Hey guys…well its the let your feeling out thread and everything…
I m just wondering something…….. if you guys ever like someone and they like you right
do you ever get upset/hurt when they go out with their friends or spend time with their friends?
and um..is it normal…to feel upset & mad to the extreme? .. or …not?
Love is turning every imperfect thing about a person
into perfection
yeah i know right
Hey Guys whats up?
awwwwwwwwwwwwww aliea…that is so true..
awwwwwwwwwwwww *teary* i l ove u guys tooooooooooooo
Okay Rani has become my fav actress
but Kajol and Shahrukh look best together kajol is such a natural n srk..well…he rocks
Oh Rani, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is really good
but its a classic book / story – if you know what i mean
but its great
let's see. firstly, I have to say, I think i'm going to love this thread.
I just finished reading a book called “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom. it was recommended by a friend of mine. It's an easy read but has a great moral to it. I recommend that u read it as well.
“The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger is also pretty good.
The catcher in the Rye is kind of weird but it sort of have this subtle thing to id
we had to read it in english class a while ago
Hey ooo nosiyra ..nice thread
i think im gonna get some ideas myself n stach em up for summe when i wont have much to do lol
ooooooo whats Jester aliea..? oooo sounds lovely lovely lovely – it's set in 1091? wow..
i love the song from salaam e ishq
oo im pretty sure ti sonu nigam not adnan sami (if thats who u mean?) i dont knoe even im lost at the moment!
BAQZ – geeeeeeez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
hahahhaa yeah he aint worth it lol
Hey guys
I'll have to follow religious practices when ever Im gonna get marrid ( yeah whenever that will be )
because i dont know…thats just how ti has to be …. i guess…n plus the elders in my family would
make sure that it occurs bc marriage starts and goes along with something that is sacred and respected
boo..yeah we cud do things OUR way but i guess for most pple – u do the religious steps and also if u want to add or d anything
ur way sure go ahead and do it its ur wedding
Hey what up guys….
hope all is well
whoa..aliea… thats interesting why did they do that??
Scar face:
How do I feel?? Seriously truly feel??
Cheated, used and absolutely freaking pissed off at someone I trusted, truly damn trusted
Whom I have found out to be a liar…an…..an…an…an
My choicest words which I will not Screeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaam out loud on a public forum…
How can one go on believing in another human this way..
Sweetheart wahts wrong? omg – WHO did WHAT to you?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg r u alright? im concerned now? awwww honey try to keep your head on
and dont get too upset bc if someone treated you in a nasty way – then always remember its not worth shedding your tears if the person did that to you
but omg…. tellm e..whats wrong?
Scar face:
How do I feel?? Seriously truly feel??
Cheated, used and absolutely freaking pissed off at someone I trusted, truly damn trusted
Whom I have found out to be a liar…an…..an…an…an
My choicest words which I will not Screeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaam out loud on a public forum…
How can one go on believing in another human this way..
Sweetheart wahts wrong? omg – WHO did WHAT to you?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg r u alright? im concerned now? awwww honey try to keep your head on
and dont get too upset bc if someone treated you in a nasty way – then always remember its not worth shedding your tears if the person did that to you
but omg…. tellm e..whats wrong?
quote user=”serioComic”
“Life!… It's a cybernetic psychedic explosion of garishly illuminated images, sounds, smells, and feelings! I am skewed, warped, distorted, twisted, altered in such a way as to defy description. I am discomboomulated to the maximum intensity of a technorave, industrial force. I'M ALIVE, DAMN YOU, AND MY HEAD IS TWEAKED TO THE Nth POWER! My mind is swirling and pulsing with wreckless, exuberant abandon! Pounding and surging in a vortex of sensory overload! Euphoric insanity!!”
“Sooooo….. how's life been treatin you?” “I LIKE IT!”
-quote seriocomic-
Oreo – what the heck?
where u copy n pasted that from coz i know u urself don understand all that urself lol
hey guyzzzz what up? heyyyyyyy aliea how r u honey? n hey every1 else!!! lol ya'll stay safe now
Hey GUys!!!!!!!!!!! Hey Everyone!! I haven't been here for months!!! But
I hope everyone is doing GREAT!!!
Good Luck on ur finals Rani – Dont worry , we all know you'll do Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s – Hey Yemenilicious!!!! Im kavita .. u dont know me bc i've not been here for months..
well i shouldnt talk maybe everyone else forgot me (?)
Hey GUys!!!!!!!!!!! Hey Everyone!! I haven't been here for months!!! But
I hope everyone is doing GREAT!!!
OH MY GOsh – Congrats to SHAKZ – you go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WIsh you a long, happy, prosperous life – filled with warmth and never ending love!!!!!!
oh mah god you have to listen to that song from Veer Zaara
when they were at the bus station i forgot the name of it
try Do Pal
omg guysssssssssss lolz sorry i was on the wrong pagee!!! n it had N so i put a movie name with O
oppzz sorry