… and when I went to see U Me Aur Hum, I got so excited haaahah…. because of Kajol and all that jazz
…. that I squeezed the person next to me's arm so hard… lmao! She was like, “Gerrof me and watch the movie!”… lmao! Sigh!
Im just curious, how did you find U Me Aur Hum?? Good ? Bad? What you expected?
I should be watching it soon.
G'morning ya'll
Woah!!! So you're graduating soon! Congratulations!!!
Plain BUTTER toast sandwich
Right and Left
Hellz to da naw! Lmaooooooooooooo!!
I want nothing to do with it! lmbo
You keep dreaming about cookies and you'll need a crane to lift ur backside! lol
hehe Marine..i dont think ali dreamed of her and senor in heaven lol … it was just a strange place … a yellow place hehehe
are you serious?? u never had dreams of pple u dnot even know?? i have that sometimes..its like they're all my good friends in teh dream but iv'e neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr seen or heard or known of them in real life
a bit strange to the sound of it
Yeahhhhhhhh I can see that ! hehehehehheheeeee!
Lol – I just thought no one saw it!!!!!!! You got me! lol
Exactly. Why can't wealthy, rich, well off women marry a couple of 'men in need' ? I know the answer would be that women already outnumber the men. But – cant the wealthy rich women care for and take care of a couple of women[or men] in need? And more so, let wealthy rich men, take care of and provide for a couple of women[or men] in need. Do you have to get married to them? Open a house for the less fortunate, give charity, invest money, supervise them, create an environment of helping, sharing, loving. That would work equally well.
I've searched for well over an hour and my eyes (and head) are killing me!! I can't find the previously posted answer to this. It may have even been in another (A Thought) thread. Yet, if I remember correctly, it had something to do with paternity of the children. Am I correct Ninjitsu? No need to go into it if you don't wish, but I wanted to be sure that it was stated before!
Lol, sorry to having you running around like that!! Yes, I posted it yesterday, but then I came back and deleted it because, like I said, I really was planning to ease off the questions and I figured I should start that..so came back and deleted it.
Wait, how do you have it though??! You kept it… ? some how?
I sense anger/discomfort where none was needed. So, I'll explain further…
When I said 'you have', my actual meaning was 'there are'. As in, “There are/you have several differeing points of view…blah, blah, blah…” Not 'YOU' as in 'You, Kavita have differeing opinions…' I hope that clears my statement up for you.
My reply wasn't to insult you or your intelligence. It was to say that there are 16 pages of information and another thread. Facts & opinion have been shared. Verses from holy books have been quoted. It was all submitted with the goal of helping with our understanding. So then, if you aren't understanding it, chances are it is something that will remain a mystery to you. That was my meaning Kavita.
Lmao – I really am a tubelight!! lol … nah, no anger/discomfort Ness!
I was just saying… I guess I got enough of the information I needed … and its a sensitive topic and I understand soooo …
Even before you said that, I had plan to ease it off with any questions
Let me just say I'm not religious but i love all religion and most of my friend are Muslim so i think it's interesting.
I accept all religions, I believe all of the Gods are 1, just in different forms.
It just hurts so much to see people fighting and wasting their energy over diferences in relgion. I just wish everyone would accept each others religions, and engage in conversations of sharing, understanding, and expanding of the knowlege they have.
Anyway, since when you are running for president lol … yeah, i'll see the day when Marine becomes president … come to think of it, u can hook me up with almost anything i want!! lol – become president fast!
^ What a potato …. who would believe that silly story???!
people like u aka the mentals, the psychos (u know who u are)
Im not an idiot to believe an idiotic story [about an idiotic dude] … sent by an idiot
Where on earth does someone find such idiotic articles about idiotic people, must be the idiotic nature of the seeker
What up Marine … Im seeing you here more often … what happen did you become more sane now just joking!!! lol … or did you stop drinking so much so you can come here hehehehhee
lol, dont kill me!
Yes yes, I know I know Ness … it really does boil down to the parties who must commit. I mean, they are the ones who are putting themselves into something … so obviously they must be ready/wanting/accepting it.
I just wanted to understand it from another point of view though. I really hope that my topic hasnt offended anyone, because I have no intention of offending anyone. I realize this is a sensitive topic … and if anyone wants it to be closed … dont be afraid to tell me.
Not to sound short Kava Daba, but you have several differing points of view in this thread of 16 pgs.. If you don't understand it by now, then chances are, you won't. *shrugs* Oh well. I guess I won't then.
And, what do you mean by I have several differing points of view in this thread? I've asked questions about Islam, in this thread. And everyone has contributed their beliefs and views and points of views within the same 16 pages.
It's what Catholics call 'a mystery' as they look up at the ceiling. lmbo
Anyway, I started this topic and Im ending it now.
Thank you to those who addressed my questions.
^ What a potato …. who would believe that silly story???!
Hey dii…glad to see you back…hope you enjoyed that vaca!!
Vegetable[veggies, cheese and onions] sandwich