Eid Mubarak everyone!
May Allah make your wishes come true!
Hey there, welcome to the forum!
Call me Kavita
Rani is right about the forum being a bit slow right now
But, *welcome* We have our own little family here, it'll be no time before you fit in and become one of us
By the way, beautiful picture! Is that you? Im guessing it is
I dont feel good at all. I know what is causing this feeling but I dont know WHY it causes this feeling.
I dont hate them, I just feel incapable of many things because they exist
I dont hate them, I really dont.
Something is really high in my body. I can feel it, I can sense it, I KNOW it. My heart, my trembling, I know it must be adrenaline. I feel this growing pain in my chest, and I feel like Im out of this world, in a sense, because my mind is SO much focused on 'something'. But it died away just recently. But still, I've lost my ability to concentrate, and despite me reading about Research Methods in Psychology … I dont understand any sentence. I cant concentrate now, and I have 2 tests in a few days AND I have SO much to cover.
Im still feeling it. But to a leser degree. I dont want to go downstairs for my family to see, I think they will see that I am different. Im in my attic, its quiet and Im by myself, sitting on the floor, tissue in one hand, a picture of the Lord in the other.
I dont know if this is right. I dont know if this is supposed to be happening. It was worse before, I got better, but this doesnt mean anything. I dont know whats wrong. I mean – I know whats wrong, I know the Cause of my feeling and the cause is 'They'
But I dont know WHY They cause me these feelings. Its not healthy. I dont know how to fix it. I dont know how to make it stop. I want it to stop. I tried to make it stop before – but my method of trying was very destructive and dangerous, and so I quitted that means.
Even so… but it was worse before, but why is it still happening? Didnt I just mention that it got better?
I feel like, there's no where else to turn, nothing else to do. I feel like this is the end of whatever today has to offer. I feel like there is nothing else I can see or hear or do … that has to do with the matter. I am not even in access with the CAUSE. I just have to HEAR about it, and think about it and IMAGINE how great of a time they must be having, with there being no existence of one such person as me.
I dont know how to fix iit-or approach the fixing. The idea that have in my head…that [should] help, I dont have the resources to carry it out. I think I need help
Rani, correct me if Im wrong – your avatar is from Ajaa Nachle right?
Whats the other way?
Screaming your head off?
I love you a million babe
Hope you're doing alright
Now, shall I tuck you in? *hug*
It seems like you need alottt of rest
Dont deprive yourself of it
*tucks tayaba in*
*gets ready to sing a good-night song*
*hugs Tayaba REALLY tight* – and wont let go –
How are you keeping up hun?
Ninja, I so agree with you, sadly *cries*
But, I think the thing to save us … is trying our best -and- acknowledging that we are doing so
So, how long does Ramadan last for?
You're weird
But atleast you're talking the truth…you know, referring to yourself as a hellish creature … when you're the last person left here [whenever that'll be]
Dearest Tayaba, Im sorry to hear such news
Sadly, there isnt much we can do to change the situation
Find comfort in believing that your grandmother is in a better place now, free of all bad things possible …
May the Lord be compassionate and merciful to her
And I extend my sympathy to you and your family in this time of grief
Love you, and Im here for you if you need me
Ramadan Mubarak
Rani, Thanks for the info
Classes started a few days ago ..
Its so ughhhhh … I dont know!
lmao, your girls are funny
But..no cat fights with that name calling!
Ninja, how was yr trip? Missed you my darling ..
Senor, finally you've dug through that cave you were trapped in?! How be thee?
Happy Ramadan to you guys.
When did it start?
Whats Shaytaan?
Ninja, you're back!!!!!!!!!
*hugggggg* Missed you!
Yay! So Ninja will be back pretty soon
Hope she had a good time on that trip
I miss her! Its good to hear that she'll be back soon
I feel good
Im glad that my friend likes the chocolates that I bought her for her birthday!