hey..yup./thanks alot!
ooooooooooooooooooooooooo for real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i didnt know that!
yeah where IS NITZ?! i thought he was with you
Tayaba – first of all i muist thank you for taking all that time and energy just to help me out and – there is no way in nothing you said offended me – thank you s muchfor all your advice and motivation and well
i’ve decided not to do thatwhole vomiting thing bc 1 it feels like crap and 2 its bad for me and all that
about the lotsa food eating lol……. um well guess what..i startded a diet monday on you know..salads lots of water yeah definitely , i did go to that site it seems reallygood i saw soem good recipes on it too thanks alot
wow you do all those exercising wowwowowooww you must be soactive and i heard active makes you feel so good and energetic – even i want to become that!! wow aerobics and salsa thats lot of exercising! i hope you are feeling healthy and active and happy! god actually for couple of reasons i cant join any exercising classes right now but i will try to exercise at home definitely and with this diet ..oh and what are pilates? you mentioned that but i didnt know what they were? … well the thing is im like 132lbs and im short so its like all that weight into little space thats not good at all i really need to tone my whole body and get my tummy down …………………………. well i will try with this diet n exercising!! hope it’ll help and everyone is right…weight loss is gradual!! so i will give it a couple months…
thanks so much for everything
Hey marine
I dont know but im sure some other people here
should know
hey guys…im not trying to say anything but
im the total opposite of everythign these predicted stuffies are saying
Hi Queen , I believe when I was in this forum, you had left already –
so Hi – nice to meet you! And glad that you’re back so all those who knew you could be round you more!! and those who didnt..well we’ve gotta chance to meet ya
and what is this with nitzah and you hahaha .. nitzah and oreo…ah..just dont see them around here anymore
Hey sheerena thanks alot for the upper words
you guys have no idea how you all helped me when i was gonna think about doing all that stuff
the only thing now is to put my mind to it — work out and diet
i know i wish if i get stressed then i dont eat then that would be a good thing but when i get stressed i eat like so much!!
anyway marine behen do it with me plz!!!
ok and i will try exercise and try diet
thanks guys
Hey MARINE whats up Thanks alot for saying that you will do this diet and stuff with me you are so nice i will let you be my motivation but i can never lose 1 pound in a day it isjust impossible for me
listen some weird stuff was happening this past week and it caused me to eat so much so i gained weight so i know i cant do that vomiting crap so i have to do something
so what do we do..just eat fruits and veges? can u write me a list of 1 day what you eat and the time?
okay thank you soooooo much behen
i need this..i mean the motivation and help and all esp now! my tumms getting bigger n i neeed it to go down!
wel that research was all about the concern for me and helping me sighs..thanks guys
thanks alot
well nah i wont do it but i have to find a next way to get skinnier bc im gaining esp this past week i’ve been eating like so much COZ of a whole bunch of stuff goin on right now when i m worried i eat haha that stinks ne way love ya’ll
see i prob would but it feels like crap it feels really bad i never actualy got to throw up bc i couldnt make myself do it ewwwwwwwwwww
hey wow this sounds scary
i’ve also asked this q in the say somethign random thread and well
i’ve decided i cant do bc trying to vomit makes my insides feel really upset if i could stand the feeling i woudl have done it but i cant
hey all…hey heera wow im happy for you congratulations!!
hey marine..behen thanks alot …….. its just that…… i dont know why i lately became obsessed with my weight and everytime i eat i feel terribly bad a bout eating and stuff but i hve to eat coz i get hungry and stuff lol ……. okay thank you so much for telling me about the diet green tea thing i am really going to look for it … this vomiting thing …. i trie dit i’ll be honest but whatever i do i never vomit bc i never let the feeling last long enough bc it feels nasty and so i never do it long enough so that it can make me vomit … but i have to find another way ~~~~~~~~ i will defniitely lok for the green tea..okay truth is im totally broke right now but i seriously have to get it
ooooooooh marine i like that video!!! hahaha
hey shereena…once again no dont be sorry that you said anything that was offensive because nothing ‘s offensive what you guys say to me on this topic bc i asked for opinions and stuff like that so its totally understandable what any of you have to say…….
wow..that is alot of bad things that happens as a result of bulimia and stuff but … i dont know .. you’r eright, every girl or most girls feel that their overweight or their not pretty enough or something like that..well atleast one time in their life … the thing is even if i try to make myself vomit it makes me feel totally freaked out and it feels horrible and for that reason i dont think im gonna do it anymore , i was such a stupid person , i just wish if it wasnt that hard to do you know? but you konw what thanks to you and everyone else who made it seem really bad bc that put me off of it too
Hi Heera, oh i knwo they have many programs that talk about these people ; oh anorexic is actually very very dangerous – i mean if they starve themselves, of course they are going to get really really really weak and sick and stuff ; gosh why do you guys think that just because im gonna do it a few times that im gonna keep doing it…….. i dont want to keep doing it i just wanna start it and i’ll be happy and then try to maintain it maybe just a few more times and in the mean time u know i cud try more exercising and dieting and all that and i should get skinier faster bc i’ve been doing those stuff ( trying to diet and exercise some what ) and nothing is really happening..well not anything that i can see… aww im sorry to hear about when you were sick …. i know… throwing up feels bad ..well when i threw up when i waslike 15 it felt really bad but maybe bc i had a stomach virus or something like that and it hurt extra or something i dont know………………
well actually im a little more than curious but……. you know..i mean if i said i was gonna starve myself that sounds scary..if i said i would try maybe to induce vomiting maybe 1 time to see how it felt then maybe a little after that , i dont think its gonna be that bad cos its temporary ; and i also heard its okay to uselike laxatives – i know this may sounds eww but – yeah…… i mean if someone use that hahahha atleast they wouldnt have had to try to make themselve throw up ha
i hope i dont sound like an idiot to youguys right now thanks to you all for replying though and giving which ever advice came to mind ; i justwish i actualy knew the good method to do it ; but it really sucks ; anyway guys even if i try for like a few seconds , i probably would never keep on going -trying to induce – so i cud actually vomit, it feels nasty……… how do those pple get use to that feeling?!
Sheerena hey… well um… hm………. you made it sound really scary …well about the acid on your teeth and your esphagous and stuff … i think those happen when people over do it na? awww…thanks for telling me the whole thing about the big picture but its just…. okay the truth is yes i want to do it but not constantly or consistently … i mean i just wanted to try it maybe a few times and see what happens and in the mean time i’ll like make myself lose weight in natural ways like exercising and dieting and stuff… look i have been doing it for quite sometime now and i dont see much of a difference with myself…i dont need this to show off to society or anything i just want it you know – i mean to get skinnier – hey you’re not offensive here..none of you are, i asked a question and you are all nice and understanding to actually answer them and tell me the bad things about them and stuff…. well i studied about bulimia and anorexia and stuff in high school and saw them on tv and stuff…. but anorexia is the killer i think i mean those people starve themselves they dont eat anything and stuff so thats why they get sick an dstuff… but how bad exactly is bulimia..i mean its not like if im gonna be bulimic i just wanted to try it like vomit once and see how it feels and then maybe a few more times
hey marine……… yeah i am considereing it..okay i know i shouldnt be saying this here and stuff but if there is any people in the world who i would tell these things to it would be you guys ; okay i thought of it right and i tried to vomit like 1 week back and it didnt work so i just forgot about it ; then yesterday after i ate a small sandwich at college i couldnt help but trying it again – but it still didnt work – and plush pple were coming into the bathroom so i couldnt really go on trying so i said i’ll do it home , but i didnt. 1st of all even if i wanted to do it , i dont know how to do it, and if its one thing in this world that really makes me feel terrible , its vomiting, i alwaysgrew up with that thing that…… i hate vomiting bc it makes me feel really upset …. getting lightheaded and getting a black out even feels better than vomitint ( to me ) okay buti only vomited like 2 times lol when i had a stomach virus i know its gross… n i was like 15 so …yeah forget that!! okay why am i writing so much, i just guess i have so much to say and i hope youg uys wont get tired at all these stuff im writing – okay marine, for the last time i just want to do it a few times not alot of times i just need to know HOW to do it i know they say if you put your finger at the back of your throat then it’ll work but it didnt for me, but i think you have to eat like a whole lot of food for it to work or something like that? im sorry for your friend marine is she okay now? but what im trying to tell you is that she was real bulimic and im just gonna do it a few times! thats when i actually figure out how to do it………….
hey marine khushi asma nosyira everyone else!!
yeah marine… wow thats a nice description of what you think love is marine aww!!! wow khushi hmmmmmmmm you dont understand the concept of love? i mean alot of us dont know what it is because we have never been in it – but is that what you mean/ ? or do you mean that you sorta dont know what all the talk is about this ‘love’ thing… well those two questions i asked were quite similar haha but anyway…. i guess its for the future and its for experience……………………… then one day we’ll probably be quoting and answering these very questions that we’re asking today!!
Kavita, I see your concern with the idea of vomiting for weight loss- ne guarantee it works? (nope dont think so) and one lil thing id like to point out to people who do that- there are millions of babies/children in Africa at the moment who are dying of hunger and water, shame on you if you vomit food out just because u want to maintain ur figure. Dont mind me Kavita, I dont mean you- but i have come across people who eat in front of family but vomit later. Its wrong and sick.
Hi khushi, I understand where yo’ure coming from with all of this – well any guarantee..geesh i have no idea …aboutt he people in africa, sighs, maybe this is a good way to throw me off of the idea! [ha? ] but wait i didnt say if iwas going to do it…….. i m just asking…. okay… your family who eat and then vomit later..so you know people who do that? whoa..i know no body else i would have asked them stuff about it too
hey hey hey this is interesting but do you guys beliee these things are true? i mean so many pple here hjow can they summarize one thing for every person on a basis of birthdate ,etc etc
i checked my date out and it was the complete complete opposite of me
ah thatsokay though, its for fun ha, or maybe i am the odd one out
heyw hats uup everyone…
heymarine i cant try it bc i dont feell ike rani mukherjee
wait a minute before you try this you really dress us and get your drop dead look and all?
Hey okay yeah they ARE PLAYERS… no no no asma… they are not making the ‘love busniess an easy breezy thing’ bcause its NOT love in the first place!!!! oh and your comment about it eign a huge surprise if the other person who they r saying i love you … is also having an affair with someone else..thats not gonna be surprising..its gonna be a good thing bc atleast no onewill get hurt between the 2 of them bc both of them r lying n both of them r cheating n botho f them r not in love n they wont hurt ..um does this make sense? hehehe