Kavi… thanks so much for your advice. I may not be able to express it, but I smiled at your words and it made me feel a little better. I'm sorry you've had an experience that made you feel similar to what I felt that day. I pray that you are able to move past it without letting it hurt you. *hug*
No, I can't go back to what I was missing. But that's okay. Sometimes things that are done can't be undone. It's just the way life is sometimes, na?
Thank you for being there, it means a lot to me . xxx
Hey Tayaba, Im glad I made you smile. Thank you for your prayers, I've also prayed for me to -forget- about certain things and to let my heart be pure … and thank heavens, I have sensed a large change.
I know life can be..unfair sometimes… but what can we do, sometimes we cant do much. Be yourself and do what you can do.
Oh wow, how is Ninja?! When's she coming back?
Geesh, Tayaba… I need to watch A Walk to Remember … from what you are saying, it rocks!
Well, I love The Notebook sooo…. if its something like that..I guess I'll like it
WHy do people have to be so stupidd sometimes?
Whoa Rani's going to college! Yay! The time has come hmm… good luck, and you'll be fine!!! Watch and see! College is way too overrated.
I miss Ninja too! When is she coming back?!
Hey hun, Im sorry to hear that you feel this way …
How can you miss someone who was never really yours? It seems confusing hun, but I guess it is possible … eventhough the person was never really yours …… the bond that you formed with them (even if its in your mind/thoughts/emotions) can last forever … and sometimes we find..when that person is absent… our mind/emotions/thoughts constantly remind us of them …… and it can hurt alot right? Think of the positive side..? You made a good relationship with someone..you created a bond…that will have a lasting effect on you. Dont feel too discouraged … day by day, you will see how much stronger you will become.
How can it hurt this much? If it hurts that much ….. I wont doubt the pain; If it hurts that much … I cant take it away … but I can listen… Im here if you need me!
How can you still love them after knowing such a big truth about them? How can they even enter your mind? I know exactly how you feel on this one .. I've had a horrid experience with someone … and the truth is… Im guilty of it and I cant even explain why .. up to this day .. how that person could enter my mind over and over….after I know what they did to me; I just dont understand hwo it works..and WHY i cant just tell them to get lost; I guess… sometimes, the past has to be left in the past .. and I will tell anyone this : If you realize that what happened in the past is affecting your life soo greatly and even dangerously, then dont stay knowing that person … just give yourself some space .. trust me… it will be really hard … to be with that person, live with that person, go out with that person…if you have this sorta…hatred type thing going on deep inside of you..
How can you miss what was not even real? IT doesnt have to be real for you to miss it; people miss various types of emotions when they are not feeling them; people miss thinking about certain things; people miss thinking about things that they made up … it doest have to be real for you to miss it … but if you understand that you miss it this much… can you try to go back to it? If you cant… maybe you can let it live with you forever … and day by day, you will be able to live easier without it.
Im here for you if you need me*hug* Dont bottle up your feelings
I saw pics of Angie and Brads kids Ooh my..I didnt really see them yet..they are twins right?
omw…I soooo wanna get married now now and have as many beautiful babies ahh di… you shall, you shall
as for Brad ( am not a fan of him ) but my gosh he luks hot hey..it must be that beared look he has…looks sex.i ..lol Im NOT a fan of brad pitt either!! Im still debating how they could call him the most sexiest guy? I mean…seriously? pshhhtt
I feel SAFE..and I may be alone but am grateful for the beautiful people in my life.. Thats right… embrace the good things you have!
who continously reminds me how blessed I am…
am still thinking babies now ….cant wait for December 🙂 yay! december! I cant wait either! 🙂
Thats great to hear tabz…
Does anyone know when Ninja is coming back?
Its great that you feel great! ^_^
You shud sit down and watch the show!
C'mon GUYS ……… We're waiting! ^_^
…..or maybe they ended on good grounds…..
Hey Tayaba, how was your trip?!
Di, is that kiss for moi ? ^_^ hehehe …what up? I finally replied to yr email last night
Oh, now he comes
Amzeee, 'course we didnt forget you! Glad to hear you're doing well.
Whats up Ness? 🙂
Its so weird that I feel COLD in the summer month of August! The weather is moody
Where is the Buddha that this 'party' was thrown for?!!
Gotta tell ya ladies…
Its great to come here and be welcomed with a show!!! *sits down comfortably*
Howdy earthlings
Lol Rani … I found those 'fake' pics hilarious .. some of them are really hilarious .. they just dont look right .. but then some of them look kinda nice and new .. so i liked the one with srk and kajol hehehe Yeah i know what u're saying..Rani is my favorite too! She's my ever best actress
Tayaba – Enjoy the trip .. come back soon!
Hey Nessa … whats cookin' ?
Does anyone know when Ninja is coming back? I wonder if she is alright!!
Sorry to break the chain of translation here
I couldnt believe I was dancing for hours
**shakes head** its the music nah…makes yr body do things yr mind wudnt dream of [:D] yeah! well there's a 1st time for everything…and that was my 1st for dancing out!
…wait it doesnt stop here! … In heels!
[:O] uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu??/lol…ok Now I want em pics …lol .. hehe..oh you'll get em soon I realized..that heels arent so bad!! ..you know now that im trying this whole 'girl' thing..it aint thaaaat bad ..lol
And I met some relatives of ours..that I really didnt know existed
lmao ..knw dat feelin
.. lol .. one of them is a guy
is he hot, gorgeous and sizzling?? lol ..***just in case***..am kidding …maybe not..u can speak to Nas about this statement **winks** oh mah lawd…lolz…he's my family for god sake! i cant be using such adjectives to describe him! and besides, the only reason i was dancing with him was because he is Family..otherwise..i'd never dance with him. Thing is..the only reason me and my siblings danced so much..was cos of him..he pulled us up … and kept telling me we have to go dance and we're not skipping it .. haha
Dayem..he dances??…me likes already yeah but he was drinking beers though..he didnt seem drunk though..weird ..maybe he's a usual drinker or something
I am…purfecto…minus the migraines
oh my…here's some magic dust..
for..taking away headaches and that ucky feeling you'd get when u get the flu
Love you too!
Luw uuuuuuuuuuuuu….lol… Love you 12
Marine! What upppp …. Im glad to see that you dropped by from the planet you were partying on! Hope you're doing alright*hug*
Hey dii …seems like you are really happy…Well Im happy to see that you are so happy..so my wish is that..allt his happiness ..live on!! I thought your wish for us..was selfless … and by heavens………………. who wouldnt want a chip of so much happiness?! *hugs*
Aww dii…hiii! I dont know if to reply here..since you said you wont be coming here often
I guess I'll just drop you a few lines on facebook! *hugs*
Now now Ness..no need to be frightened!! That blush would be the better way to go ^_^
Tayaba – A big hearty Congrats to you for finally finishing up a stage in your life … all that hard work paid off! Congrats!
Dii *hugs back*
Why thank you … for the *ahem* 'girl' compliments … its just hard for me to believe lol
Yeah we took pics … I'll send you some soon. Yup…reception was maaaad fun … lol I couldnt believe I was dancing for hours…wait it doesnt stop here! … In heels! and the pretty dress my mom bought me And I met some relatives of ours..that I really didnt know existed .. lol .. one of them is a guy .. I call him my cousin .. and he was the one who made me dance so much as he was pulling me up to dance His sister was there too though..we were all dancing .. it was sooo much fun man! But its kinda over now lol… the couple is off for their honeymoon sooooooo …
Rani..I loveee ; Kajol..is like..I used to love her alot..back in the days ; Thoda sa Pyare? Never saw that one..Rani or Kajol?
As for gmail ..I dont have a gmail account ; but..question..you can' 'chat' on gmail???? sounds strange ..will try to make an account ; as for facebook..i'll be on every now and then
As for the rest of my holiday..well…not too much going on..but you're right..guess i'll just rest alot and cook and all that
Anyway..will contact you in yr email and send you the pics..later on ; by the way, I hope you're doing well over there..
Love you too! -Kav