Heyyy look who's here!!!!!
Mara! How is going over there mahh sista from anotha mista?! lol
Yeah, this lil Baqz made the thread already, but its cool to see you here! After like such a long time!
So, how are you?! Did you get married yet
Yes, great movie!
Sometimes, things suck. Like a beyotch.
I hope you feel better about the situation soon.
I'd surely love to see how Rani finds it even funnier chasing after you with a belan
and all your tricks escaping from under your sleeve
*Free show!*
I wonder if Rani would find that as funny as you are finding it lol
I feel so unlike myself
I think all the beliefs represent the same thing. We can believe in whichever God we chose, they're all the same.
We just need to accept everyone and their beliefs
Then we can finally live in peace
Im just sitting here, sipping away on my favorite … Green Tea, watching something on TV … that I dont quite care about, but it seems to be going good so far.
Spring semester finished about 2 weeks ago. I have like 3 months off from school. And i dont know what Im gonna do yet
But right now, Im soo chillaxinn'
Hope so too.
Hope life's treating the person above me well 🙂
Ugggggh I will kill this forum! I had to sign in like 5 times to post here.
Rani, when I click the 'More' button, nothing happens. :
I miss the old forum too.
Everything about it.
More forum users use to come back then.
We were all more into it
I'm glad you're feeling better jaana.
I don't know how Ninja is, really. Sorry.
No, I think you're right. We do have to see the good in every ending. Because everything happens for a reason. So things end for a reason. We may not know the reasons for them right away, but eventually we will.
Patience is virtue.
Thanks Kavita.
Hey Rani, its okay … I guess we have to make ourselves feel okay no matter what … like those words Shakespeare used … maybe we just have to accept our situation, see ourselves as well and try with that.
You're right. Everything does happen for a reason. And many times, we are blinded to the reason. But there's a reason, even if we dont know it.
How have you been these days my darling? And how come you dont know how Ninja is *stares* I know the two of you are close as butter and bread! I hope things are okay with her though.
Sorry, I just wanted to see if the smileys were working.
But now I cant delete the above post.
Where's the erase/delete your post button ?
Nosi, good to see you back here hun. How have you been?!
Boo, how are you deary?
Ugh, everytime I want to post something, I have to sign in! And on top of that, quoting stuff isnt working!
Im sorry Im having some problems with the edited BWL
Di, LET it out. And DONT be afraid to do so. Let it out.
Scream. Yell. Run. Breathe fast. Jump. Write. Read. Watch.
Do whatever you must, to let it out.
It may not solve the problem, but it will bring you some relief.
And think about it, with relief, arent we a little bit better equipped to deal with/take care of
the problem?
Im here for you.
I know you've posted this a while back. But, I dont know if things are still this way.
Sending you some courage, some strength to get you through this.
Di, LET it out. And DONT be afraid to do so. Let it out.
Scream. Yell. Run. Breathe fast. Jump. Write. Read. Watch.
Do whatever you must, to let it out.
It may not solve the problem, but it will bring you some relief.
And think about it, with relief, arent we a little bit better equipped to deal with/take care of
the problem?
Im here for you.
I know you've posted this a while back. But, I dont know if things are still this way.
Sending you some courage, some strength to get you through this.
Hey Rani, thanks hun. Im okay now. How have you been?! How's Ninja?
As for the Shakespeare business that you brought up, what a good question.
I guess we have to see the glass as half full and see the wellness in all endings.
But sometimes that may be hard to do
Shakespeare, you know I love you! But exactly what happens if all things dont end well?