so did you find any with subtitles..?
Hello to All ; It does not feel good at all to hear that a member of ‘our little family’ as marine called leaving us. Rani i readt hat post and it almost made me feel really upset because of the way you were explaning what bollywoodlyrics forum has done for you and i realized it has done that for many. but you actually explained it and then you said you have to leave
I dont know what is going on but you told us it is not because of any depression at least that is the good thing in it but whatever happens and were ever the current events are taking you be happy! and we will be awaiting your posts
omg’re such a sweetheart!
hi behen yes missed you and missing rose , i wish she would have just come on here just to say hi even one time in a week you know? but i hope she is doing okay ;;;;;;;;;;;;; oh nooooo that means i cant understand it but i guess if i watch it i can try to follow along? if you find one with subtitle pleaseeeeeeeeeee post the site here okay please!!
what does shayari mean
Hi Marine!! glad to see you are back here heard your computer was down i was kind of away too for a lil while and im still busy here with some classwork to complete ; okay i’ve been missing you alot when i come on here i dont see rose or you i guess rose is still busy with those studying – actually i thought you were away bc you were going to vegas or to bhangra party haha i guess maybe she is in a different place
Omg you got fanaa!! YAY!! i am so gonna download it i wanna watch it ! yay! but one q – does it have english subtitles because i dont understand hindi!
Hi Marine – i came back here to this thread – i want to see paheli too, like rose , i opened and it says it is downloading it will take over 1 hour though – what i want to know is if it has subtitles or not – because I dont understand the language so if it does not then I wont download it right now.
i did see those chinese people dancing that song – they actually did a pretty good job – buti never see chinese people do indian dance! btw – that site where it is from – – its really cool – i watch all my song videos there now , thanks!
yeah i am not gonna go out an buy movies if you can give me links for free – thanks so much – hi rose, darling how are you doing hope youa re doing okay with that tutor, i am little busy areound here too but hope sometime later on we’ll see you on here
Hey Nosyira – I believe you are new here – Welcome!
Did not visit the forum in a while now I am just seeing your thread
Come on guys – I am sure all of you have so many q’s to ask yourselves!
Okay – maybe you shouldnt take my answer seriously because I did not have experience with concerning your question but lets see ; my answer would be that ; He seems changed – even though if he is not telling you or showing you his change concretely – you can pick it out! Compare and contrast the times of present and times of past and the difference would be visible. That could be indirect. Also, maybe he would seem a little more insensitive or indifferent towards you? mayb ehe would spend time away from you? not call you as often anymore? past his time doing other stuff with other people? [ouch ] Directly? – um..he would tell you?
WHat do you think though? I mean how would you a nswer your q?
Hey Khushi! How are you doing there.. gosh i know how it feels sometime when i come and there is no one here oh and what do you and you and your lonliness talk about
‘Jal Jal Ke Dhuan ‘
Rani- Never heard tht song before- listened to it and am now addicted to it! lolz, altho its a VERY sensual song, the tune just wont leave me! u kno wot we should share songs like this- as in have a thread with like songs recommended- which are not heard that much, like this one but its a lovely song
khushi this song is from masti and vivek oberoi and lara dutta is in it ( i think thast her name) yeh heeheh the tune cudlnt leave me at first either heheh and that movie was mad funny
Hey!! you know i never clicked this thread open iml ike no no no! resist it until ur finals r over am gonna watchthe movies after my finals way gots to go study! tc!!!
hi walu – what is cannes? was that an event or something? and what did she wear at cannes?
hahah rose well – i never really know about such bad pictures either – and trust me i dont care about them – but its just things i hear indian people be talking. and they said they saw it. so i dont know
and abotu rani and govida i never before heard of that..and plus govinda is married..why wud he go with rani
last person i talked to was sister lol she was waking me up out of bed and i was still sleepin but i did reply hahaha
what does the color GREEN remind you of
hey when you log in – you look at the top right hand corner it has ur id, click on ur id – then click on the tab that says avatar. then click browse and put any pic u like. then click up date. after it finishes , click save changes
OHYEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it DOES say love story! HAHAHAHAH okay that ‘s funny maybe i need glasses hehehee
ohwow..thats weird..fell in love with him the day she betrayed him..geesh!
i cant wait for it to come out too! on man… she says she wont go back again? unless the script tempt her?!! well someone better bring up a darn tempting script!! bc we wanna see more of her in bolly wood again she’s a superb actress and amir is SO good too!!!!!!!!! yeahi love chanda chamka and i love DES RANGLIA
heheh oh it says that in ur sig pic gangstar right.. oh waht does it say under that/.? look sike it says love poppy hahaha thats not what it says but im lauhing it looks like that must be somethin gin hindi it says
i dont know them either bc i havent watched any movie with them but i did see some pics of celina online that is how i guessed those pics that u posted there look like celina
wow walu u seem to like the movie in ur sig pic alot..i think its gangster or something like that?