Dii, Im a rani chicka becaue I love rani the most I just like the way the jewelry looks on kajol
Tomorrow is the reception! Mom bought me a pretty dress ..its a lil tight though…but still! Pretty!
Whoa..I felt like such a girl when I tried it on! haha
Happy Birthday Senor! Hope you had a great one. Always remember, with every year, comes more wisdom.
No wonder you're so wise!!!
Enjoy and Celebrate! Its only 1 time a year ! Keep up the good advice and the intelligent talks … keep up being you!
Lets eat! I have another cake!
Oh wait – senor???? You there yet buddy???? It would be awfully rude to dig in if the birthday boy isnt here first….
Well what did I tell ya'll … there's some enchanting spell upon that orange! *stares at Nessa*
Alright..im gonna stop now with the orange It aint my fault that Im in love with it lol ..but I do admit .. I got a lil carried away up there!
Kavita, what's wrong hunn?
*siiigh* I hate that when I try to do something right, I end up doing it wrong.
I didnt get to throw my word in here
Rani – the thing that should satisfy you and make your heart content is the fact that you tried your hardest to do something the right way. Not all the time we get exactly what we want or exactly what we plan for. Some people dont even try. Regret comes the hardest for them – because 1. They'll never know how things would have turn out if they had tried their hardest and 2. They would not be able to live knowing that they did try their hardest even if things may have turned out in the wrong way.
So, find it somewhere in your thinking to allow yourself some heart's content that you did try your hardest and your intentions were good ones
Now I dont think i'll ever be doing that again..but at least I can say I've danced outside before ..if that make much sense..
even .. ..at yr di's wedding….
good to hear u had soo much fun dear…an all this time u thought u cudnt dance…told u everyone dance…..
Haha..oh yeah you know i'll be trying mah hardest when your wedding comes around! lol … yeah i thought i really couldnt dance … but the thing is… I really cant lol .. I was totally stepping from side to side. At the end of it all, my mom told us(me and my siblings) that its good that we tried but we all looked like we were exercising!! [like aerobics] hahahaaaaaaaa
But I tried right~!! Gosh! And the 1st time…. it was fun though
The other half ? You mean the one that is left there right?! I love the orange too! Hats off … ode to the colorful orange!
Im doing alright you know … trying to stay alive ; Off from college as you may know; Fall semester starts back at the end of August.
How have you been madam?
Lmao at Kavita's rainbow land comment! rofl! If that's the case, may I have some too please?
Doesnt it look extremely enchanting? It does!! *Hypnotic eyes* Must have piece Must have piece Must have piece
All of the colors ….. they must represent something!
Blue is for the cloudless sky dotted with red cherries that drop down into your hands upon request.. and Pink! Pink is for the trees that grow way past their normal size .. overflowing with produce of all kind … cherries and watermelon on one tree, apples and peaches on another, pizza and soda on one, packages of happiness on one, parcels of ability to fly on another …… waiting to be picked off by eager hands … And Red! Red is for the strawberry streams that run over every square inch of the land..waiting for hands to dip in and start grabbing parecels that are made instantly depending on what the grabber desires at the time of grabbing And Green! Green is for the grand garden that bears glowing type green trees with Chocolate for its fruits … chocolate of all kind of all type of all color… chocolate cake and every type of candy and sweets that one could ever imagine! The yellows! The yellows are for the grounds and the walls… and for the flying unicorns that inhabit the area..[who offer to fly anyone to the stars to pick bundles of red juicy cherries] along with multicolored fairies bearing green wings, who, very often, drop fairy dust upon the land … resulting in ecstatic emotions upon all beings … that last for hours and hours…. nights and ……….more nights
Whoa Ness… I got carried away!! lol! I am really in love with that orange ! Where'd you get it, if I may ask? Do they have more?
Whoa ness…can I have a bite of that orange? * It looks as if one bite will take me into a fantasy rainbow land *
Kavita, what's wrong hunn?
*siiigh* I hate that when I try to do something right, I end up doing it wrong.
*tears*… I feel the exact same way. I feel so fed up of being me.
Tayaba *hug* I hope that somehow you are shown the good light … of knowing that you are truely a wonderful girl
Alot of times I get the feeling that I wish I was someone else too
Some things we cant change; and if we really cant change 'em, our topmost job is to start accepting them
For the things that can be changed; you can try to twist and turn a few twigs and observe the outcome. And if you like what you see, maybe you can do it more often.
You just have to remember that … when ever you've tried 'something else' make sure 'you' as yourself is assimilated into the 'new' thing … so that you can feel that you are in your own skin and you can feel comfortable and happy about whatever change took place
Love you tons *hugs*
Oh wowww haha…
I couldnt believe it either … you know…when they all pulled us(me and my siblings) up to dance! I couldnt believe it..but it happened…and it turned out to be fun
Hey diii *hug hug hug* missed you, hope you're doing alright..
Havent been on here and left a proper message in quite a while!
ooooooh gawd now I see you're addressing the Kokamal issue hmm
This past weekend .. I attended an indian wedding for the 1st time! We were invited for 3 days in a row…for the celebration and all.
It was niceeee. I ate so much lol ^_^
And oh gosh, you guys wont believe!! I cant even believe!! — Last night, they were celebrating and everyone were dancing and they pulled me and my siblings up to dance. We felt so weird because we've NEVER danced anywhere before. But everyone kept pulling us up and eventually we just started moving and attempting to 'dance' to the music. Although very reserved, I 'danced' to all these upbeat indian music they were playing >>whew<< It was interesting—- haha
Now I dont think i'll ever be doing that again..but at least I can say I've danced outside before ..if that make much sense..
Guys! You actually replied? When I saw my post … it rang a bell in my head! I think I must have forgotten writing it here because I felt so enraged that day!
Sorry for the language. I just had to say that! OUT LOUD.
Im good now. Im always good
Diiiiiii I seee you came back! I missed you a ton. *huggggg* replied to your last email this morning
Rani and Tayaba Ness .. hope you girls are doing wonderful.
F****** retards!!
Hey person above me! Now..where have you 'gone' off to?
Rani, you graduated? Congrats!!!
I feel relaxed … listening to 'Doli Taro Dol' with Salman and Aishwariya
If one day you feel like crying, call me.
I don't promise you that I will make you laugh, but I can cry with you.
If one day you want to run away, don't be afraid to call me.
I don't promise to ask you to stay, but I can run with you.
If one day you don't want to listen to anybody, call me.
I promise to be very quiet.
But if one day you call and there is no answer, come fast to see me, perhaps I need you.
How touching …
God can't exist
there is no reason to
for the God to exist
God is a failed concept!
Well if thats your belief.. then…
Thanks Boo… somehow those words comforted me too. Someone is now suggesting that maybe someone had hacked into her account and is spreading messages. I think I believed it … as the words were being said to me… because she had told me once before that she had called a suicide hotline number … but she did say she didnt have the guts to actually commit the thing.
Whatever is done is done… and cant be undone. But I need to know if someone is guilty of hacking! Ugh!
Ninja, enjoy your trip… tell me how it went
Tayaba, I havent heard from you in a loongg time – hope you're okay?
Rani&Nessa – hope you girls are okay ?
Thanks Rani, I was looking under the wrong tab
Thank you for answering (in some other thread) Glad to hear that your days feel brighter. Im doing alright myself.
Don't take full blame when you're in a relationship that revolves around a two way street.
Don't take blame about something of which you cannot control.