I'd like to add something.
Not all muslim men are like that thought Kavi. *chuckles* I know! I never said all Muslim men are like that … I just remembered us talking about this same topic in this thread… and since I came to know of this man I m talking about… I had to ask about the situation here. I felt… I would get some answers and a better understanding.
I know of someone, he's young 28 years of age. 5 years ago, his wife and college sweetheart, passed away. Oh no..Im sorry I dont know how peple can live after their loved ones pass away
Now he loved her, I knew them both – family/friends. But 2years ago, another woman came into his life and she loves him incredibly. She knew of his past and everything, but her determination was so ardent – he had to give in to her love. They are a happily married couple now, he seems to smile and be happy a lot more now – and InshAllah, she's expecting a baby soon
He still celebrates his and his late wive's anniversary and birthday. Aww … how touching is this!
It does make me think though, does he love them both? Or is he being partial? I'm not that close to him to ask him this, but if I ever did, I would love to know. I'm not a Muslim, so I'm not sure of the exact rules… any light shed here?
Very interesting case here. But its really different. I mean, if his late wife was alive, he would not be anywhere else! With another person! So I dont consider this as being like he has two ..wives… although I know what you're saying..since he still celebrates her. Aw man, that is so sad I guess he just wants to keep her alive in his thoughts … but … what does his current wife think about all this? Im not Muslim either and I dont really know about any of the rules …… this is why I've brought this topic on.
But I LOVE happy beginnings.
Huh? It is the right thread..it does say advise..for *school* you know
Ohh..well yes..I bet we get that feeling when those UGH finals come and SLAP us in the FACE
… sighs..did you ever think of it (or did it ) even WAY BEFORE finals? or say…right at the beginning of ahem..a NEW SEMESTER? or…during a BREAK off?
What are you laughing about Nesss?
It is GAY
Oh yeah –
WE, the people!