hey yeah…nosirya’s advice and marine’s!!! lol that smile really does cheer you up ut i wish it would continue after a few seconds and marine..hmmmmmm yeahmaybe i’ll imagine myself bieng rani mukherjee she’s so cool
Hey haha..well yup encouragine definitely helps… if the person really means it when they say com one you can do it! and believe in you – then they give you al ittle confidence boosting huh…….. hahah the prize part is kinda true but not everythign we do have a prize at the end…or actually the prize is gonna take forever lol…like getting adegree sighs its taking forever!! okay if you guys have any other andwers to this q..feel free to answer okay but i just wanna ask another questiong, asma i think you’ll know about this already :
Okay im sorry to interrupt any topics here especially if they are nice hapy topics… I just wanted to ask something
You guys know of those pple who eat and then vomit ….? Do you guys really think that it makes you look skinnier? Sorry I’ve been worried about my weight and all lately… dont worry Im not gonna do that i think thats ew…. i mean..but iwas justw ondering if you guys knew anything about it? and by the way…doesnt it hurt to make yourself vomit..? ack
Hey everyone! Okay im sorry to interrupt any topics here especially if they are nice hapy topics… I just wanted to ask something…… at random I suppose….
You guys know of those pple who eat and then vomit ….? Do you guys really think that it makes you look skinnier? Sorry I’ve been worried about my weight and all lately… dont worry Im not gonna do that i think thats ew…. i mean..but iwas justw ondering if you guys knew anything about it? and by the way…doesnt it hurt to make yourself vomit..? ack
hey all…
hey nosiyra yep i’ve been busy with classes..but ach..i am finding some time to visit the forum right
you got some nice quotes going on there!
haha marine your last post made me laugh … well yeah those who dont feel anything but they go ‘i love you and i will die without you’ are TOTAL liars and idiots and they’re gonna get sinned for doing that to other people who believe them 100%. i guess its up to the victims to really figure out if someone is saying lie or the truth…………. and by the way..with all these doubts about love and stuff…. how are you doing these days……………..?
nosyira..what you wrote was really interesting..wow i’ve never heard
of ‘fake it till you make it’ butit made sense and stuff!is that scientific
though? i mean how you said it it sounded really like from a text book or
something ; hey maybe thats why people when they feel that they’re not
pretty and stuff… other peopel tell them that THEY THEMSELVES have
to see themselves as being pretty before others can – i dont know
if im making sense lol
lol marine wow 95% of your shyness is alot gone!! thats a godo thing though
i wish i wasnt shy though maybe i’ll trty your advice lol
but i haven o idea how it would feel if i imagined myself as my favorite
actress in her shoes lol – hey thats soundslike a kewl idea lol but
i wonder how long the effects are gonna last..if there is any effect at all!
well in my case hehehee
Hey wow guys there are some good opinions im gonna
take soem of this advice for myself
booji – you made such a good point – i mean about the
“looking hot/sexy/pretty/good/whatever-other-adjective-to-describe-a-female-here
is a prequisite for self-esteem” ; in a way it means that the less pretty you
are the lower your self esteem huh. well that makes sense , i know that for sure
bc i’ve had low self esteem bc of the way i look and it does make you more shy
i mean in the sense that you’d want to stay away socializing and stuff..
and socializing is the thing that can help to fade your shyness
So i agree with you all who said have self confidence , it helps
but i also agree with booji’s really good point
come one you guys Mohabbat Ishq Pyar we are the ones that make up all this thinks that we belive I mean yah if its meant to be then it will be but really do you guys think that a person can love more then one or two people people have boyfriends and they say they love them but it that really love is it true no one can ever answer the question when it comes to love.
Well maby its just me But i’m loosing faith in love and all I belive whats meant to happened to will happened everythng eles you make it in your mind love heart broken and all that thinks
Hey all of you guys!!! these quotes are soooooooo sweet!!! awwwwwwww! hope all of you are doign okay..i’ve been busy recently with classes and all…
well you are all saying these nice love quotes… okay who’s in love? joking…
marine..just to reply to your ideas – you are right you know, yes we do make up these ‘definitions’ of love or these ‘meanings’ of love, i guess love in real life, it cant even be expressed in words what it really is. you just have to feel it. wait… i think we can all answer that question when it comes to love – the question taht you asked about – if someone can love more than one person, and have more than 1 boyfriend and say i love you to ALL of them… then behen do you really think thats love? even for someone who havent experienced love, im sure their ideal love isnt the one who’ll have them and others at the same time! if you’re in love with someone, i dont think that you can be in love with another person, then its not love..or maybe the person is really confused lol
Hey all of you guys!!
hey all.. omg… unique princes..you started salsa class?!! really wowowowow that sounds so cool lol tell us how it goes , i always wondered if salsa was kinda hard or is it as super fun as it looks hehehehe
hey raniji you are here ! oooh i love your sig pic!!! its so…..awwwwwwwwwwww!! its sweet!!!!!!!
Come on!!! Someone has to know the answerrrrrrrrrr
I really dont know it bc I need motivation my self……………………………………
Hey hydro , how are you? wow you dance with friends at bdays i mean..for alot of pple to see!!! wow that would be scary to me , well i dont know how to dance period lol. yes i love that video it was totally amazing i don tknow how they did that :
okay here goes : now this is not an amazing video its a hilarious one : of these 2 indian people who look like they were doing a play or something but it’ll make you laugh alot, well it sure made me did cos its like stupid haha
okay oreo and nitz… thats weird… i still dont get it though maybe the two of you can give us an example using yourselves as samples
hydro that is a good idea, but the other person you’re with cant be too shy either or else neither of you would want to go up to a person and talk much , but the company makes you feel more at ease
hey hydro, nice thread ,
oh i saw this video before , i shared it with marine too
its really REALLY AWESOME!!! i was shocked when i finished seeing it its ilke they all did it really perfectly and as a group they worked so well!!!!!!!!!!
i wish i could someday dance like that..YEAH RIGHT! thats not gonna happen..but they’re really good!!
hey guys..nice quotes!!!!
raniji!!! i love your signiture pic its so beautiful!!!!!
you’re welcome anytime ! well i guess its a cool idea to go with the flow but make sure you know what you’re doing i mean just dont go with the flow because of not making an effort to think things through but in times like these , well going with the flow is just the best way to handle situations!!!!!
oh well next question..okay i dont ahve an answer to this bc i need to hear answers too!!!! good question i need answers for this one
hey… rani aww you are back !!! yay
but hey um… whats cow skin… i thought oreo just made it up and its nothing..but its something? haha i dont know..
you all gave gr8 advice and i agree with nosiyra that a smile can start alot
im gonna use this advice for myself too
okay first..oreo..how is a cowskin supposed to help someone over come shyness..
anyway… okay im not the right person to take advice from because i too am on the shy side but something i really seem to notice from things i see is that i think the first step to this all is to lift your confidence level higher , and by that i mean, the confidence within yourself about yourself and after that you will just become a bit more brave to actually ahve the courage to go up and speak to someone … that is a starting though, to actually go up to someone and ask anything..even if its..what time is it or anything like that
yes kavita..those quotes are meant specially for you!
geesh… very interesting how you posting stuff about me in the love quotes thread haha
hey guys..nice quotes..no shakz..i managed not to have a belly ache from your burger quote hehe
by the way …oreo’s back i see … nice to see you posting stuff in this LOVEly thread … hope you’re expressing yourself
hey hehe..yeah
shakz you’re still making me laugh with that burger quote lol
yeah i nkow right… i never really believe that i mean everyone has faults but i heard some people saying it and i actually thought of it and its really true i mean… with faults even the biggest one some people love others and they see those people with faults as being the most beautiful