Di, what a cute little popular song Its in alot of movies.
wat movies??
Hey di, I've heard it in a coulple English movies. I cant remember the names of the movies though. But a small part of it is sung in Black (with Rani Mukherjee), here's the link : it starts in the middle, when a lady sings it and Rani is dancing. I thought that was beautiful.
I can't help but to wonder if ….. you have had a chance to actually see him since Hope so.
who??? Jensen Ackles from the CW 11 Supernatural
Is that Ninja that I see?! I've missed you. How have you been?
Di –
Happy Birthday! Wish you many many more to come! Best wishes!
Oh di
Feel better soon Kavi, I know you'll be able to get through it, I've seen your strength hidden behind the words you write here…
Tayba –
I hope you were able to calm those nerves of yours?
Hi di, please for the sake of heaven dont say that you'll give up all your happiness like that, geesh!
strength & courage are qualities we are all born with honey, deep within us lies dormant our abundant resource of both courage and strength..
Why does this sound familiar? *head down*
in times when we really need it to help us deal with a situation or experience, it surfaces in the forms u would least expect it to..
theres no need to go searching for something u already possess my angel, Perhaps there is need to search when you cant really find it anywhere. Or rather, its not a need to search just for the sake of finding, for the sake of existence … its the need to find it so that you can use it because you need to use it.
I think u shud allow yourself to feel your purest feelings but also remember how far u have come and tell yourself that *this to shall pass** in order to grow, develop and evolve we need to go through such trials and experiences.. This too shall pass? I wonder. It can stay like this if I allow it to. Or at least, it wont pass after quite some time.
I am always always with u, always my love…whenever u need comfort warmth, support, my arms to hold u, just think of me and am there…
I will comfort u with in an embrace with the help of a cool breeze, or through the ruffles of the wind in yr hair, I will keep u warm in my embrace with the help of the suns sparks, I will guide u with the help of the moon through the lines of the stars, I will be in melody of a birds song or the whisper of a leaf that falls, I will be there when u walk pass a café and smell the inviting aroma of a tantalising brewed coffee.. u get wat I am saying right?? am always with u.. in yr dil, walking with u, sharing yr discomforts and yr comforts, your happiness and sadness… and many more of those < Gosh, speechless <
I must tell you right now though, your writing is beautiful.You should become an author.
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Dont get this wrong for a split second : Despite how I feel (personally), I am so so happy for you and your success. I know how much it means to you. And I know that right now, it means everything to you. And I am delighted to share such a happiness with you.
Are you usually this willing to give up all your happiness?! Keep it, keep it, keep it I say ! You deserve every drop of it.
Actually though, happiness is not the thing that I should be in dying need of. Strength, courage, COURAGE. [?] Somewhere along those lines.
1. the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.
I never thought the dictionary would be so on the point.
Well, all that was good to hear.
I cant get in for classes this semester.
Hey di, nah, actually I havent completed this book as yet. I had wanted read it before watching the movie. I am about in the middle of the book. I think its going kind of slow but, its alright.
Oh Lord, help me. Walk with me Oh Lord. My life in its entirety depends on you. Help me. If I cannot ask you for help, who else will I ask Lord ? Oh Lord, everything is in your hands, my life is in your hands. Oh Lord everything depends on you, everything belongs to you. You are beautiful, you are lovely, Oh Lord you are compassionate.
It is not like me to say this but :
I feel down. I feel kinda sad.
This person is so not getting hawter and gorgeouser by the hour.
I love love love the person about me. And I am sooo soo happy for the person above me. Happy happy happy !
Is it complicated to work a cash register? And count money with that crazy speed that I see going on in stores ?
Nerves are good … if its very limited. If its too much then it is horrible.
Uh hm, men can be rather strange creatures. You know, the fact that you wrote 'haha!' after mentioning the saddest story of your life shows that you are strong and you can move on, you can move forward and be happy. Well, thats how I see it. I guess I see it like that because it reminded me of a time that I totally laughed at myself after messing up and feeling kind of embarrased about something that I wished never happened. I do admit though, your situation is more serious.
I guess. Well it seems to be working now sooo
Any new pics Rani ?
Im about midway of The Time Traveler's Wife. Its going kind of slow but its alright.
Love in the Time of Cholera sounds depressing.
Hey Axeline! Welcome welcome welcome to our forum
The forum has had some technical problems lately, but I think now it is up and working!
Hope to see you around!