okay im not really into the world cup stuff and all but lol im rooting for everyone..
hehe but i see you girls dont only watch it to see who’s gonna win huh..tsk tsk tsk
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Hey hydro..yes..definitely talking it out and attempting to resolve everything will definnitely help if you cant say everything boldly just hint stuff until you get your way to actually say what you want to say..or ask what you want to ask
Shakalaka Baby:
If you were a hamburger at Mc Donalds I’d call you Mc Beauty…
hahahhahaaaaaaa hehehehe geesh shakz..that was a nice one…
shakz….shahrukh khan said love is friendship in kuch kuch hota hai when they were in class and the teacher asked him what love is he said pyaar dosti hai ..hehehehe ..then kajol looks up with that confused look in her eyes and stuff..is it all coming back!!
*wonders if seriocomic is spying on the forum again……*
aww… yeah..i hear you.. you must be really miss your other half huh
what do you know about me or my peers ? so before you start running your mouth , i suggest you get some facts straight firstyou asked a stupid question, expect a ‘stupid answer’ you stupid person
so kind of you to answer the stupid question from a stupid person – well we see you’re good at what you do best eh
and by the way..i asked which game the world cup thing was about NOT WHAT FOOTBALL IS..i know what football is..duh
Heyyy what is this..football?its a game with a ball…that you kick around with your foot….hence the name “football”
hey nitz thanks for that very thorough explanations… good to see you talking the way you talk with your peers
Heyyy what is this..football?
Nosyira, Hi, Okay. You are right, you are really the only one who have the most information , clues, signs, etc, to answer your own question. But the thing is you have to measure what you know. And its good too to come here and tell us, or ask in this sense, so you can get it off your chest and also, get some other opinions. First of all, measure out how well you know the guy. If you know him really well, and you know that you can trust him, then it would probably be easier to over look some of the small negative things that are happening. If you dont really know him that well, and know you cant really trust him, then the doubts that you have between what he is saying and what he is actually doing, you should look into it , and confront him, or maybe HINT to him that you need to KNOW and that you know that he is acting different. You know many of us cant go up to people and just say stuff; So we HINT. Many do it in joking form. Many just do it seriosly but hinting. As for the Signs – you have to weigh these signs out. Gather all the signs in your head. Then make a mental balance – and the signs you think are big*** or mean something big*** , put it on one side ; the signs that you are not even sure of if its suppose to be giving you solutions and is small in meaning – put iton the other side of the balance – this will tell you if to believe your signs! In other words, I am thinking as signs, you mean stuff that are assumed between the two of you and they arent just said boldly? Take for instance if he hears that you are gonna start talking with a friend of yours who is a guy who just got in contact with you , and the guy sort of gets angry at it or upset, then you can put that as a sign under the ‘lot of importance’ side. I dont know if this makes sense but maybe it would help you if you decide to atleast think about the whole ‘measuring’ out thing.
Hahaha boo.. well first ..i think you are right, because for us to really give the greatest advice ( well that is if we have any ) it would had been best if we knew Nosyira’s feelings , the guy and the relationship between them.. well we dont..but thats okay cos we arent nosy!!
but from what nosyira is saying , we can still give our opinions and advice, even if its in the “it depends” answer
yep someone told me amir was a terrorist and i saw a clip and kajol was blind yeah it looks good
yes boo it is the best medicine..thanks TO YOU! for making us laugh hahahhaa
asma how are you coming around with those class work
Hey hehehe yep boo and khushi made me crack up.. oh wait..hydro.. boo said the get lost part , i was just repeating it and laughing bc it made me laugh hahah
hehehehhee well if boo ever put this is kajol lloking for srk – well gauri would go running after kajol !
hahhaa..yes ab out the q … we dont really have experience, or am i speaking for myself, anyway, you’d just know bc you would feel an underlying build up of tension that never leaves and he would act different to you i suppose
Hydro ===> For your Question ===> Cramming does help. Its really stressful because you have to CRAM and stick a wholebunch of stuff in your head. BUt I think why it helps is because WE KNOW WE HAVE TO DO IT , and so we PUSH ourselves to the greatest of our extent. But if we did less of this, on daily basis, it would be LESS stressful with same results. ==> my opinions
lol yeah i was just trying to ask you if its good or not if you can tell me without telling me the ending of the movie or telling me what it is about bc i wanna see it for myself hehe
Hello allll… ohhh i didnt know she was an old member boo ; by the way boo your advice was good
Hahahahhahahaa you guys are cracking me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hhahhahaaa boo gosh you’re also one of the girls who want srk to marry them huh…ehehehehehheee emmm i agree with khushi lol gauri would probably go crazy at the though of that!
Hehehehehe your ad was……… hmm how should i say it..creative but what are the odds of that huh..must look like srk!! lol me and some others in another thread i cant remember were talking how we gotta have someone who look just like srk lol..you hit it on the head lol..must look like srk , else get lost..lol you’re funny hehehehhehee
yup khushi i see you got the decent language all written down..even if we’re initialling words
ohhh nooooooooooo i wont understand..but maybei could still try download it..what is the quality like..good? oh and..from what walu told you…do u think the movie is a good one?! dont tell me about it and the ending heheeh img onna watch it
Awww rani………………. maybe rani mukerjee will come across this website sometime and see how huge of a fan she has here
hey guys..whats the movie..? and what is it about
aww that sounds like an interesting movie walu!!!!!!!!!
rose when ar eyou gonna come back even to tell us hello i miss you you know