I think its time that I bring you to jail with me
Or worse, ship you off to an asylum!
Aww, is that how you show people that you care?
Lol, Nitz and his bright yellow … sure knows how to irritate the crap out of people!!
Hey lookeeyyy, Oreo Schmoreo is all over the forum! Good to see ya back dude
Not to sound soppy or anything
sorry to dissapoint u 0026 but if its a cliff that u r seeking, i will gladly lead you to one Awww, you'd do that for me????!!! you maddd nicee
i've been better, bad, terrible, and all other emotions that u could possibly think of. Geeeshhh, how come? all those creatures on the other side of the cliff arent treating you right?
and hw hv u been? if good then its my duty to make it worse
Wow, he actually asks! i've underestimated your power sir! i've been fine i've been fine.. Dont bet on making me feel worse buddy, of all the things that can make me feel worse, you're definitely not one of them! and ehmm, dont take that as a compliment!
I miss him. A lot.
Boo >
The complexity of my situation is that I'm like Kajol in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai… even if the perfect guy does come along, I'll just keep thinking, “But… he's not him… he's not my God…“… sigh. Ae dil, chalega, ab na koi bahana…
But hun, dont you find it unrealistic for you to find the 'perfect guy' as being so imperfect ? And Im calling him the 'perfect guy' because you referred to him as that. Dont you think you are setting yourself up to never be happy? If he's described by you as being perfect, yet he's not perfect to you ….. then what?
I hope you're not unconsciously setting yourself up to be unhappy. Of course you dont want to be unhappy. No one does. At least, I think so.
Like Kajol-Anjali in KKHH, you are beautiful, you are wonderous, you are kind, you fought through many things, and they made you stronger. Even if you find a guy, and that guy isnt 'him', one day that special guy, that special one, that special Rahul will come along and sweep you off of your feet. Its better he is a bit late than he never shows him right? ~~Hugs~~~
I miss him. A lot.
Boo >
The complexity of my situation is that I'm like Kajol in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai… even if the perfect guy does come along, I'll just keep thinking, “But… he's not him… he's not my God…“… sigh. Ae dil, chalega, ab na koi bahana…
But hun, dont you find it unrealistic for you to find the 'perfect guy' as being so imperfect ? And Im calling him the 'perfect guy' because you referred to him as that. Dont you think you are setting yourself up to never be happy? If he's described by you as being perfect, yet he's not perfect to you ….. then what?
I hope you're not unconsciously setting yourself up to be unhappy. Of course you dont want to be unhappy. No one does. At least, I think so.
Like Kajol-Anjali in KKHH, you are beautiful, you are wonderous, you are kind, you fought through many things, and they made you stronger. Even if you find a guy, and that guy isnt 'him', one day that special guy, that special one, that special Rahul will come along and sweep you off of your feet. Its better he is a bit late than he never shows him right? ~~Hugs~~~
cheer up gals. the worst is yet to come!
oooooo-ooooooh Im soooo scaredddd-dddd-dddd-dddd *shivering*
Well look who's back! Oreo Schmoreo Just when I thought you made it over that cliff !
hehe How have you been?!
Kavita – You're so sweet, mashaAllah.
lol emmmm oo-ookay
And, i'm not a guy, but if you say, i can borrow my twin bro's clothes (he's going to be in Afghanistan for a while anyway!) and hold your hand pretending to be your Raj until the real thing comes along?
Awww, how sweet of you Rani lol
And Boo you can be Simran
Yeah… we do have to make ourselves feel better. We did say that, na? And i'm trying. but I never was any good at doing things by myself. I know you would have taken my pain away if you could have, I know it. Thank you. For everything.
What about you, sweetheart? Here you are going around showering everyone in need with hugs and love and strength… but what about you? I may be broken beyond repair right now, but I like to think I'm strong enough to help you in some way, even if it's just to listen as well. If there is anything I can do for you, I'm here.
Rani, you dont have to say thanks. Doing things ourselves can be real hard. I know that for sure. If you know anyone with some good advice on motivation and strength on doing that, let them give me a call! I guess we have to try … our best?
What about me? Emmm…. Its okay. I like to shower others with hugs and love and strength I do appreciate your selfless thoughts of wanting to help in any way. So kind of you! Well, you are a kind person
. Anyway, not to worry about me right now. Im okay. At least, I make myself see that I am.
So, how's everything? Hows your summer so far?
And, i'm not a guy, but if you say, i can borrow my twin bro's clothes (he's going to be in Afghanistan for a while anyway!) and hold your hand pretending to be your Raj until the real thing comes along?
Awww, how sweet of you Rani lol
And Boo can be Simran
I miss her too.
I am feeling so confused and messed up and crazy…………… but happy that it's SOMETHING to feel, as opposed to nothing…
Hey hun, I dont want to sound like a broken record or anything, but I know life can be a total beeyottch at times. But try your best to live above all the badness. As Im writing this, Im saying to myself, 'you give advice, but dont take it yourself!'. That shouldnt stop me from giving advice, however.
I know how its like to feel NOTHING. And I know how it can feel good to actually feel something, even if that something is kinda bad. At least you're finding some pro about feeling what you feel. And if this has to get you through it, continue to see things on the brighter side. Chin up. I hope you do feel better about things. ~~Hugs~~~
How bout a chuckle?
I'm not going to give up. These m*f*ers can go to he.ll. URGH.
Thats the spirit! Be strong. Even if you have to curse them a million times in your mind! Hug.
I just wish I had someone to see me through this… a guy, someone who'll hold my hand but oh well… if sailing solo is what I'm given by life, then sailing solo it will be!
One day he'll come along. And you'll probably look back and say, 'that wait was so freaking worth it!'. Its best to find some scum bag right now than to wait a little while, and find a good guy.
Hey, quoting is working today!
But argh, BWL wont let me edit my posts, else I'd add this up there.
How bout a chuckle?
I am so miserable.
I have to say this.
I cried so much that my heart literally hurt. I couldn't breathe properly. My eyes stung with the tears. I couldn't stop. the tears kept coming in painful sobs that shook me completely. I finally had to stop. I had spent too much time in the bathroom, 30 minutes crying, and I was afraid someone was going to wake up and knock on the door. It was hard to stop, the tears weren't enough, I had more locked inside me, but I forced myself to stop. Good thing too, cuz my sister woke up to use the bathroom and I had to go the opposite way so she wouldn't see my puffy and red eyes. Then I ran back to the room in the silence and covered the evidence in the darkness of the night.
I woke up to find that my eyes were still red and puffy. And they still sting.
It hurts.
My baby, that was a terrible night for you, that is certain…Im so sorry you had to go through all that pain. Remember what we said Shakespeare's quote probably means? We have to make ourselves feel better. I know life is a total byotch sometimes. I know. I know. I know. Trust me. I so know. If I could have taken away some of your pain that night, I so would have. Im no magician to solve problems or move mountains, but I will listen to you if you ever ever need to talk about anything, and I repeat, anything.
Im sending you some hugs to take you through all these emotions … wherever they stemmed from. I know you are a girl of strong faith. May the good Lord see you through rough times.
k i gats to do this the ghetto way
Boo> Though I think the forum came about in 2003… right? I still remember Nitz Serio and Madhu as being the first three to join… and Nitz and Oreo call US faltoo… hahahahaha!
Was it really 2003? I totally remember those faltoo days!!! Lmao!! I wonder where Oreo is right now… he prolly finally made it over that cliff lolz; and I wonder where Nitzz is, I remember how he used to color his posts in bright yellow, so that we'd be irritated that we'd have to highlight everytime to read his posts.
I wonder where Hydroprincess is? I remember her, how she used to talk alot about homemade beauty
Sighs, the 'old forum'
Marine>Yeah I got married last year and had 5 kids they are all twins. I died at childbirth but its all good lol
Arrf? Lolz. Very funny. You better stop jinxing yourself! lol. Hows liiifeee ?
Ughhh!! Why cant I quote!!! UGH!
Okay, I just noticed your avatar! Im guessing Hrithik must be your favorite hm?!
Hey Mandy, Welcome to the Forum! Congratulations on having a baby!! May he bring joy to you and your husband! Enjoy your time at the forum!
Hola Johselyn, Como estas?! Welcome welcome to the forum! Its cool to have a Spanish person in BWL Of course, everyone is welcomed! Im guessing you dont live in Peru right? Yup, indian movies can be the best sometimes. Who are your favorite actors/actresses? Haha, yup, alot of people love Sonu Nigam's voice because its so smooth and comforting!! Well, enjoy it at the forum!!! Welcome to our little BWL family